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@Chad So you don't think anything could be done to the question to make it suitable for the site? I think it's a decent question, and contains a very useful answer.
@Rachel "How can I determine if my job is suitable" Might be less subjective
@RhysW Is it because "Good" is subjective?
I don't mind changing the title to that, but I want to be sure it would be enough to keep the question open.
@Rachel It is far to localized. What matters to you is completely different than what matters to me. Even if they are the same chances are my reasons for wanting those things are probably different.
The problem with opening the question like that is everyone can say here is how I feel. It is a broken window. It should stay closed.
I do not want to delete the question but if it starts attracting me too answers I will vote to delete
If we could lock the question I would be ok with it too.
3 hours later…
@Chad Well it still needs 1 more reopen vote to get reopened first before it can get any answers, which is why I was asking about it here
Maybe I'll make a meta question about it to get more attention
4 hours later…
@Rachel yeah 'Good' to me seems to open ended whereas suitable sort of encourages those who answer to think about the process of determining suitability
2 hours later…
Bohemian, Melbourne, Australia
99 3
This user asked a question about eating at one's desk. The question is still asking "is this okay" instead of presenting it as a problem that needs to be solved.
In it's current format, it's NC, but if anyone can help edit it into shape we might be able to reopen it.
We were also discussing merging the user's first question with the second, with the newer of the two being the target. I'll do that when I'm done working so I can make sure I don't botch anything up. :)

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