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11:14 PM
A: Deterministic or stochastic universe?

NotThatGuyFor a similar question on the physics site, the top-voted answer mentions indeterminism, but says the mechanism "is still not well understood". A significantly-upvoted comment says the alleged source of indeterminism is "sweep[ing] things under the rug" and alludes to non-locality. The second ans...

(Downvoted by another answerer who doesn't seem to like me presenting facts and arguments that prove them wrong.)
@Dcleve If you want to share your self-professed expertise in physics, feel free to post an answer to the question I linked, on the physics site (they might point out how there's little mention of QM interpretations in any of your links). Or just let your answer here stand by its own merits. I'm not going to keep debating physics with you, 6 months later. Although I pointed out the popular interpretation is fundamentally indeterministic, but not all interpretations are - I'm not sure which part of acknowledging that disagreement exists is so deeply offensive to you.
There is no disagreement. "Teach the controversy" is an anti-science political tactic. Einstein literally devoted decades of effort to come up with alternatives to QM BECAUSE it was probabilistic! This is established fact for nearly a century. Your engaging in smears against a poster who provides you much better links, rather than educating yourself, is noteworthy.
@Dcleve "Teach the controversy" - wow, it's such a weak personal attack for you to equate me with creationism. Probably upwards of 99.9% of biologists accept evolution, yet only 42% accept the Copenhagen interpretation - not at all similar. "Better links"? Lol - I pointed out how your links don't support what you're actually trying to claim. It's exhausting to have to keep dealing with all your lies, your misrepresentations and your personal attacks - why is it so hard for you to be honest and respectful?
11:14 PM
NotThatGuy, you find it exhausting because you engage in repeated defense of falsehoods, and smear me rather than learning. The tactic of asserting a false controversy is of course not limited to Creationism, that is a falsehood. The claim that only Copenhagen is indeterministic is a falsehood. All "interpretations" of the same theory, which is QM, are indeterministic. Hidden variables, and Bohmian Mechanics, are competing theories. No -- you have not shown my links do not support my point, although I have shown yours does not support you.
@Dcleve I find it exhausting because you post lie after lie after personal attack after lie after strawman after lie. I show you clear proof that you're wrong and you just ignore it or misrepresent what was actually said. Case in point: I never said "only Copenhagen is indeterministic" - that's just you lying once again, in order to call me a liar. Now you're lying (or just ignorant) about what QM interpretations fundamentally are. You just stack lies on top of lies on top of more lies, and I'm just sick of dealing with your egregious dishonesty and your lack of basic human decency.
NotThatGuy -- Here is your quote: "Probably upwards of 99.9% of biologists accept evolution, yet only 42% accept the Copenhagen interpretation - not at all similar." SAT test question: in the above quote, evolution is to creationism as WHAT is to determinism? Now you are speaking falsehoods about basic sentence structure!!!!! This is SOP for each of your accusations of me "lying". Every one is itself a falsehood on your part, which I demonstrate over and over to you.
@Dcleve I'm not going to keep indulging your rhetorical games and lies
@Dcleve Anyway, on a meta note, are you enjoying this back and forth? You could just leave dead discussions be, you know. Do you feel like your comments here are making the world a better and happier place, or a worse place? I'm guessing you're motivated by some sort of hero complex, that you tell yourself that saying degrading things to other human beings is fine because you fight for truth, and that sticking your fingers in your ears and just screaming "the truth" at others is fine because you fight for truth. Your actions don't reflect any concern for empathy or kindness, or facts or reason
In meta terms, the internet removes too much of our feedback loop that keeps personal communications honest and respectful, hence the internet is full of dishonest bullying trolls. I refuse to be bullied off platforms by hostile dishonest posters. Instead, when they try to do so, I rub their noses in the piles of dishonesty they left on the board. Disciplining an offender in this way takes work, but is the only way I know of to contribute to discouraging poor forum decorum.
@Dcleve So... hero complex. You enjoy being cruel to people because you think you're right. You're trying to be the biggest bully in the playground, and whenever anyone criticises you or disagrees with you or points out that you're wrong, you beat them into submission because you just hate bullying so much. Seems hypocritical, but whatever makes you happy, and tell yourself what you need to to help you sleep at night, I guess.
11:15 PM
@NotThatGuy -- The hope is that at some point you will learn to refrain from name-calling, insults, dishonesty, false accusations, and general intolerance against views you disapprove of. If you find you cannot change your behavior, and find my nose-rubbing when you do it emotionally stressing, I agree I do not feel empathy for you. Your behavior makes the site worse for everyone else, and you have brought this discipline upon yourself. I find I cannot work up much empathy for hostile bullies.

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