Shadow Wizard

 Thinking Out Loud

A room for discussion about anything!
yst 23:24
@OakBot what is this?
yst 23:24
Looks home made, yeah.
yst 23:24
yst 23:22
@user430580 oh wow. Your pee stash?? ;)
yst 23:17
yst 23:17
/remind @Pet good morning! You have a dot from Shadow! In 7 hours.
yst 23:14
@Amit likely context from previous threads with the AI.
yst 23:13
@Twineee character.AI?
yst 23:13
@Twineee :-P
yst 23:12
@user430580 nah, doubt it. In my case it was, ah, needed: one time in bus where we couldn't get off (army) and several times in watching tower, also couldn't get down until replacement arrived and didn't want to bother my comrades. But doubt many people actually get to such cases where they really can't go, and have a bottle ready. :-D
yst 19:33
@user430580 I'm no trucker and had my share of urine bottle(s). :D
yst 19:32
@PetəíŕdtheWizard well yeah
yst 19:31
Hope not our doing by ab using the convert so much...
yst 19:30
Are they borked together? ;)
yst 19:30
Any idea what happened to @Oak? And to @Amit?
yst 19:29
yst 19:29
@PetəíŕdtheWizard newspaper headline: "Man got arrested for public nudity following advice on a popular Q&A site".
yst 19:28
yst 13:07
yst 13:07
/convert give three tips how to overcome sadness due to lack in bananas.
yst 13:07
@PetəíŕdtheWizard U2FsdGVkX19uttqJWcf3hrt4wUVACjDtbmNFSP29Rm0=
yst 13:06
@PetəíŕdtheWizard nice!
yst 11:06
yst 11:06
/convert I cracked a diamond, and found a dragon inside. The dragon ate all my bugs, and now, as programmer, I have nothing to do. Please give three tips how to keep working without any bugs at all.
yst 11:03
yst 11:03
/convert in what year would I become moderator on Stack Overflow?
yst 10:56
#4 actually makes some sense.
yst 10:55
yst 10:55
/convert five possible meanings of acronym "fowl"
yst 10:54
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Flavor Of Wine Lime?
yst 10:54
yst 10:53
yst 10:53
yst 10:53
yst 10:53
@OakBot explain to @user430580 why it is so quiet here, with a nice fun song spanning three lines at least.

 Petəíŕd's Den

While wizards are lurking, tigers and pirates are on-top-topic...
yst 23:15
!tell Pet half baked dot sent! Enjoy!
yst 23:15
@user430580 honestly, no idea! @Pet coined it. ;)
yst 23:15
@Twineee void
yst 19:39
yst 19:38
!tell Pet dot is in the oven but would still take time.
yst 19:38
(don't try to copy ;))
yst 19:37
@user430580 my dot container is in my SE profiles. ;)
yst 19:36
@PetəíŕdtheWizard rofl
yst 19:35
@PetəíŕdtheWizard eww! Who will clean?!
yst 15:06
yst 15:06
yst 15:06
!blame C# for missing dot for @Pet
yst 12:27
Also: U2FsdGVkX1/eO39a9EDShz7560+1rbxHYKFF4/Gc2yso7LV5dKlWfl2I4yOdrr6bszluH1GhdUehWqCfjdoznQ== @Pet ;)
yst 12:23
@Pet fun fact related to what you said in Tavern:
yst 10:50