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@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні First, in this case there is no code that replaces the "install via the PS store" because for some reasons the codes are "PC only"
As for the differences, these codes are just a replacement for **paying** the item on the store. For example, if you are a PC user on steam you could either:
- buy the game on Steam, download the game on Steam or
- buy the game collector edition, get the code, redeem the code on Steam (getting the game for free), downloading the game on Steam.
either way you end up with the game tied to you Steam account, available for download until Steam dies or they mug you and "de-list" the game because you "only brought a license that could be revoked at any time without warning, read the TOS"
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні those info are a leak, usually by now you would have the "official" version.
.... Good grief.
One can be a coincidence.
but... two trailers with Sigewinne seeing a complete different version of "reality" ...
.... They really made the Team Fortress "Pyro" reference
(In case you don't know, talking about this one )
(I don't play that game, so I can't give you a long explanation, but from what I know it is a team-based pvp first person shooter. Each character has a class and a role and they made a trailer for each class. Pyro is weird because the trailer seem to suggest they are crazy and actually thinking to be spreading joy)
@SPArcheon ah, right
@SPArcheon so much for "physical discs".
@SPArcheon thanks
@SPArcheon in this one my impression was that she didn't want Neuvilette to worry about her. Haven't watchee the other yet.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні btw, said "by now", meant "by then". The post time reference is 3-4 days ago
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні alas, it was announced soon afterward. You can see the comments here
the ability is so specific no one else can really use it.
And remember: you have to gacha for both item separately.
You can get Sigewinne but fail to get the bow...
Or you can try to get Furina's sword which is on the same banner (weapon banners have two weapons for different characters) and get the bow without having Sigewinne.
these "weapon banners" are very common as a gimmik in gacha games, yet they escape being an example of "compu gacha" only by technicality since the "char+weapon" is not a new item (-> "Complete gacha", “Comp Gacha” is a system where, by collecting specific items through the Gacha system, players can obtain a new, different item. It is illegal in Japan. It is also what Funko is doing with its digital only nft card collections "collect the whole set and get a free real world figure")
Actually, Funko may fall under "Card Matching" too.
> “Card Matching” refers to “the provision of prizes through a lottery that uses a method of presenting a specific combination of different types of tokens displaying two or more types of personalitys, pictures, symbols, etc.” (Japanese Prize Restriction Notice Article 5).

In other words, cases where you collect all the specified items from products that contain random items in a gacha-style, and receive a prize when all are collected, fall under “Card Matching”.

Card Matching is completely prohibited by the Japanese Prize Display Law, regardless of the maximum or total amount of prizes.
> For example, let’s say potato chips containing random cards of different types A, B, C, D, E, F, G are being sold. The card itself falls under “prizes”, but it is inexpensive and not excessive, so it is not illegal.

However, if there is a system where you can get another prize by collecting two or more specific cards, it falls under “Card Matching” and becomes illegal. In other words, it is random which of A to G is included, and it is subject to chance, so it can be said to have the nature of a “lottery”.
now, the funny part?
People in America may be safe for once because of a very stupid law that thinks that kids given a surprise chocolate egg would 99.9% suffocate themselves.
But to European people...
the only difference is that there is not "get all 9 and you win another one", just a "complete the set"
Short version: videogame didn't invent loot boxes.
The first loot box was egg shaped and made out of chocolate.
@SPArcheon fair enough, though as a fully gender stereotype conforming boy I was always annoyed by finding figurines in kinder eggs :P
To me the point has always been chocolate + assembly
@SPArcheon yup, thanks
@SPArcheon it's weird and nice at the same time that these specifically are illegal
@SPArcheon isn't there a "new" version with two separate halves (edible plus toy) and a spoon?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Kinder Joy, and I think it was made because "Summer=>Hot=>Egg Melts"
My headcanon was that it's for the US
1 hour later…
yay! Sigewinne gets the first ever buff applied after the preload but before the go-live.
And it changes.... mostly nothing!!!!!
They could have changed her hydro application, her ICD, make the charged shot scale on HP instead of ATK stat (average build: 40K HP -> 10k charged shot, decent enough).... but nope, they did a minor change that will at most bring a 800 attack to.. 810?
maybe there are other changes that they didn't spot since the description doesn't list things like ICD....
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні A better troll would have been letting everyone skip only to then release some enemy that attacks with ground waves
I still find it very suspicious that both her skills allow for brief "floating"
I hope Natlan - nation of fire - won't be the nation of "the floor is lava" too...
> "You thought that Sigewinne charged bubble was just to have the bubble bounce more but nope, it was perfectly timed to float above the lava wave from the new most hated mob in Natlan"
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon such as the burrowing pokemon
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні was thinking something more like the Signora boss, but ... you probably don't even know what I am babbling about :P
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I mean... there is still the possibility of the ultimate troll.
Make her useless and then reference this one....
not by giving everyone a free Sigewinne but a free Sigewinne card instead.
I can already see the mail....
> "Dear Traveler,
To celebrate the release of Sigewinne we are sending every player a copy of the new Sigewinne card that has been added to Teyvat Invocation"
(cards that you already get for free just by playing btw)
There's an actual ebay scam like that :P
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні naaah, ebay doesn't need to be that elaborate.
It is pure trash as a platform, the company doesn't offer any protection on items bought there.
You can just scam buyers and send nothing at all, no repercussions.
Worst scenario, they will shut down your account.... and then you will open a new one.
2 hours later…
and once again the last main quest chapter brings me back in circles.
I shall continue keeping my eyes open for an adventurer called Wolfgang
4 hours later…
@SPArcheon Wolfgang who?
Did you go looking for the grave/monument thing buried under the sea near the coast?

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