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Define matrix ( B ) as the transpose of the transpose of the transpose of matrix ( A^T ). Then B is A^T or A
I think it is A
2 messages moved from Martin Sleziak's room
It probably fits better here.
You have $(A^T)^T=A$.
This is mentioned on Wikipedia: Transpose § Properties - as the very first property.
So by that logic B =A right
For the record, this was asked also in tne main chatroom:
in Mathematics, 5 mins ago, by maths student
Define matrix ( B ) as the transpose of the transpose of the transpose of matrix ( A^T ). Then B is A^T or A
I think it is A
@mathsstudent Your question is about $A^{TTTT}$? I.e., you're taking the transpose four times?
Well, you have $A^{TTTT}=A^{TT}=A$.

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