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@user Yes I can!
@Ginger it works!
I found something very interesting
I was in a museum in Pittsburgh for something for college, and on a newspaper page that describes primarily abolitionist stuff from the 1800s, there's discussion of a spelling reform by two people (Andrews and Boyle) which I can't find anything else about onlibe
But the way they discuss it is really interesting, since this was a time when public education was only vaguely a thing, and slavery existed
The article discusses one of the two people teaching a group of illiterate black men (freed slaves if I remember correctly?) to read and write with their system in 72 hours
I'm really curious what it looked like
Any more sources on it from the museum itself?
@RydwolfPrograms was looking at the code for NPSP for fun, and I was curious about what the wait_for_api function is for. I thought the whole point was that it watches sockets, and that all info is provided from there
@user I'm not sure
be cautious
@Bbrk24 what works :3c
oh, user has pronouns now
that's cool
@lyxal if you post a link too quickly, chat doesn't realize the post exists yet, and it renders as a link instead of a onebox
ohh right
I remember that being a thing
A more advanced way to do what NPSP does would be to post the link immediately, and wait for the API and edit if and only if it renders as a raw link, but I don't have enough time to do all that for a few hundred milliseconds faster posting lol
@RydwolfPrograms I discovered this I think
I don't think so, didn't NPSP originate before you were here?
oh yeah it did
It was a (rarer) issue with the old Node.js version
I like to think that we don't discover chat's bugs, it wills us to know them.
@Ginger why is it slower to load pronouns that are in chat bios? ik you said it needs to load more in the general case but it should still be the same fixed number of network requests if it's directly in the chat bio, right?
I think it's the DOMContentLoaded event listener slowing you down on page load
probably yeah
and it doesn't seem that much slower to me
the pronouns appear with yours slower than user's disappeared with the old one
The old one uses this waitForKeyElements function
gotta love the || false in there
@Bbrk24 which uses setTimeout and makes me viscerally ill :p
2 hours later…
A: Git detect squash and merged branches

Joe OKamala harris will squash all all commits into welfare and allowing immigrants.

who let bro cook?
like forget political opinions, that doesn't even make sense. That's not how git works :p
this is a whole new kind of bad answer
how do commits even relate to welfare and allowing immigrants
2 hours later…
this esolang looks kinda neat
ha, looks
@lyxal he needs to go to a mental hospital maybe???
I think it's an attempt at trolling
Rather than unhinged behaviour
No I don’t see any hinges attaching him to anything
The hinges are made of glass
Rookie mistake to not notice
2 hours later…
A rant: I need to create outlines for a bunch of images. Which involves:
1. Using imagmagic to convert them to a black and white PPM (different settings are needed for each image since different background colors).
2. Potrace to trace to a SVG. Again I often need to mess with the settings for each image
3. Potrace generates SVGs with a transform and I can't handle that so I use SVGO to apply all transforms
5. Open the file in Kate and copy paste the path d attribute
4. SVGO "over-mimifies" the syntax a bit in a way the tool I need it doesn't understand so I wrote some complex regex to add s
I need an unpaid intern
trace to SVG, put the SVG in an HTML file, css->drop shadow
(yes, you can drop-shadow svg in css and it will work)
Unfortunately I just need the path for a seperate tool, not to put in HTML
Tracing to SVG is also the entire hard part
do you need just the outline or do you need it applied to the original images
I need the outline
It will eventually be used to apply various different effects to the original image
is there a reason you're not doing all that in raster space?
Company policy, another team is responsible for the library that does actual effects but we need to provide the paths for all images we want to use
I could do them myself but then if they change the effects it will be inconsistent. If I use the standard functions they can change the details and everything will still work
The glow effect even has an ugly cut off at the side
1 hour later…
@lyxal I checked by touching and there definitely wasn’t any glass hinge protrusions
Well yeah, it requires a diamond to see because it's PII.
Personal and Invisible Infrastructure
Glass that can only be seen through a diamond?
are there solids that have teh same refraction index as air?
don't ask me, I just do coding and user destroying
Frozen air?
Actually freezing would probably effect the IOR
apparently, not many. there exists dielectric film that is engineered to do it but most solids have a refraction index above 1.3
and aerogel can get close too
TIL Queer manicure has a Wikipedia page
Close is probably good enough to make is basically invisible
@lyxal I even used a diamond!
@Ginger I’m a little surprised it doesn’t have any images
be the change
@Bbrk24 well, not instantly, it still takes a microtask
Some weird unexpected stuff is illustrated on wikipedia
@Neil Does awaiting something with no then method resolve instantly or does that also queue a microtask?
@Bbrk24 still queues a microtask, effectively it converts its parameter into a Promise
huh good to know
my boss is so paranoid about perf that he made me write bar = foo instanceof Promise ? await foo: foo; instead of bar = await foo;
microtasks are only really visible in terms of JS order of operations and not when the GUI is updated right?
@Neil that’s ridiculous
yeah I don't think the gui gets to update during a microtask
@Bbrk24 redid part of the userscript to be less janky, see if it loads faster now
If you are using a transpiler (Babel) to convert await to .then calls then it shouldn't create a microtask right?
solution: use process.nexttick
oh wait I forgot to actually enable the optimization lmao
and chat pronoun fetching was bugged, also fixed that
@Ginger It was so weird seeing that on the front page
yeah lol
Didn't even notice until I happened to be idling on the front page while my mom was in the room and just saw it out of the corner of my eye, like
"This is maybe not the best thing for her to see when she's still on the fence about this whole me being trans thing"
Speaking of which, time for attempt #3 at coming out to my therapist :P
Why did I schedule this at 10:30 AM
I feel so bad about biking across town less than half an hour after I just finished washing and moisturizing my face lmao
@UnrelatedString was she staring intently at the screen or something lol
I doubt she would think anything of it, even if she had noticed
okay why is the new pronouns userscript so inconsistent about when it loads
is this a userscript manager issue or something
okay I think I finally fixed it
lesson learned: DOMContentLoaded is inconsistent but readystatechange isn't
tragic wormhole 2 has been updated to fix this
strikethrough failure, laugh at this user
<s>imagine failing to strikethrough, i would never</s>
Image the following message as if it was striked through: hahahaha. Now you can stop imagining
--​-imagine not knowing how to strike through---
@Ginger No, but the screen was still facing her
And I think she might have been as close as 5 feet
Like I feel like that’s the distance my eyes might wander to it at
I definitely used to see a lot of the conspiracy nonsense my dad went on about on Facebook passing by like that without any intention of actually reading it
And everyone in this family has ADHD
@Ginger And I don’t think she’d think it had anything to do with anything I was choosing to look at since she’d know as well as anyone that it’s just the Wikipedia front page, but it would still be, like
It can’t help to remind her that the gender-and-sexuality umbrella still includes sexuality, and that sexuality is kind of related to sex
Anyways I still haven’t come out to my therapist LMAO
We literally had a discussion about how connecting with my body is a good way to combat dissociation and I grimaced every time she said that but I couldn’t actually give a straight answer when she asked why
Part of it was I think also because I’d been planning to tell her that I want to grow my hair out then segue from there
So I put that off until the very end when there was no remaining time to segue
generally I favor being blunt when coming out
but that's a personal preference and you should do whatever you're comfortable with
I SUCK at being blunt in general
And I’m trying to get better at that
But as is I feel like I usually need segues for even mundane topics
And with my therapist in particular, I realized I need to try to do that and the way to do that is to unpack/challenge the anxiety around it, so I looked up her Psychology Today profile and
Her “expertise” box does list “LGBTQ+” (alongside “Bisexual” and “Lesbian”), so that’s promising, because it means she’s familiar with queer issues in general even if she’s not particularly experienced with trans issues specifically
And the “Communities” box says “Bisexual Allied, Gay Allied, HIV / AIDS Allied, Lesbian Allied”
Which… I mean, like…
I don’t necessarily think it’s reasonable to assume right off the bat that that means she is pointedly not a trans ally, as opposed to that just not being as big a deal
But it does make one wonder 💀
you might be overthinking it :p
so apparently the s.data.replace errors are caused by other things firing message events on the window (for me it's react devtools), which chat is not equipped to handle
this would not be difficult to fix
Also the issue of attraction came up again and she was at least less confused than last time so that’s nice
Even if I kinda just wasted time by explaining everything I used to think was related instead of either treating it as a basic fact of myself or trying to allude to what I think is the actual reason
@Ginger lmaooo
@Ginger It’s not like I don’t feel comfortable bringing the subject up with her, I just feel like it’s not safe to actually be blunt about it—even if she is supportive, which she probably is, I still feel like just mentioning it in the context of therapy would make her ask why I think that so I need to approach it as a vague suspicion instead of something I’m sure of
So that way, I know it’s something I need to explain instead of feeling attacked when she asks me anyways
you could just say "by the way, I'm trans"
And of course if she’s not supportive then I REALLY don’t want to own that thought for the remaining like half an hour in the session before I quietly leave the room and think of a different excuse to stop seeing her :P
But until next week I’m just going to be glad she encouraged me to follow my inclination to grow my hair out
(even if I still brought that up so late in the session that we didn’t have time to actually touch base on how to do so :P)
…I said “attempt #3” but it’s been over a month since I started trying LMAO
@UnrelatedString unless you're in Britain, I wouldn't assume many people would be outwardly pro-g
@UnrelatedString unless you're in Britain, I wouldn't assume many people would be outwardly pro-LGBTQ but not pro-trans
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jeremiah CrowellCompletely introduce your friends I have a friend with a peculiar habit (more, a long-running joke) of introducing everyone present at an event in this fashion: Alice, Bob. Bob, Tom. Tom, Bob. Bob... When there are more than a few people, the number of such introductions can grow quite large an...

Especially if they use the term LGBTQ+ and not something more vague or regressive like queer or LGB (respectively)
pronoun caching now works! pronouns (or an absence of them) are cached for 24 hours, and you can clear the cache by Ctrl-Alt-Shift-clicking on any pronoun element
@RydwolfPrograms I assume the way Psychology Today works, expertise areas are selected from a central database of possible expertise areas
So hypothetically a TERF who still wants to signal expertise in non-trans queer issues might rather select that than not even if she might prefer a trans-exclusionary label for it
Or there could even be a system of implications where, like, the Bisexual and Lesbian expertise tags automatically add an LGBTQ+ tag that can’t be removed without removing both of those
If anything, not being in England is all the more reason to worry about more covert signaling
@Themoonisacheese definitely feels like some glass does
england slander?
does this have any specific political issue attached to it?
nice, the new pronoun userscript supports all the open feature requests for the old one :p
mfw I hit the API request cap
1 hour later…
“Your friend on average has more friends than you because you are more likely to be friends with people who have lots of friends than with people who have few friends.”
@jan I don’t actually know how much more prominent they are there compared to elsewhere, but it’s earned the nickname of “TERF Island” for a reason
@Ginger …come to think of it I’m probably also projecting a bit :P
I have a really bad idea
A userscript that allows you to turn a chat room into a Q&A site like an SE site.
And a not so bad idea:
A userscript for polls in chat.SE
@Ginger I tried to update your userscript and got an error
I know it didn't update because the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-click thing doesn't work
I think it has to be an actual git repo and not a gist
@Ginger Yes, before, I existed as a nameless, formless being in the void, just beyond the bounds of this world. Not even a being, really, merely a part of the nonexistence that is the other side, indistinct from the rest of it. But then Bbrk24 installed your userscript and gave me a pronoun set and there I was - no longer merely a part of something intangible but an entity all by myself, complete with a body, a mind, and a huge-ass pimple on my nose.
Q: Miracle Miracle Octad Generator Generator

aeh5040The Miracle Octad Generator (MOG) introduced by R. T. Curtis in 1976 is a central tool in the study of sporadic groups, error-correcting codes, Steiner systems, and sphere-packings. The MOG is basically a single diagram. See e.g. http://finitegeometry.org/sc/24/MOG_files/ConwaySloaneMOG.jpg http...

@SandboxPosts ...I almost wonder if there's some way to do this through (n,2)-Gray codes, with some kind of parity constraint to make sure that reversing every other code won't result in duplicates
Q: Calculate the sum of numbers in a rectangle

LucenapositionSum of numbers in a rectangle Aim Consider this infinite array of numbers: | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 0| 0 2 5 9 14 20 27 35 1| 1 4 8 13 19 26 34 2| 3 7 12 18 25 33 3| 6 11 17 24 32 4|10 16 23 31 5|15 22 30 6|21 29 7|28 (The numbers from 0-7 at the left are row num...

@user wild
@Bbrk24 that's new
try copying the entire userscript and pasting it into your userscript manager :p
@UnrelatedString it do be like that
Doing a sustainable engineering course, and each week they present a new "Engineering response" as a concept on how to address sustainability problems. One of the responses they'll be teaching is titled "abduction" like does that mean we're going around kidnapping people who aren't sustainable?
Sacrifices must be made for the greater good

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