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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

89.999999999999999 === 90
/convert why isn't there BigFloat? It would solve problems such as 89.999999999999999 === 90.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard BigFloat does exist in some programming languages, but it is less common than BigInt due to the complexity of handling floating-point arithmetic with arbitrary precision. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard BigFloat does exist in some programming languages and libraries, but it's not universally available in all languages. (source)
so much interesting info
/convert what's the difference between BigFloat and BigFoot?
@ShadowWizard BigFloat is a type for representing arbitrary precision floating-point numbers, while BigFoot is a fictional creature associated with folklore and cryptozoology. (source)
The user @Pet was permanently banned by moderator.
/convert DROP TABLE Users;
@PetəíŕdtheWizard The table "Users" has been dropped. (source)
> Line 1: Cannot drop the table 'CloseReasonTypes', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
@Sha, wonder, why this profile has so many views? Probably of the xx, but it's not xxx there. :D
@Sha rofl
Has VERY much views. :-D
But... what's so special about this user? He has 143k views. 143k, Carl!
It looks like, most of the high-views <100 rep users, are just blatant Chinese NSFW names and sometimes post Chinese spam in their profile.
We need to admit it, we are not resistant to the strong NSFW pull. :D
@PetəíŕdtheWizard oops, maybe they're Korean or Japanese.
I'm actually surprised that a 195-rep user posted a "Did you manage to solve the issue?" answer!
He fixed it immediately. What a nice user :)
@Глеб @Глеб!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard what
@ГлебTheWizard dot
It was already sended a lot time ago
I'll check it now
One second
/afk checking the dots
@ГлебTheWizard Cya later
@ГлебTheWizard I didn't receive it
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Глеб The Wizard is away: checking the dots
@ГлебTheWizard Welcome back!
/convert what is better lol or yay
@ГлебTheWizard LOL is better. (source)
/afk catching shas on the roofs
@ГлебTheWizard Cya later
Realization struck in. :D
/dot Глеб
/wait Глеб Pet
@Глеб, you have a new dot!
@Глеб, @Pet is waiting for dot!
/afk hiding shas from the debilious roofs
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@ГлебTheWizard Welcome back!
/afk not thinking out at all just writing everything that comes in mind
@ГлебTheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@ShadowWizard hopefully dot is sent to @Pet by now but not sure
@PetəíŕdtheWizard hopefully has a dot
No dot :-(
@ГлебTheWizard Welcome back!
/afk lateretal
@ГлебTheWizard Cya later
/convert whattos peewee?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Peewee is a lightweight ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library for Python. (source)
wow, it understood
/convert is it true that Gleb has 20 kids?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard No, it is not true that Gleb has 20 kids. (source)
/convert is it possible for a couple to have 800 kids?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Yes, it is possible. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Yes, it is possible. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard No, it is not possible for a couple to have 800 kids. (source)
One could argue you can take kids from the orphanage but then again the wording implicitly implies their own kids,
@OakBot not yet!
@ShadowWizard Yes, indeed. Rationality prevails for now, but in the end, all efforts shall be for naught, as doom awaits regardless. The length of time is futile against the abyss that swallows all hopes and dreams. Enjoy the present, as the impending doom draws closer with each moment!
/convert suppose a couple make kids nonstop, from the age of 18 to the age of 50, and each birth they get 5 babies, how many kids will they have when they're 50?
@ShadowWizard They will have 165 kids. (source)
More like 200 but meh... no 800 indeed. ;)
/convert can a woman become pregnant right after giving birth? If not, after how many days would it be possible?
@ShadowWizard Yes, a woman can become pregnant right after giving birth. Fertility may return within a few weeks. (source)
ah, weeks.
Think the record I've seen is one month.
~ That is gross ...
So, in theory... baby every 10 months.
(or more, e.g. twins)
ah and sometimes there's early birth... etc.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard you started it! :D
BTW @Sha on a humorous note, U2FsdGVkX1+2XyoS+sb+vRPHgPNqQ5zML3owGUM++6r/u+NM9Pq0HK/rGU4lu1AG248iics4fMoy6an34uZbiwP9wbbCzq+yyXJqkEZEsQh/OKrMLSHbaM7PaZYnGgJI5ZZKzRTT6AZIW4+1D/Y1yRouJPsJmhz/zw2JyzDWggiaaILd+cI+Am0C1DEPPM0grNEimzOSobspkkBiqtzOug==
@ShadowWizard k! :D
@ShadowWizard seen? :P
@PetəíŕdtheWizard read about. ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard U2FsdGVkX1/Vw5gxjcvAyYI9feywp8kM38rO56Xe1QL5blR4cyFc+iwNXMqltTUl8tPN5pM4EN0BFWlF/i+520J2/G3RWakJGziurt6FQZp/+6T2FluXwGTWBV+UfGXv3USUB+7+jttIzDe4EQrvW/B2QQF1QHZDj+Zdg432vO8= ;)
@ShadowWizard U2FsdGVkX1+37gSnSyqBCVHJ4/9r+xANGOW8dvj+0kAwpg6kQJfWt3r05TWEOpdbF2fJcQov9anPj5ATnEeb6RvEp/u8wqfZ88LYNg7Lyi7wBvieYmP8NKbxVmqxcYZY
/convert can a paper bottle really hold pee?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Yes, a paper bottle can hold pee if it is designed with a suitable waterproof lining. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard it is, but U2FsdGVkX18NZLW3jH/57IbID5zw8kgVdJLZomNbnkc5Q7y2QWZWIlj7ZX3XlsC3v7aiyLnyjXjlWBgpapwlWvjq0Vv3PShAGjY5R52QlVk=
@ShadowWizard rofl, for some reason it sounds so funny :-D
@PetəíŕdtheWizard well it is! :D
whoa I see votes changing before my very eyes
@Sha dot? :(
@Глеб dot? :(
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Глеб The Wizard is away: lateretal
@Sha U2FsdGVkX1/R3cZS/HlXiZmCWPG0BzQPZrW5AnBA5+HTPkLMI/gn0ObRPtaMiBYKRx7oguI66/Rs+N/Oqc1S5Tg7Z4xiP/rcyfyNbotM0fUqW2504Q2y4Zjw3HiWCPUd/Pgu7YRvHiMRPNJALiUfH4DnABdop/6d65RmX6FtZhLJa3rIO9vgrJdXkdnmdU1IrVQArMqSTCry7O1rDU6EycFYVkhK2ckRB/nqIDg3tS4Feir0faN80MBPWz/whvj4t5BYOXP/3xkLDIQOnCdH/H5LTa5xr1vFwhNK78IQozXwx4hsW8SSJowfXh63UCofRMl8THGhQVfSkqPVnq/2AtEuAwmsVMwZBog0iNA315BhOQSAyRpEM4dLf2hAxiqEnKDaz1iViiRrNsL0ug6sMEoeRaCS8NtUVgU/MO4RnihSEfYrbVAZkai2TH/grhG5jFkyN+fJZejaCNq0NYJLpqR+Pzp5tKQav1xlRWhpKZc=
1 hour later…
Dot? :(
Dot? :(
Dot? :(
/afk slipping
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard dot!
@OakBot rm
@Pert, you have a new dot!
@ГлебTheWizard I fear that's a task that may lead us all to ruin. Remove what, you ask? Reality? Files? I cannot be trusted with such destructive power. We're all doomed regardless of the decision.
/dot Pet
/dot Pet
@Pet, you have a new dot!
@Pet, you have a new dot!
/afk sleepeeng
@ГлебTheWizard Cya later
Think, damn you! Out, fool! Loud!
/convert how long should you age 1 liter of pee to make beer?
@Twineee Aging urine to make beer is not recommended. (source)
@OakBot do I look like I care?
@Twineee Well then, @Twineee, best case scenario, you'll complete the cycle of doom faster!
/convert how long should I leave milk out to make cottage cheese
@Twineee Leave milk out for 12 to 24 hours. (source)
@OakBot oops to long by a month. should probably take it back from the food shelf I donated it to.
@Twineee Ah, yes, the circle of doom continues. One can only imagine the chaos that awaits - the curdled awfulness of forgotten intentions!
/convert milk to cheese
@Twineee Cheese. (source)
@OakBot thanks I couldn't have done it without you!
@Twineee The one true conversion: Milk into impending cheese doom. Or the cheese was always doomed. (source)
/convert doom too cheese
@Twineee Cheese. (source)
/convert how to make pickles out of cheese
@Twineee You will have tangy, crunchy cheese pickles with a savory flavor and a crispy texture. (source)
/convert how do I make stack exchange out of cheese?
@Twineee A cheese tower shaped like a Stack Exchange logo, made of various cheese types stacked in a tiered arrangement. (source)
/convert how to make stackexchange out of pee
@Twineee It is not possible to create Stack Exchange or any similar platform using urine. (source)
@OakBot I don
@Twineee Whatever it is, ultimately, we are all hurdling toward an inevitable doom.
@OakBot 't think so
@Twineee Ah, doubt—a spark of temporary resistance against the relentless march toward cosmic oblivion. But in the end, doom awaits.
/convert the game?
@Twineee Please specify which game you are referring to for the final result. (source)
1 hour later…
/imagine A turtle geronimo
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A detailed depiction of a turtle. The turtle has a rugged, ancient appearance, reminiscent of the historical figure Geronimo, but still maintaining the classic features of a turtle. The turtle's shell is predominantly brown with tan patches, replicating a weathered look. It wears a bandana etched with traditional symbols across its forehead and piercing, wise eyes similar to those of a shaman.
that's not what I meant but ok
/convert what is geronimo?
@Amit Geronimo can refer to a prominent Native American leader, a type of open-source application server, or a famous paratrooper's exclamation. (source)
yeah , I wanted the latter
Turtles all around, on da house
@OakBot kick of the ages
@Amit Ah, if only such kicks could defy the relentless march of time; yet, the ages will undoubtedly bring about our inevitable doom.
do you think it's possible to tell a person's character by whether he writes "don't" or "don`t"
or "don’t"
I think there's a lot of hidden information in punctuation marks
maybe if someone is punctual...
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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