@arkhamvm did you try the suggestions: change the number from -100 to 0 see if that helps, also check /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections I think it should be empty or have only 1 connection to your VPN. what was the result?
@arkhamvm ok It seems that in github.com/KDE/plasma-nm they are talking about openvpn, question, was your openvpn installed before upgrade, is it possible for you to remove it, restart your computer and then reinstall Openvpn?
Yes, still disconnect/connect again. It's doesn't affect internet stability, but annoying AF
sudo ethtool veth1847d7b Settings for veth1847d7b: Supported ports: [ ] Supported link modes: Not reported Supported pause frame use: No Supports auto-negotiation: No Supported FEC modes: Not reported Advertised link modes: Not reported Advertised pause frame use: No Advertised auto-negotiation: No Advertised FEC modes: Not reported Speed: 10000Mb/s Duplex: Full Auto-negotiation: off Port: Twisted Pair PHYAD: 0 Transceiver: internal MDI-X: Unknown Link detected: yes
@arkhamvm ah, do you have anything else beside openvpn that affects network?and senad me a pictuire of your openvpn and lo in the same way you sent the picture of your wired, you can also check ip 4 and ips tabs of your openvpn to see if anything pops out
Ok I thin I found the answer superuser.com/questions/1307030/… first use the script to bring them down if everything is ok you can delete them but I would wait a day before deleting them
@arkhamvm great, finally you got it working and thanks, I have updated the answer, it might change a little since I asked a person who takes care of all answers to take a look at it.