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@GrahamPerrin It cycles. Stopping at the beginning/end is a new "feature" in ML
2 hours later…
@GrahamPerrin Your answer apple.stackexchange.com/a/93148 doesn't really answer the question, is this intentional?
@patrix If the question is about the placement (I believe so), my answer is "probably impossible" with Lion.
It's not intended to be a popular answer (the bounty expresses constant annoyance with Lion) but it's realistic ;-)
I agree on it most probably being unsolvable
the question asks for "Does anyone have clues on how, if at all, this could be fixed" though
@patrix I get strange responses to strings with 12E55
at the end the message is "it works different with each OS X version, just learn to accept it" but maybe you can add something like that at the beginning
Extraordinarily narrow outputs
@patrix I know what you mean but for an OS that's more than two years old (?) the word learn might rub people up the wrong way
@patrix or anyone: if you have 10.8.3 or less (not 10.8.4) what sort of output do you get from the following command?
strings /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock
True (and honestly I'm a bit surprised by the bounty at all), but with the current answer you risk a "not an answer" flag
Can't run the strings command right now (I'm in the office without Macs)
@patrix np
pastebin.com/qc1bSHJR suspiciously narrow output
Why is this question protected? It doesn't have any answers and a new user with a solution can not post it. Is this done automatically?
3 hours later…
@BartArondson Thanks for pointing this out (and feel free to use the "flag" option to get the message directly to the moderators).
This question has three "me too" non-answers which have been deleted already. The system auto-protects questions automatically in such cases. I've removed the protection again, let's see what happens.
7 hours later…
@GrahamPerrin Looks similar to your pastebin on 10.8.3

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