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I don't think that can be correct, because that would be the state of North Carolina, which the clue specifies is not the intended meaning.
@RyanM no, "North Carolina" there would refer to the university, not the state. But anyway, @juicifer, that was not my intended answer. Though it's a good one. Sorry for the inadvertent Schrödinger.
C4 hint: You may fare better ignoring sports.
@msh210 thanks for the clarification, I was wondering too about what you meant
@msh210 (also just saw this)
@juicifer Relatives in big lacrosse school joined Claypool (6)
if they ever make deadpool 4 they should include an alternative-universe team of claymation deadpools from france named les claypools
still confused about the c4 but i think the sixth letter is S
could it be that "in play" just clues a synonym and whatever the carolina part is it's separate
e.g. in snooker if a ball is in play it's "on"
hmm actually that might be rubbish... think any ball still on the table is in play but only the ball you're supposed to hit next is on
@msh210 Judging by your response, probably not, but North and Carolina are both feasible names to give to one’s daughter.
kanye's daughter is North but not sure how good of an example he is of reasonable naming considering his other kids are Saint, Chicago and Psalm
@Jafe I also consider ‘Haiku’ and ‘Do’ to be reasonable names, so I guess I think that otherwise strange names are normal.
hey, i started calling myself "jafe" in like the second grade... finnish does not use the letter F apart from weird loanwords like tofu
Do and Haiku seem like good names for Busta Rhymes's next kid, Do Haiku Rhymes
Do haiku rhymes? It usually don't
Do Haiku Rhymes? Weird way to phrase that question, but not necessarily.
You know what they say... Great alike think minds
You know what they say… / Great alike think minds, right? But / differ rarely fools.
@msh210 so it may refer to things that refer to the state, but not to the state directly?
@RyanM It may refer to something named for the state, or to a metonym.
@Jafe finnish doesn't use the letter F, that's true… but Finnish does
wasn't expecting capital punishment
@Jafe how is "Jafe" pronounced?
in english? /'dʒæfi/, rhymes with taffy
finnish is /'jɑfe/
looking into the various USS North Carolinas again... although unsure how the gameplay part would be relevant there
You may also want to reread the most recent hint. Perhaps aloud.
is it houses ddef, because of this?
@msh210 (and this)
@juicifer yes!
@juicifer and yes!
@juicifer nice find!
1 hour later…
who knew the decisive hint would be "please read hint"
Q: PSE Advent Calendar 2024 (Day 4): "Where should Declan go?" - a GCHQ word association puzzle (Christmas edition)

StivThis puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2024. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.< Previous Door Next Door > There's a great new Advent calendar on the market which you can customise to conceal a loved one's name behind the...

@Jafe Really? Thought it was Jafe like 'safe'.
@PolygonPotpourri see "About"
@msh210 I see...
2 hours later…
> declan: to dispossess (someone/something) of clans.
(made-up ofc, apologies to anyone actually named Declan and to the Declan from which Stiv first heard that name :p)
My Declan exposure would be Donnelly and Rice...
Q: What was the last capture in this game of monochromatic chess?

Tim SeifertHere is a new retrograde analysis puzzle - but this one is not about an ordinary game of chess! Instead, Black and White set out to play a game of monochromatic chess. In this variant, the pieces may only move between squares of the same checkerboard colour (while also adhering to the usual movem...

CCCC: Putting down and picking up Azerbaijani children, perhaps (10)
a man's gotta have hobbies, i guess
@juicifer EUTHANASIA = "youth in Asia"
@DanielS precisely
CCCC Scam involving art materials! (8)
1 hour later…
"pens" for art materials seems convenient
msh's previous clue mentioned pens as well, but not sure if that's relevant
Either way, I'm glad I can't get this immediately as otherwise I would have already been distracted from my duties
i'm thinking art materials could be the letters a, r, t
Q: A grid made of "building blocks"

Prim3numbahThere are six colors used in this puzzle as you can see - black, green, orange, red, white and yellow. I tried to make them colorblind-friendly and hopefully everyone can see which color is which (especially when zooming in). The answer to this puzzle is a suitable word. What do I call this puzz...

@DanielS con involving media = comedian
&lit of course
nice clue
That's nice
@msh210 Correct!
CCCC: Drive you into the Atlantic? (5)
@msh210 agreed
6 hours later…
Q: Strange Unsolved Cipher on Youtube from 2014

EE12I recently came across a strange YouTube channel from 2014 called Arcus Grid, containing a puzzle which has seemingly never been solved. It's been posted to Reddit a couple of times, but nobody has ever really gotten anywhere with it. I haven't had any luck decoding it, or even identifying what k...

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