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12:00 PM
@AviD Haters gonna hate
@AviD From your underground bunker, yes, we know.
@LucasKauffman I'm a lover, not a fighter.
@Ninefingers hahaha
@AviD btz memcpy rulez I no want your SDLC.
really gotta invite some people in here, just so I can try that on them.
@Ninefingers lol
I'd make an awesome troll.
12:02 PM
@Ninefingers eh, you suck.
@Ninefingers I prefer gets
(modrator is a member of the dinosaur family known for its diamond-ridged back, vicious teeth and suspending ability)
@CodesInChaos I see your gets() and I raise you strtok.
@Ninefingers That's it, I just voted unilaterally to dock some of your points. I will hold onto them until I like your face better.
@Ninefingers please don't use that kind of language here, there are children present.
@AviD So.. never?
12:06 PM
@TerryChia watch it, bub. I know where your profile resides.
@AviD Children always know all the bad language adults know, and a few more modern words.
Oh, I didn't realize I had an annotation on him from back in October.
shakes head
@JeffFerland yeah, I was amused when I saw that.
@AviD If I ever visit Israel, I expect an invite to your bunker.
@Ninefingers haha, you are welcome, but you'll be disappointed.
12:11 PM
Oh. So someone sum up the last 18 hours for me? I'm not about to go read all that.
@ScottPack Time passed. Water cooling rocks.
@ScottPack Nothing much really, just some hardware talk.
I'm pretty sure that's it.
Sounds boring. @Adnan must have been involved.
@ScottPack So's your face.
12:13 PM
So the most current version of kmod-VirtualBox for Fedora 17 requires a newer kernel than is available for Fedora 17.
Fuck you Oracle.
@ScottPack That can be added into almost every sentence mentioning Oracle.
That is a true statement.
You guys are all going to laugh in a few days. That's all I can say right now.
@JeffFerland In the context of what?
@JeffFerland Why do you have some inside information?
Did they sell Stackexchange to Oracle?
12:17 PM
@LucasKauffman Oh fuck no.
I can neither confirm nor deny.... the gender of anybody in this room...
That's the worst thing that can happen to this site.
@JeffFerland If that is true:
@LucasKauffman yeah right. Highly unlikely.
more likely that Jeff just took a job with Oracle. He'll be moving in a few days.
Fuck Oracle and Jeff too.
Scumbag Jeff, taking jobs with Oracle
12:20 PM
@AviD If that's true... I say... FIX THOSE DAMN 0-DAYS!
@JeffFerland Anybody?
@TerryChia yeah @JeffFerland fix those damn security bugs!
@JeffFerland Oh I'll be nagging you if there is another Java 0-day
(they're not 0-days anymore....)
12:20 PM
We will go: "Jeff fucked up again"
@LucasKauffman I can do the checks!
How many Java 0-days were there this month so far? Like 10?
@ScottPack No! It was fun! We had an orgy, there were lots of hot models and stuff.
Actually, in funny news, a Yahoo recruiter reached out to me the week after the no telecommute letter went out.
12:21 PM
@TerryChia still not as many high-risk secbugs that exist in Oracle DB for a couple years now.
@JeffFerland so tell me Jeff, what can't you tell us?
@JeffFerland oo, you tell 'em off?
@JeffFerland That letter from a sysadmin? I think I linked it in here.
Was there an official response from the company?
"In breaking news, Yahoo CEO Meyer went back on her no-telecommute rule, after discovering that it was now impossible to hire any new recruits."
@LucasKauffman Why the hell my European road trip is destroyed by snow.
@AviD That was basically my reaction.
12:23 PM
I know a guy who admins for Yahoo. I keep meaning to mock him about the telecommute thing.
@JeffFerland why, can't go?
@JeffFerland Well we can blame a lot of things on Oracle, but the weather is not really their fault :p
@ScottPack That's mean.
@AviD s/mean/fun/ There, I fixed that for you
@LucasKauffman not for lack of trying.
12:24 PM
@AviD I made it to France yesterday via Chunnel and took a ferry back to the UK less than 8 hours later. It snowed on me twice yesterday and it's nothing but white outside now.
Nobody wants me to check their gender? :(
@ScottPack next, can we find some parapelegics and knock 'em out of their wheelchairs?
@Adnan If this chatroom gets on my school's filter, I am blaming you.
@JeffFerland wait till you get to Scotland... ;-)
@TerryChia Me? Haaave you met @ScottPack?
12:25 PM
@Adnan are you sure you're not secretly homophobic....?
@AviD We'll see if the weather lets me do so.
@Adnan As far as I can tell, all mentions of assess and cacti in this room were initiated by you.
Might have to rent a car if I do make the trip. Stupid motorcycle.
@JeffFerland @Rory will be sorely disappointed if you don't.
@TerryChia Which supports @AviD's claim! :O
12:26 PM
@AviD I will be too
@Adnan I don't claim anything, I just observe.
@JeffFerland I think you might need to swap your motorbike for a snow scooter
@AviD Well anyway, everyone of us a little homophobic inside him.
Yaaay! Look who's here! @asadz welcome welcome!
12:30 PM
@Adnan you sick bastard, you would like that, wouldn't you.
@JeffFerland not to put you off at all but that's the view from my window at the moment...
@RoryMcCune Winter is coming!
@RoryMcCune not to put you off, but should I send you a pic of all the sun streaming outside my window at the moment...? ;-)
@AviD I've seen some of @RoryAlsop s pics...
this is the most snow we've had all winter!
@RoryMcCune 5cm?
12:32 PM
@RoryMcCune hehe, poor guy he's not used to Summer.
@Adnan possibly a bit more, is still falling
@Adnan That's what he said!
@TerryChia He who?
Who he?
@Adnan the little homomorph you want inside you.
I wake up and the first thing I see is you guys discussing "measuring other guys" and checking each other's genders.
12:35 PM
@Polynomial It's @Adnan's fault.
@Polynomial puts on rubber glove
I blame @Adnan too
@LucasKauffman Yaaay! Finally, this is happening!
Anyway, that has to be the strangest dream I've had in a while.
@Polynomial I doubt that.
@Polynomial Do tell!
12:37 PM
dreamt that I went into hospital for a checkup for my back condition, and I was wearing my floor-length leather coat, and people kept thinking I was a vampire hunter and I had to keep explaining that I wasn't.
then I had a discussion with a nurse about adjustable signs, which resulted in me building a power supply for a sign light. I have no idea where that bit came from.
eventually I got to see the doctor and for some reason he was wearing my coat
and he was trying to tell me ways to commit benefit fraud and I was getting annoyed at him
then he was talking to me about my new job and kept double-checking that "penetration tester" didn't mean something weird and creepy
and finally the whole hospital turned into my primary school and I had to run away from a fat dinner-lady.
(for non-UK people, primary school is for kids aged 5-10 years)
then there was something about sedatives and an interview with a man about houses being built next to a river.. I don't remember that bit
and that was pretty much it
oh yeah, there was something about a room full of pumps too, and everything seemed huge.
my #1 strangest/awesomest dream still has to be the one where I flew over my town on the back of a giant chicken and fired nerf guns at people.
that was sweet. was so pissed when I woke up.
@Polynomial Would you please go with the men in the white coats?
The hospital thing sounds entirely believable
@Polynomial Good luck picking up someone in a bar when you tell them what you do.
@Polynomial Serious question. How was the areal view of your town? Realistic? Have you recognized some places while you were flying?
@Adnan If I remember it correctly, it mainly focused around areas that I knew from aerial shots and Google Maps.
@Adnan That's a moot point. I've been in a relationship for nearly 6 years.
@LucasKauffman I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.
@Polynomial That's not much of a pickup line, either.
12:58 PM
@Polynomial I'm actually interested in the Google Maps "scenes" of your dream. It's fascinating that you see a top-view of the area and the brain works out the perspective view and navigate throughout the area.
@Adnan I think it's also because I know the area, so I can roughly interpolate.
dreams tend to fill out the details at the time, but later you realise you don't actually remember the details being there. that's probably one of the prime indicators that a "memory" is of a dream.
1:18 PM
@Polynomial Does your company require any security clearance from the employees?
@Adnan Yeah, they do a CRB check and apply for SC clearance.
@Adnan you have to answer a questionnaire that says: "Are you a terrorist?"
@LucasKauffman I like Bill Bailey's take on that one.
@Polynomial Interesting. Thanks
1:34 PM
@Polynomial so did you already start the new job?
"Are you a member of a terrorist organisation?" Well, I guess you could be, in a non-violent capacity. Like, in catering or something. "Yes, I am a member of a terrorist organisation, but I'm just the receptionist... Hello, Axis of Evil, how may I direct your call? ... Oh, no, sorry, they're all out at the moment. Doing evil I s'pose! Let me just put you on hold..." have you heard about the Axis of Evil pension scheme?
@LucasKauffman I start on Monday.
moving my shit down to London on Saturday
@LucasKauffman I like those forms :D They're fun!
@Polynomial Bill Bailey is a genius.
@Ninefingers agreed
"For years Iraq has been the homebase of al-Qaeda." The homebase of al-Qaeda? That's how we're going to catch them! We'll find where they're getting their patio furniture!
@Polynomial I still think is apocalyptic rave (the BBC news) is the best thing he's done.
"We are the only ones! Watch us, not the others! Now, the weather!"
1:40 PM
my favourite is still the Geoffry Chaucer pubbe gagge
@Polynomial YEs, and US news sounds like "and now some puppies will lick your face".
Three fellows wenten into a pubbe, and gleefully their hands did rubbe, with expectation of revelry, for t'was the hour known as happy.
Great portails of wine did they quaffe, and had a very good laugh. 'till drunkneness held full dominion, for t'was two for the price of one.
@Poly oh, congrats on the new job btw, I just read up a bit further than Bill Bailey ;)
cheers ^^
reptrains are weird
1:46 PM
"Upon three young wenches round and sly, the fellows cast a wanton eye. One did approach with drunken wink, "'ello darlin', you fancy a drink?". Soon they caught them upon their knee, t'was like some grotesque puppetry. Such was the lewdness and debauchery, t'was like a sketch by Dick Emery. Except that Dick Emery is not yet born, so such comparison may not be drawn!"
best bit of that pubbe gagge.
@LucasKauffman Just a couple of more weeks. I can't wait! squee
@ScottPack what?
@LucasKauffman Game of Thrones, I think.
@LucasKauffman Game of Thrones Season 3 starts on the 31st.
I'm enjoying the new Walking Dead
and can't wait for the new series of Homeland
also got more Waking the Dead to catch up on
Silent Witness rather
1:49 PM
@Polynomial Yes, that. I want to know what happens. There is a danger they'll do a 24 and 8 seasons later it'll still be kinda unresolved, but let's hope it stays as good.
@Polynomial By the way, have you listened to the song I sent you earlier?
@ScottPack ah true, I can't wait either
@ScottPack & @LucasKauffman Is it good?
@LucasKauffman I'm glad they're splitting book 3 into seasons 3 and 4. They need to seriously slow down. They're producing the show faster than Martin is releasing the books.
@Adnan I've really been enjoying it, yeah.
@ScottPack I haven't read the books to my big shame :(
1:52 PM
@Adnan Great acting, good writing, very high production value.
@LucasKauffman They're really good. Quite entrancing.
@ScottPack I think that's a good thing. I don't want to still be watching it 20 years later.
@ScottPack I've read all the books except the newest, but I'm refusing to finish them until he's finished writing them. I can't remember enough of what actually happens it's so long between book releases.
@ScottPack I watched a couple of episodes with gf a while ago, very awkward sex scenes
@Adnan s/gf/bf - there FTFY.
@TerryChia Yeah, he's into role play.
1:53 PM
@Ninefingers I ran into the same problem with Wheel of Time. I started that series in 1994.
@ScottPack Yeah. I'm tempted to write to him and say "mate, I love your books, but if you could hurry up and finish them before you die that would be awesome".
2:08 PM
breaking: there's been a major password data breach for affecting everyone named Kenny. that's right, Kenny log-ins are in the danger zone
@RoryMcCune I don't get it :(
@Adnan not a top gun fan then?
@RoryMcCune You're terrible.
@RoryMcCune Sorry, not really.
2:18 PM
Theme from top gun was a song called Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins...
@TerryChia also noticed that they've finally got the subscription service available on iPad wooo. having to buy each comic was lame..
@RoryMcCune Jesus! I kept thinking about it for a couple of minutes, then suddenly I exploded.
People seem to think I do not understand things recently. :(
@TerryChia were talking about webapps design, not Yours workflow. Sorry but You seem to don't understand the subject on purpose. — vandalizmo 10 mins ago
@TerryChia What's " Yours workflow"?
And who's the fuck upvoted his answer?!
@Adnan I don't know.. I think it's because I mentioned I only have 2 email accounts with clearly separate purposes in response to another comment.
@Adnan His answer isn't bad, except for the grammar. It's just another viewpoint.
@TerryChia I didn't say it's bad, it's not downvote-worthy. But it certainly is not upvote-worthy!
2:30 PM
@Adnan Heh, did you just downvote him?
@TerryChia No
@Adnan Funny, someone did.
@TerryChia Would you please check if this has downvotes?
@Adnan repwhore :D
no it does not.
@Adnan Nope, 34/0.
2:34 PM
@AviD :O I just want to be able to edit stuff :(
Can't you view the vote distributions on your own answers? I thought you could.
@TerryChia Thanks
I was gonna say you would know because of the -2, but you're pretty much almost ready to repcap 2nd day in a row.
@AviD I'm 125 today, still pretty far.
@TerryChia Nope, protect new users from the harsh truth.
@Adnan ah. most of those votes above the 20 from yesterday, were also yesterday I guess.
2:36 PM
@AviD Ahh. I thought that only applied on other questions and answers.
@TerryChia Sadly no. Actually this was one of the things that pushed me to get 1k on SO
The rep cap had been pretty harsh to me in the past. :( My two 30+ vote answers were written one day apart.
Missed out quite a bit of rep.
@TerryChia, he cannot accept your answer because
"[it is] just repeating what I believe is 'general knowledge' (or worse - "industry standard") without second thought."
While his answer is: "No more than one could obtain using different parts of the website as a guest"
Isn't that general knowledge?!
@Adnan heh. I'd rephrase his answer to No less than one could obtain using different parts of the website as a guest.
@TerryChia I made some statistics two months ago; apparently, I had lost about 17% of my potential rep due to the rep cap (overall). This may have changed a bit because I hit the rep cap much more consistently these days; I should run my program again.
2:53 PM
@ThomasPornin Any insights on the calculation methods?
I'd prefer a per-post rep-cap instead of a per-day cap
@CodesInChaos I think Jon Skeet had a meta post about that right? It didn't go down very warmly to say the least...
@Adnan I download my rep summary from security.stackexchange.com/reputation
then I run a parsing program I wrote
@TerryChia It's one of the [status-assasination-required] meta questions
@CodesInChaos I actually think per-day rather than per-post encourages better answers.
2:55 PM
At least in my case the highly voted answers aren't that great
@Xander It only encourages people to post answers on daily basis.
@Xander Problem with a per day thing is it encourages people to stop posting after they hit the daily rep cap. Especially on large sites like SO.
@CodesInChaos So I shouldn't feel bad about mine then :D
Of course you could do a @ThomasPornin and make a sockpuppet or three...
Just today I got a +77 answer on programmers.SE that boils down to "code repetition is bad. m'kay"
so proud of that...
2:57 PM
@CodesInChaos Hahaha I saw that one.
@Adnan @TerryChia True, but that's a trade off. Perhaps.
@CodesInChaos LOL!
Does anybody know the CWE ID for using weak hashing algorithms (like MD5/SHA-1) for hashing passwords?
The only way to really know, I suppose, would be to experiment. Foiled by science again.
Neither CWE-328 nor CWE-759 apply in this case.
@Adnan I'm guessing you are writing a report for upper management? Why else would you need a CWE number for something that should be common sense. ;)
3:00 PM
@ThomasPornin So, total votes: is the total upvotes your posts have received?
@TerryChia Exactly what I'm doing! Ahh.
@Adnan There are also the "Accept" votes, and it may count downvotes as well.
@ThomasPornin Ahaaa.. and you have 0 questions.
@Adnan Yes, upvotes on questions would make the code more complex, since they are worth +5 instead of +10.
@TerryChia Precisely! Thanks
@ThomasPornin Yeah, makes sense now.
3:03 PM
@Adnan The Bear needs ask no questions!
He knows all and sees all!
@TerryChia Probably doesn't need to ask questions on StackExchange.
He who does not ask questions, cannot answer one.
@Adnan Yeah. Reminds me of a quote I saw in Two and a half men.
Let me see if I can dig it up.
Here it is.
> Let me tell you something about sharing, kid. Sharing is a two-way street. When you share with another human being you always get back more than you gave. Assuming that you are smart enough to share with somebody that's got more stuff than you had in the beginning.
@TerryChia +1
3:21 PM
@Adnan Tis pretty schweet.
sounds kinda military-industrial
I like the symphony sections mixed with the double-kick stuff
@Polynomial Best part, 1:11 "Tervetuloa helvettiin, ervetuloa helvettiin, nyt kaikki lasinne täyttäkää" (welcome to hell, everybody, fill your glasses now)
my hearing has only just returned after the gig on Friday
my right ear was completely shot after that one
@Polynomial Which band?
it was a dual headliner: DevilDriver and Cannibal Corpse
Hour of Penance and Black Dahlia Murder supported
was originally meant to be Winds of Plague instead of Hour of Penance, but WoP's drummer left the band and they had to pull out of the tour :(
so I was pretty bummed about that. really wanted to see WoP.
I don't know Cannibal Corpse, were they good?
3:28 PM
not really my kinda thing, but they were ok
it was debatable as to whether the band members had faces for the first half of the gig, since they had their hair completely covering them
BDM weren't bad.
I'll check their stuff..
DevilDriver pwned as usual. Got everyone doing a massive circle-pit during Clouds Over California.
@TerryChia you should get an image for your SE profile
@LucasKauffman +1
and Dez sang most of Head on to Heartache towards my missus, which was pretty cool.
3:31 PM
@LucasKauffman I actually quite like this purple gravatar.
@Polynomial Any black marks from the pit?
@Adnan I gave more than I got.
@Polynomial Nice!
@Adnan Nearly ended up in a punch-up with some prick that kept trying to elbow me out of the way near the end of the gig when I was stood at the front with my fiancée.
I wish that convincing two women to have sex with you at the same time as easy as getting metalheads to mosh.
@Polynomial Damn! I hate those fuckers!
3:34 PM
was pretty funny in the end though. I was already ~6 inches taller than him, and there's a little ramp at the front so that made me even taller, so when I turned around and shouted at him to pack it the fuck in he practically shat himself
and some dude next to me just burst out laughing at him
@Polynomial Nice. It's good when they have it coming!
I also punched some guy in the balls by accident in the pit, which I felt bad for.
@Adnan Wow. Just wow. Awesome quote. I'd tweet it, but my wife follows me.
@Iszi I'll do it for you, and you can retweet. Should get away with that one! :P
@Iszi You don't know! That might lead to an interesting conversation with interesting results
3:36 PM
tweeted :P
@Adnan Also, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's better.
@TRiG, nice profile pic!
@Adnan Christmas party. Was wearing a paper crown from a cracker over my normal silly cloth hat.
(I've cut the hair off since.)
I like the Hatception.
@TRiG You should've taken hair straighteners to it before cutting it off, just to see what it looks like.
@Polynomial That might have been interesting.
I'm trying to convince my coworkers to slowly start using LaTeX, I really like the SVNability
I'm getting the same reaction I get from posting something on Meta.SO
3:46 PM
@Adnan Why not git? :P
@TerryChia Because it's git.
SVN is like source control for people who want to write code instead of 800-character git commands and various bash scripts.
git is source control for people whose job title is "Source Control Guy".
@Polynomial svn:git::windows:linux
Hg is source control for people who actually have some more exotic use-cases which SVN doesn't cover, but who still need to have some time to write some code.
@JeffFerland even then I'd use Hg over git.
oh I missed one
TFS is for people who paid for MSDN subscriptions.
though I do have to say, TFS is pretty nice if you're only doing work in Visual Studio.
@Polynomial With that new GIT gui for windows I really like GIT
it's really easy
@LucasKauffman there's a git GUI for Windows? linky immediately!
(though I still don't enjoy git's ridiculously circuitous commit/merge patterns)
brb shower anyway, I shall check out your link (assuming OP delivers!) when I get back
3:54 PM
@Polynomial If you are using github, windows.github.com
@Polynomial This is a more generic one: code.google.com/p/gitextensions
I just use git in the command line though.
Oh, git has pretty good integration with Visual Studios as well, seeing as you are a C# developer.
@Polynomial It's only on github
my bad
LaTeX is horrible, but the competition is even worse
4:09 PM
Had to route all my traffic through California to watch Amazon Instant streaming again.
@CodesInChaos Sorta like democracy?
well there is a difference: I can't think of a better alternative for democracy, despite its sucking
Product manager claims that XSS is a feature:
a better LaTeX alternative isn't that difficult
@CodesInChaos What? Animal skin?
4:17 PM
@TerryChia I won't hire you for marketing it
@CodesInChaos Of course, you need @Adnan for that.
Normally I'd demean the language designer, but for TeX I can't get away with that :(
Bed time. Have a good day everyone else. :)
@TerryChia nighty night
4:32 PM
@CodesInChaos As Churchill once said, Democracy is the worst form of government, save all the others that have been tried from time to time.
I know that one. But designing a better markup language isn't that hard. Designing a better form of government is.
Q: Choosing the right tools

Dee TahaI'm totally new in the field of penetration testing, like almost no experience, only read lots of books and papers. I encountered lots of interesting tools during studying, many are famous like Metasploit, Nmap, OpenVas... etc. and other tools that aren't known or less famous, along with lots of ...

to burn it or not to burn it with fire
@LucasKauffman At least he explicitly denies wanting a shopping list.

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