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Virtual machines are very cool in development: I have development things in totally separated virtual machines so possible to share/backup/etc or move to other comp. Also this way I am able to run software not otherwise possible. Just got Eagle running, the PCB CAD software :D
@hhh That's smart!
I had earlier many poor laptops each having different operating system: now I have just OS X having all kind of operating systems...funny to go back to linux distros every-now-and-then and work requires windows.
@hhh off topic, but, APPLE ROCKS!!!
@coding_corgi I'll be honest, I've stopped looking at each OS as "THE BEST" or "THE WORST" and now I just view them as tools to get the job done. If a tool doesn't do the job, you just don't use it.
1 hour later…
@W5VO Hmmm... I never thought about it like that, but that's good advice!
What does "The minimum specs are 6 mil traces with 6 mil spaces, and 13 mil drills with 7 mil annular rings" mean?

6 mil means 6 mm so 0.6cm? But it makes no sense: cannot be so large traces? Imperial units or some other units used there?
ERR google: 6 mil = 0.01524 centimeters
mil = 1/1000 of an inch
bad unit that is commonly used.
roger, I just wanted to make sure I am able to produce SMD board from them -- yes minimum about 0.2mm makes it possible :)
btw is it possible to etch 0.15mm with home-etching methods? I think it is going to be very very hard.
1 mil = 25.4 um
@rawbrawb Depressing because it demonstrates that you need a solid engineering foundation that specifically has to do with the ASIC you will use to understand the datasheet of the ASIC. It is very sobering.
@coding_corgi Among other things
@rawbrawb Did you get @AnindoGhosh a new keyboard yet? :)
@angelatlarge I wouldn't say that so much. It's a poorly written datasheet, most of them are, because datasheets are hard to write well.
@coding_corgi soon, very soon ....
@rawbrawb Exactly. Most of them are. That's the problem.
@rawbrawb Yeah, sure... ;)
Why doesn't chat.stackexchange have smileys?! I mean really...
@coding_corgi I can see reasons not to. Each culture has their own emoticons. I have a rule that if my Asian colleagues send me a smiley they have to explain it.
1 hour later…
@AnindoGhosh Whats up?
@angelatlarge Brain still on POST.
@angelatlarge feel better now? after posting the answer to your question?
@rawbrawb Actually, I feel just as stoopid. Or inept? Or like I gotta study EE more seriously. Or something.
@rawbrawb It's a good feeling.
@rawbrawb Did you read it or TL;DR it?
@angelatlarge always something new to learn ...
@rawbrawb Check, check, check, and check
@angelatlarge 80% - noted you didn't quote the actual power per channel formulae ...
@rawbrawb Is there a power/channel? I saw a current/channel formula
@angelatlarge yeah yeah yeah ... current per channel.
@rawbrawb I wasn't asking you to read it (it is lengthy), just a prelude to the next question.
@angelatlarge oh crap, gotta go .... ;)
@rawbrawb Bye.
@rawbrawb I'll type at your ghost
@angelatlarge not my ghost, my evil twin ....
@rawbrawb Yeah, I guess I could mention it: to me that evidence wasn't crucial because you could interpret it as: here's the current/channel, but there is also a max current /chip. Like 74HC595s, they can in theory source 25mA (or was it 30?) from each of the 8 channels, yet, there is a per chip maximum current that is much less than 200mA. I think it was 135mA? Maybe less? So that's how I interpreted the TLC5940 per channel current formula
Well the information is out there, lets hope someone some time reads it .
what is your question?
@rawbrawb it was out there for me to read on Sparkfun board. Indeed I did read it a year ago, and blithely forgot about it :)
@rawbrawb Is what I wrote about right? Like, say 80%? :)
@angelatlarge looked fine .. I upvoted the answer and the question.
@rawbrawb I wasn't fishing for upvotes, I think. :) But thanks!
@rawbrawb I am happy at 2K. Don't need moar.
@rawbrawb I need
@angelatlarge of course you were.
@rawbrawb Oooh, oooh, is my question still tagged with that? let's see...
Yes it is!
@angelatlarge there are rules for lightly used tags , and automatic processing. Don't remember them though.
@rawbrawb They get culled.
@rawbrawb A month? Two? Three? Don't remembar
@angelatlarge I don't know the details
@rawbrawb I just got the ever so desirable badge on SO :)
@angelatlarge I saw that, how does that happen?
@rawbrawb You ask a question that no one gives a sh*t about.
@rawbrawb It helps if the question is long :)
here on EE I doubt it would be possible.
@rawbrawb Yeah, enough people look at every question, so that would be hard. Though @AnindoGhosh managed it :)
I mean they downvote questions that ARE part of EE that they don't recognize.
117 times, so far.
@rawbrawb Sure, but you need "low views" whatever that means.
@angelatlarge I could do that ... now that I think about it.
1 hour later…
@abdullahkahraman hi!
@abdullahkahraman Hallo
good morning
How do I digitally draw stuff like below:
@abdullahkahraman pencil? paper?
That is how it was taught to me in school
ink pen
character and symbol templates
@abdullahkahraman don't listen to the oldies - isn't this tikz as well? It sure looks like it.
Good morning :)
@CamilStaps and @abdullahkahraman so sad people like yourselves don't even know diagrams can be drawn by hand
@CamilStaps I hate tikz! Even WYSIWYG editor of tikz is so hard to learn!
@abdullahkahraman haha, told you
@jippie I am aware that diagrams can be drawn by hand. I am also aware that I cannot even draw a seagull with an "m"..
neither can I
What do you think? I have used SVG-edit
@abdullahkahraman tikz is better :)
@jippie @CamilStaps What do you think? I have used SVG-edit
@CamilStaps Ah, come on!
I draw it all by hand
@abdullahkahraman tikz is better. If you want to go the svg-way then I'd personally pick inkscape as runs locally on your pc.
@abdullahkahraman thought your deadline was today?
@jippie It was yesterday :)
Yay, Inkspace is GTK!
@abdullahkahraman well it looks good for SVG-edit ;)
@CamilStaps lol, thanks.. I will go for Inkspace, @jippie is right.
@jippie Why is it using GTK2?
Is it hard to port?
@abdullahkahraman there is a windows download an installer
@jippie Yeah, it installs GTK 2 and runs on that.
the google svg thingy is a bit simpler than inkscape though
@jippie Yeah, but I like Inkscape
Although it is my first time using it, it is easy..
See, I have already created something :)
(on linux) it supports converting jpg/png/gif to line drawing svg ;o)
@jippie Wow..
@abdullahkahraman way better! :)
@CamilStaps Thanks :)
@abdullahkahraman my PIC programming software doesn't store settings on Win8. Shall I blame Win8 or PIC? :)
@CamilStaps Blame PIC for not working with good software developers :)
Ack my landline / DSL has been dead over a day and ETA for them to even come onsite and look is May 7! I'm starting to run close to my mobile data link cap so just about to have a go at connecting together a rather illegal combination of AP / amp / antenna so see if I can reach my parent's house about a KM away non line of sight.
@PeterJ lol, good luck!
@PeterJ Do send us a postcard from your incarceration :-D
@AnindoGhosh thanks for teaching me one more word, lol
Wow, I didn't know people still sell E3 resistors. Maplin UK is selling a pack containing 10Ω, 22Ω, 47Ω, 100Ω, 220Ω, 470Ω, 1KΩ, 2K2Ω, 4K7Ω, 10KΩ, 22KΩ, 47KΩ, 100KΩ, 220KΩ, 470KΩ & 1MΩ!
@abdullahkahraman It's not a nice word when you're associated with it, remember that.
@AnindoGhosh Yeah, I will keep that in mind :)
@AnindoGhosh, lol, looking at my crimping effort on an N-connector the radiated power probably won't be above limits anyway
@PeterJ You can always try RFC 6214 protocol if you need IPv6, or RFC 2549 if IPv4 with QoS will suffice.
@PeterJ Unless you fail at crimping to pigeon legs as well. Just sayin'
@AnindoGhosh, I reckon I can guess what those are without looking. My partner has budgies will they work?
@PeterJ That'd be a non-standard extension, not RFC compliant, but I guess it'll be fine until you try to get UL approvals.
@AnindoGhosh Didn't they actually use parts of that protocol for something like space shuttle communications at one stage because of the long delays? I seem to remember reading that somewhere.
@PeterJ No, it's the other way around IIRC: The protocols used for high latency space comms were tweaked for RFC 1149, the predecessor of those two. There was a piece on some science program on TV where one of the moon astronauts mentions that they should get credit for it.
@PeterJ Actually come to think of it, 1149 would allow budgerigars, since it does not specify the physical layer.
@AnindoGhosh, ah that explains it, I thought there was some connection between the two. Anyway I might disappear in 5 and 'upgrade' the other end of the link.
@PeterJ Here's another option: tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2795
@AnindoGhosh, that's not a plan B. There's a park that contains monkeys and although a few hours drive not that well secured. I think that one would be more likely to end up with me in jail though lol.
@PeterJ I think we covered that jail thing already.
Anyone here have skills with Autodesk Inventor?
@AnindoGhosh, no I can get off that, if they pick up the emissions I'll just smash in the front of microwave and say I did it so I could stir the food while it cooked.
Anyway better head off now for a few hours and see how it goes...
@PeterJ Hmm, good, now that your excuse is sorted, work on an "I wasn't even here" alibi, and your career in crime is all-systems-go!
Anyone tasted Kopi Luwak here?
@abdullahkahraman, nope
Quick C sanity check: I have a pointer to an array
`u8 * Data`
And I have another array:
`u8 RingBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH+1]`
I want the data array to contain data from ring buffer element [1] onwards, so this is what I have:
`Data[0] = &RingBuffer[1];`
is this right?
I think it is, but I'm not seeing what I expect
@StaceyAnne u8 * Data is nothing but u8 Data[], an uninitialized pointer to an array. It's a pointer, there's no space allocated for the array constituents. RingBuffer[] is allocated its space so that's fine. You need to allocate space for Data in one of several ways, else your code is overwriting whatever is at the location pointed to by Data, i.e. typically at address 0000.
@AnindoGhosh, the Data pointer is initialised elsewhere, in this case the pointer to the initialised array is passed into the function in which RingBuffer is declared
so my intention is to over-write the data address with the address of RingBuffer[1]
@StaceyAnne Next issue: Do you want the contents of RingBuffer[1], or the address of RingBuffer[1] (which would be 1 byte greater than the address of RingBuffer[0])?
although I think it should be Data = &RingBuffer[1];
@StaceyAnne It should then be Data = &(RingBuffer + 1); if I recall correctly.
@StaceyAnne C does not really treat arrays specially, unlike Pascal.
do you not mean &(RingBuffer[0] + 1); ?
@StaceyAnne Try my way, it should work. RingBuffer is a pointer to a data array of element size u8 (1 byte), so RingBuffer+1 should be a pointer to the next element.
RingBuffer[0] is the first value pointed to by the pointer RingBuffer.
but Ringbuffer isn't a pointer?
the code gives ../src/uart.c:32:11: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
@StaceyAnne Yep, a typed pointer. So increment it to get the pointer to the next element of a hypothetical array. If you declare it as u16 RingBuffer[xyz], then incrementing it will increment the address counter by 2 bytes each time. C compilers are smart that way.
@StaceyAnne lvalue is a "left side value" of any expression.
So basically it is asking you to do Data = RingBuffer+1;
@StaceyAnne Simulate or run that last, please?
didn't work :(
More detail on what I'm doing to test in a few secs
&RingBuffer[0] is equivalent to RingBuffer, unless I'm forgetting my C. Maybe I'm getting really rusty with my fundamental C concepts.
// Declaration of Data
u8 Data[6] = {0};
// funcation call:
// print returned values
xil_printf("-- RECEIVED: %c%c%c%c%c%c --\n\r",Data[0],Data[1],Data[2],Data[3],Data[4],Data[5]);
// originally had
xil_printf("-- RECEIVED: %s --\n\r",&Data[0]);
console out gives: -- RECEIVED: --
@AnindoGhosh, I usually just use &RingBuffer[0]
@StaceyAnne What the console shows does appear correct. A null is a non-displaying character and a string terminator in C. If you must write individual characters for diagnostics, try a loop of "putc([); putc(Data[i]); putc(]);"
yeah, but RingBuffer does not contain null characters.
I'm expecting Ringbuffer to overwrite the null characters contained in Data
I'm printing out Ringbuffer right before the data assignment
xil_printf("COMMAND: %c%c\n\r",RingBuffer[1],RingBuffer[2]);
Data = (&RingBuffer[0] + 1);
@StaceyAnne Hm.
@AnindoGhosh, fixed it:
for (i=0;i<6;i++)
*(Data+i) = RingBuffer[i+1];
@StaceyAnne Hm. (distracted, elsewhere)
@angelatlarge you here?
@StaceyAnne, while functionally equivalent because that is an array the following is probably clearer and avoids warnings with some compilers:
Data[i] = RingBuffer[i+1];
Also not sure if it's what you intended by I think the following line will only initialize the first element:
u8 Data[6] = {0};
the intialization is based on stackoverflow.com/questions/201101/…
Data[i] = RingBuffer[i+1]; works too
@StaceyAnne, thanks that's my new C tidbit for the day :)
Q: How are electronic circuits implanted on to microprocessors?

Holly JonaFor example, there must be some electrical pathways with resistors, capacitors to store energy (bits) in a field, etc. How is this done, and what machine does this? I want to get access to one, because I want to design and develop my own microprocessor one day.

+11 . Wtf ?!
Is there some metric I am missing here ? Isnt that a poorly researched, no effort question, and also a case where Google can very easily get you results ?
@AshRj, previously you probably wouldn't have got many results using "implanted on to microprocessors" as a Google term lol
@AshRj Yeah, he got those 11 upvotes because he made EE.SE go higher in Google search rank :)
@abdullahkahraman, that's where this guy went wrong, he should have titled the question "Making magnetic gloves so I can be like Magneto in X-Men"
Q: How to increase attracting force of a solenoid.?

Bharat RajPlz help me in making my Magnetic Glove. I require a suitable power source to increase the attracting force of my solenoid.

What happens to "quality" then in this case?
@AshRj I know, this isn't something that should be closed it should be removed it's not that it's not researched it's hallucinatory.
@AshRj Strange as that question is (it makes my head want to explode), notice that the community has voted not just the question, but the answer, to incredible levels. This tells me there is a mismatch between what I consider an interesting question or a meaningful answer, and what a majority of members of the site consider so. That answer has got more votes than many fantastic and practical answers. Compared to that, the upvotes on the question are pretty insignificant.
@AshRj Basically, quality be damned :-D
@AnindoGhosh or quality like EE is what a certain someone defines it to be, most of that answer has no bearing on reality or practise.
@rawbrawb I agree. I read that answer, I blanched several times, then I watched the vote indication updating like a scoreboard, threw up my hands in astonishment, and closed the tab.
There seems to be a spate of ill-conceived, pie-in-the-sky questions flooding the site over the last couple of days, and especially over the last couple of hours. Is it a full moon night?
@AnindoGhosh Well... how unscientific of you! ;) The full moon?
@rawbrawb Of course. There's a psychosomatic effect - not a causal one, as has been extensively proven.
Funny that I was reading about the "tidal effects" and debunking thereof, just a few days ago - Random nuts from across the net spoke up in comments about how the brain behaves differently on a full moon night - and nobody had cared to point out that the maximum tidal pull need not even be at night!
In general there hasn't been that many good questions. It could simply be the chasing newbies away effect ... or the converse effect in which truly good questions don't get answered or in some cases chased away.
@AnindoGhosh and most of the "effects" are people picking the data to support their hypothesis. most data show no trend/correlation.
@rawbrawb True.
except for the werewolf study ... now THAT had a huge connection. But the researcher got eaten...
@rawbrawb I did see a couple of potentially good questions closed, including by you: The chap who wanted to splice in a recording device on a headphone connection. Now that's feasible, practical, has been done, and is worth explaining the fundamentals of, not just to the OP but to future newbies. I can't understand why it got closed.
@rawbrawb Wait, what? So you're saying there might be a causal effect on the hair that grows on my palm every so many weeks? ;-)
@AnindoGhosh I don't remember voting to close on that one ... let me check.
@AnindoGhosh thank you for that! I got to star it and out of context it's implied meaning gets amplified. Cool.
Q: How to match audio impedance?

Keegan McCarthyI have an audio source designed for a 600ohm speaker. I would like to use this audio source with the requited speaker, and record it using a standard mic-in on a GoPro. How can I make a cable that will deliver the proper power to the original 600ohm speaker and make an output suitable for my Go...

My answer hopefully indicates that the question could be decoded, and a response formulated which points out precisely what needs to be measured to build a device to achieve desired results.
I'm having a problem following the question. Must need coffee.
In any case, I have voted to reopen it, but I can see that reopens are not as easy as close votes are.
Ok, I'll support that. (the re-open) but I feel the need to mention a unrequited speaker ...
@rawbrawb He has a sound output device. He has a speaker that works with it. He wants to now tap that device to speaker connection, and in parallel record all communications going to that speaker, using arbitrary recording device X. He wants to ensure that such splicing does not attenuate the speaker output too much.
@rawbrawb Unrequited love, sure. The OP evidently loves us more than we love him. Unrequited speaker? What's that?
Ooooooh "required" - Yeah, I saw that, but I did not want to edit for too trivial a change.
@AnindoGhosh I fixed the post.
@rawbrawb You're a good person.
@AnindoGhosh, I know you're an Arduino fan and while I don't use it myself I wondered why you voted to close the following. I upvoted it myself because I'm always interested to know differences and while I wouldn't use libraries that need dynamic memory myself it seemed on-topic and wondered why myself:
Q: C++ Standard Library on Arduino

Michael DorstWhy can't I use std::string or any other objects from the C++ Standard Library in my sketches for Arduino? #include <string> doesn't throw an error, so it clearly has no trouble finding the libraries, but actually using anything from it does. If I write std::string str; I get 'string' is not ...

@AnindoGhosh WTF ?
@PeterJ "Arduino fan " -> he's changing his name to Anduino!
@PeterJ Because I proposed a migration to SO. Also, basically it is a language difference - Arduino does not use C++, merely a variant that sits somewhere between C and C++, so the question was without basis.
@PeterJ That question would have the same answer as "Why is loop() used differently from the loop statement in Pascal". Because this isn't Pascal, sorry.
@rawbrawb My college buddies still refer to me as Innuendo Ghosh. I wonder why people take such liberties with my name :-D
@AnindoGhosh Oh it's not the name ...
@AnindoGhosh I wonder why...
@AnindoGhosh BTW it's pretty cool name. Very unusual sounds almost portuguese are you sure you're not from Goa?
BTW, that pilot with the impedance matching, also asked about soldering wires that will carry 160 Amperes. Now that sounds scary - especially if someone with access to that kind of current flow, has to ask the question.
Q: Will crimped wire or soldered wire carry a current better?

Keegan McCarthyI am running a 160amp DC current through a 1/0awg wire. Will the connection be more reliable with crimped connections, soldered connections, or screw terminals? I have looked online and it seems that all of those connectors have their advantages and disadvantages, but for something with such ...

Whats the number of uvs and dvs on this ?
@AnindoGhosh I contend that they will "solder "themselves .... ;)
@AshRj The question is +15/-6, the answer is +53/-0
@rawbrawb That's essentially what I told him.
@rawbrawb At heart I am from Goa. If someone gave me a job there, I'd work for 66.666667% of a Mumbai salary.
@AnindoGhosh, the half C / C++ isn't clear to a lot of people including myself so personally I think that was a fair question. Tolerance / learning on those things has to go both ways IMO.
@PeterJ Fair enough - I'd still propose that SO is more the home for that question, but if you like, I'll second a reopen vote.
@AshRj I guess someone downvoted now.
Was that question shared anywhere ?
That high score on the answer doesnt make sense. There are just 15 answers with >50 votes on the site, so its a pretty rare thing.
@AshRj It's just the bearded one's posse.
@PeterJ I would think that #include <string.h> would work, i am going to try that out...
@AnindoGhosh, it doesn't really worry me one way or the other just wondered on that question why you'd gone that way, it just seemed OK to me. I could see the opposite on SO with everyone saying Arduino isn't a language so it would be like ping-pong between the two.
@PeterJ It would have been fine on SO actually. It would have gotten a dv or two, but more or less would have done fine and gotten correct/accurate answers.
@PeterJ Arduino is not a language, (it's c++) it just has a file called Arduino.h, that's what gives you all those neat little functions (like digitalWrite()) etc.
@PeterJ Well, that's the kind of question that would remain homeless until an Arduino home is created - but if it's of interest, let's try and get it reopened, if only so someone can provide an insight into how Arduino's language isn't canonical in either the C or the C++ world.
@AnindoGhosh I think it should be migrated to SO, if its considered off-topic here.
@coding_corgi It's not quite C++ either: No new(), no templates, no various-other-C++-things.
@AnindoGhosh, you know what some sort of QA or Wiki post on the differences would be awesome
@AshRj Agreed, and that is what I attempted to do with my close-vote: I clicked on SO as the "better home" option.
@AnindoGhosh I think it of a hybrid of java and c++
@PeterJ Can happen, though wiki-type posts are frowned upon as answers - and tag wikis have no motivational value, being in a rep-free and even largely credit-free zone.
@PeterJ I tired the answers and none of them worked... I see where your coming from...
@coding_corgi Well, add in "and C", and you're in the right place. It's significantly weaker at object-orientedness than a Java purist could tolerate.
@AnindoGhosh Would've been a pain to combine MinGW, JDK, and something for C...
That would be a weird compiler
@coding_corgi If you really are curious, look up the language called "Wiring", that's what is actually used in the Arduino.
Check this link out, it shows that all the arduino functions are declared in a file called Arduino.h
Though arduino saves everything as .cpp so...
@AnindoGhosh Tag wikis are not as visible as Q&As but that doesnt mean that attention cant be drawn to it.
They can be shared similarly to Q&As
@coding_corgi Yes, "functions" are not the definition of a language really. If you go by Stroustrup (spelling?) and his canonical definition of the C++ language, many implementations are not fully conforming, even with otherwise well-respected compilers.
@AshRj Honestly, I'd not really bother unless they were a lot more prominent in the scheme of things, even in the absence of rep points.
@AnindoGhosh Stroustrup... Bjarne!
@coding_corgi Yep, that'd be him.
Yet this guy is all about himself: youtube.com/watch?v=LR8fQiskYII, no c++ in his list
@coding_corgi C++ requires polymorphism, templates, getters and setters, <new> etc, and the streams (cout etc) mechanism, if I recall right.
@AnindoGhosh yuppers!
@coding_corgi He's a minor god, people want to watch him talk about himself.
@AnindoGhosh now you got me all curious about the Arduino.h file! DARN!
@AnindoGhosh He is a GEEK god!!!!
@coding_corgi It's just a header pointing to a bunch of library functions. You could as well use Oranges.hpp or something. :-) Also, those library functions themselves are not limited to being on the Arduino platform, you can always port them to yourDuino if you like.
@AnindoGhosh I understand that and I have had some ideas about it. I plan to take it to MSO, once and if, the ideas get some support.
@AshRj Happy to support that effort, let's see if something comes of it. However, until then, tag wiki != worth my time.
@AnindoGhosh meDuino drives me crazy! Nothing special for meDuino!
@AnindoGhosh, my RF link was an epic fail. Anyway might head off and get a 3G dongle tomorrow.
Yo yo yo!
@PeterJ Those are good. I survive because of 3G, given my travel intensive life.
@coding_corgi Flagged-as-spam.
How do I NOT a whole variable in C? Like 01101010 becomes 10010101?
Q: how to use inverse in C

samprat[how to use ~ operator ] I have a structure say Alpha. I know the value of element inside Alpha (say a) which can be 0 or 1 - I want the other element of same structure to take inverse value of Alpha.a. For example: if Alpha.a = 1 then Alpha.b = 0 and vice versa I have tried: Alpha.b = ~ (...

@W5VO ah thanks :)
Quoted text:
@CamilStaps What you want is !, instead of ~.
@abdullahkahraman yeah I need it the other way around :)
I don't know how I came here from OTAs:
@abdullahkahraman Me neither, but it's cool
@CamilStaps See, I am gonna make lots of stuff like this
@abdullahkahraman ahh just learn tikz ;) no looks good!
@CamilStaps Ain't nobody got time for that
@abdullahkahraman have you seen the supersized slinky as well?
@CamilStaps I am now. Wassup?
Greetings, peple.
@angelatlarge the SO question :) I got an other answer now, but I'm not satisfied. Because that was an other question, which has been removed by now.
@CamilStaps Oh, you want me to write up what we talked about?
@angelatlarge if you want the rep?
@CamilStaps Oh, you want me to answer something else?
@angelatlarge nono, what we talked about. + that removing C18 and then reinstalling XC8 helps for the built-in functions
@CamilStaps Oh, no, we didn't talk about that, not with me. You should answer that one yourself, I think then.
@angelatlarge we talked about this one, if I'm not mistaken:
Q: Link step can't find symbols (XC8 compiler)

Camil StapsI'm trying to compile and link a C program using the XC8 compiler. I changed from the C18 compiler and made some minor compatibility changes to the code. With C18, the code compiled and linked just fine. With XC8, compiling goes fine, but the link step fails with this error: Error [500] ; 0. und...

Yes, I think my (and Anindo's) contribution was pointing out that you had to write your own putch()
Leon Heller's ears were involved
@angelatlarge oh yes right, I didn't mention other functions in the question. Yes, please write your answer, or does Anindo deserve it more? I don't remember.
We could also ask Leon Heller's ears for a contribution.
@CamilStaps No, I tried hard to exit to concentrate more on my homework, and I was successful lol
@CamilStaps OK, I'll do it. I'll have to dig up that link I found... Let me use the search term "DFU error" :)
@abdullahkahraman ah shame :(
@angelatlarge thanks in advance :)
@CamilStaps Wow, that is a huge slinky!
@CamilStaps Yeah, I got it.
@CamilStaps "DFU error" was the right search term :)
@abdullahkahraman concentrate.
@CamilStaps lol
@CamilStaps You like?
A: Link step can't find symbols (XC8 compiler)

angelatlargeLooking at a post here, and consulting the Microchp XC8 users manual it turns out that at least one problem is that your source is lacking a putch() function. Many routines (such as printf(), for instance) in the Microchip libraries rely on the presence of the putch() function for their operation...

@angelatlarge thanks :) now reading
@CamilStaps Notice the RFC1149 reference :)
In computer networking, IP over Avian Carriers (IPoAC) is a proposal to carry Internet Protocol (IP) traffic by birds such as homing pigeons. IP over Avian Carriers was initially described in RFC 1149, a Request for Comments (RFC) issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) written by D. Waitzman and released on 1 April 1990. It is one of several April 1 RFCs. Waitzman described an improvement of his protocol in RFC 2549, IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service (1 April 1999). Later, in RFC 6214 released on 1 April 2011, and 13 years after the introduction of IPv6, Carpen...
@angelatlarge you are terrible :)
@CamilStaps I also included a reference to name-mangling: I was thinking that since you are new to C (aren't you?) you might want to know about it.
@angelatlarge I have one or two years experience, but haven't worked with all those built-in functions before. I used to put everything in main.c and don't use compiler functions :) I did know about name-mangling though, I have re-engineered some Jal programs and it happens in there as well
@angelatlarge ...Nevertheless, for large transfers, avian carriers are capable of high average throughput when carrying flash memory devices....
@abdullahkahraman The are :)
Why the hell TI shows OTAs as ideal-transistors and names pins B C E ?
@angelatlarge feel like a free C-beer question?
@CamilStaps Sure.
@CamilStaps Or you can just ask me here
@angelatlarge I already asked it, and this is exactly why I don't like so:
Q: What does it mean when string 1 is "less than" string 2 in C?

Camil StapsIn the documentation of the strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) function of the XC8 compiler, I read: The strncmp() function compares its two, null terminated, string arguments, up to a maximum of n characters, and returns a signed integer to indicate whether s1 is less than, eq...

@CamilStaps Crappy answers?
@CamilStaps Not like questions don't get downvoted here :)
@angelatlarge -4! Why? Because it's a dupe?
@CamilStaps And presumably the users we downvote are just as confused as you are :)
@CamilStaps Ok, let me read it...
@angelatlarge ah they just immediately downvote when they see a dupe header, thanks for the upvote though :)
@CamilStaps Yes, it is a dupe, I would think that's why.
@CamilStaps Because you can look it up. In fact the answer is already in the question: "The comparison is done with the standard collating sequence"
Some stacks won't take questions that are "general reference".
@CamilStaps Why are you using standard libraries when you are using 8-bit PICs ?
@ThePhoton but that doesn't answer what it would be for {'a',0x00} and {'a',0x00,0x00}, does it?
Roll your own optimized ones that have only functions you need
@abdullahkahraman too lazy :)
@CamilStaps Maybe because googling strncmp() returns result set where the first link answers your question I think?
@CamilStaps The 'n' argument is just a max number of characters to compare. If there's a null-terminator, the comparison stops there.
The n is just to prevent buffer overruns. You'd normally set it to the size of your buffer, not the actual size of the string.
@CamilStaps I am too minimalist on this stuff.. I sometimes cannot understand myself lol
"Compares up to num characters of the C string str1 to those of the C string str2.
This function starts comparing the first character of each string. If they are equal to each other, it continues with the following pairs until the characters differ, until a terminating null-character is reached, or until num characters match in both strings, whichever happens first."
So "a\000\000" and "a\000" compare as equal
@ThePhoton ah, I see, thanks :)
@CamilStaps I think because Google returns what looks like a complete answer to your question, the question looks like a question.
@angelatlarge you are right, slightly related: I never click on the C++ links, because I'm using C, not C++ - but isn't it a difference for the built-in libraries then?
@rawbrawb Here is where I am now. I think it will take two or more days.. bitbucket.org/cebrax/afs-devi-3
@CamilStaps The C++ standard libraries have different names/function.
@CamilStaps There are differences in the language (minor from your current perspective), but the functions work the same.
@CamilStaps In C++ you can use the <string.h> functions, but it's probably recommended to use a String class instead.
@ThePhoton Unless you are on a uC :)
@angelatlarge okay, so I can just read the C++ reference as well
@ThePhoton In which case, really really really, do use <string.h>
@angelatlarge If you're not using classes, why use C++ instead of C?
@ThePhoton There has been a significant discussion of this under the tag
@angelatlarge that's... paradoxical.
@angelatlarge On EE or SO?
@ThePhoton I disagree with the premise of your question: you can have an object-oriented program running on your uC, but one that does not use, say, C++ <string> or even, say, iterators. So you have object orientation (plus a few other nice features of C++ language) without the standard libraries
@ThePhoton Both. You want linky?
@angelatlarge sure
Ok, when I said "significant" I was overstating it a bit.
@ThePhoton Gimme a sec.
Bye everyone!
@CamilStaps Another thing that you might not have known is that functions with the same name (like printf(), strcmp(), etc) are expected to behave the same or very similarly on every system, every compiler, every library. These are standard.
@abdullahkahraman Bye!

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