TRPG General Chat

Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Sep 13 07:23
I seem to recall that the restricted access requires me validating each email address which tries to connect right? So I'm assuming that would mean I have know the email addresses of those who would be willing to review the file
Sep 12 17:19
Ah. Well that's a bit annoying. Would you have any suggestions to share a file and still control who gets access to it?
Sep 12 14:35
@Someone_Evil Thanks for the info! Would it be possible to send the file by DM to interested people? If possible, I would like to somewhat control who sees it.
Sep 12 13:57
Hello all! This is my first time trying out this chatroom. Could y’all tell me if I’m allowed to ask for help when it comes to reviewing a homebrewed setting book I wrote?