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yst 5:41 AM
@rabbitgrowth Tokeniser is a bit silly. 1. and .1 are both valid numbers, but are not allowed to be adjacent. number . number is syntactically correct but has not been given meaning, and so the interpreter eagerly tells you that it is a syntax error (it should really only domain error upon application).
Mon 9:33 AM
@Ven Yeah, we did some publicity and apparently couldn't handle the sudden traffic.
Fri 1:57 PM
New round of just started.
Oct 31 1:54 PM
@dzaima ↑↑↑
Oct 31 1:53 PM
@B.Wilson ↑↑
Oct 31 1:53 PM
@1234 ↑
Oct 31 1:53 PM
@RubenVerg Fixed in 20.0.
Oct 31 12:49 PM
@Silas Well, on the way out, we have to resolve the :Finally
Oct 31 11:32 AM
I suppose :Return should be prohibited inside :Finally
Oct 31 11:31 AM
I suppose we return 2 because :Return 2 just means r←2 ⋄ :GoTo ":Finally"
Oct 31 11:30 AM
∇ r←foo
  :Return 1
Oct 31 11:30 AM
Yes, besides for any cleanup. But what should happen here:
Oct 31 11:19 AM
I also want a :Finally, not just in :Trap but in every reasonable structure — and outside structures too.
Oct 31 11:12 AM
There's also :Return which I'd further want to extend to allow a value, so you can write :If cond :Return 42 instead of :If cond ⋄ returnVar←42 ⋄ :Return ⋄ :EndIf
Oct 31 11:12 AM
Also :If cond :Return and in general any control structure/key word immediate after :If cond and :While cond and :For vars :In[Each] and :Trap errnos with :Do expression being syntactic sugar for :If 1 ⋄ expression ⋄ :EndIf
Oct 31 11:09 AM
(maybe :Do instead of :Then?)
Oct 31 11:09 AM
In fact, I'd like to generalise it to :If cond :Then expression as syntactic sugar for :If cond ⋄ expression ⋄ :EndIf
Oct 31 11:07 AM
@drab It is on my plan (:Continue, btw) to allow :If cond :Leave and :If cond :Continue rather than APL+Win's :LeaveIf and :ContinueIf
Oct 29 11:42 AM
(also, those are both invalid)
Oct 29 11:41 AM
@RikedyP @RubenVerg 3 4(⎕IO:0).⌷⎕A ⍝ better, and actually in 20.0
Oct 28 10:24 AM
Oct 28 10:01 AM
Most ridiculous, I find which has the sole role of modifying the behaviour of system functions. What would a primitive do that‽ Use ⎕OPT!
Oct 28 9:56 AM
For now, it is unlikely to arrive any time soon, and I'm also more and more leaning towards wanting things that govern how things are executed to be system names rather than primitives. imo, & should have been ⎕TSPAWN.
Oct 28 9:14 AM
@RubenVerg Lazy evaluation of its operand.
Oct 28 8:38 AM
│  ⌺ │  ⌶ │  ⍫ │  ⍒ │  ⍋ │  ⌽ │  ⍉ │  ⊖ │  ⍟ │  ⍱ │  ⍲ │  ! │  ⌹ │Backspace│
│  ⋄ │  ¨ │  ¯ │  < │  ≤ │  = │  ≥ │  > │  ≠ │  ∨ │  ∧ │  × │  ÷ │         │
│Tab    │    │    │  ⍷ │    │  ⍨ │    │    │  ⍸ │  ⍥ │  ⍣ │  ⍞ │  ⍬ │  ⊣   │
│       │  ? │  ⍵ │  ∊ │  ⍴ │  ~ │  ↑ │  ↓ │  ⍳ │  ○ │  * │  ← │  → │  ⊢   │
Oct 28 8:36 AM
In contrast, the current layout is:
Oct 28 8:35 AM
│  ⌺ │  ⌶ │  ⍫ │  ⍒ │  ⍋ │  ⌽ │  ⍉ │  ⊖ │  ⍟ │  ⍱ │  ⍲ │  ⍠ │  ⌹ │Backspace│
│  ⋄ │  ¨ │  ¯ │  < │  ≤ │  = │  ≥ │  > │  ≠ │  ∨ │  ∧ │  × │  ÷ │         │
│Tab    │  ⍰ │    │  ⍷ │    │  ⍨ │    │    │  ⍸ │  ⍥ │  ⍣ │  ⍞ │  ⍬ │  ⊣   │
│       │  ? │  ⍵ │  ∊ │  ⍴ │  ~ │  ↑ │  ↓ │  ⍳ │  ○ │  * │  ← │  → │  ⊢   │
Oct 28 8:35 AM
@Richard Yes for F. We will probably defer other additions for now, but I'd expect before — but we might do a larger switcheroo at once. The current thinking is:
Oct 28 6:05 AM
The only APL glyph I do not type the APL way any more is ! which I type with Shift+1 instead of APL+Shift+KeyToTheRightOfZero
Oct 28 6:05 AM
And Shift+3,5,7 for <=>
Oct 28 6:04 AM
And ' when writing APL (but the normal quote key when writing other languages).
Oct 28 6:03 AM
yes, only
Oct 28 5:53 AM
If it ain't broken, don't fix it. I've been writing _ using f from before _ was available by other means on APL layouts.
Oct 28 5:52 AM
I don't think so, but people (me and others included!) might prefer using f.
Oct 27 10:04 PM
I think we care more about compatibility with all the existing f=_ keyboards (and users).
Oct 27 9:32 PM
@Richard f mirrors on j but is taken by the redundant _. F avoids removing _ and works as is a composition of _ with . Also "F" as in "beFore".
Oct 27 9:11 PM
@Richard We're still discussing that. Will be either APL+f or APL+Shift+F.
Oct 27 1:40 PM
@RubenVerg Why not just (a=5)ⵧ⍛⊇' ·'?
Oct 27 1:36 PM
@RubenVerg Pulled.
Oct 27 1:36 PM
@Ven Thanks, fixed.

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
Sat 7:12 PM
@mousetail'he-him' ↑ is now live.
Sat 6:11 PM
@mousetail'he-him' Ah, I can make the checker ignore case. Thanks!
Fri 2:29 PM
Fri 2:17 PM
@UnrelatedString it is intentionally a bit harder. you do have all the tools, but need to combine most of them, possibly in multiple ways and in ways you didn't before.
Fri 2:14 PM
I should mention that no prior APL knowledge is required; the challenge itself teaches you all you need to know, in simple English.
Fri 1:58 PM
Announcement: New round of the APL Challenge just started. Super easy, cash prizes.
Oct 21 4:56 PM
@RubenVerg I find the broad vocabulary interesting. Good sandbox for hashing out ideas.
Oct 21 7:55 AM
@ATaco What aspect?


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
Oct 21 10:46 PM
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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100