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5:36 AM
Lonely Planet Thorn Tree is gone! (at least for now...)
5:58 AM
really? why?
interesting... wonder if they were getting spammed or something?
I could email Tony and ask him, but i think all of that stuff is BBC now days so he probably wouldnt know
did you see the announcement?
1 hour later…
7:40 AM
are you talking about the travel forum?
Thorn Tree is/was the LP travel forum, yes
i havent actually use it for many years... it was good for a few years, but then went to hell
I never used it... tried it once, but imho there weren't a lot of user using it
5 hours later…
12:36 PM
10 000
Doc will shortly overtake me too
10 hours later…
10:54 PM
COngrats @VMAtm
not sure if this is a good question:
Q: What happened to Thorn Three?

MalvolioMaybe it's not cricket to ask about one travel forum on another forum, but someone has to know. Why is Thorn Tree shut down? The message is very mysterious. A scandal?

that should be on meta. just like mark's question about wikivoyage/wikitravel - it's not a direct travel problem - it's a problem about where to ask travel problems
btw it's a Tree of thorns, not a number between Two and Four
11:13 PM
yes i voted to migrate to meta too
Q: Burushaski teacher or course in Pakistan

hippietrailI love exotic languages as much as I love travelling so one destination I'm considering for my next trip is Pakistan where a language famous to linguists for not being related to any other language is spoken in some areas. Burushaski on Wikipedia | Burushaski phrasebook stub on Wikivoyage Appar...

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