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6:09 AM
Q: What is the shortest regular expression (REGEX) you can create for variants on the name "ELLEN"?

Samuel MuldoonImagine a partially automated customer service phone line. At one point during the conversation, a customer says, "My name is Ellen Doe". However, the name on record is spelled differently. It is spelled as "Ellyn Dough". What is the shortest regular expression (REGEX) you can create for all of ...

6:32 AM
Q: What is the shortest regex for the name "SAMUEL"?

Samuel MuldoonSuppose that someone is trying to access records from a database on swim lessons. At one point during the conversation, a customer says, "The student's name is Samuel Doe". However, the name on record is spelled differently. It is spelled as "Samual Dough". Perhaps we will map the name "Samuel" t...

12 hours later…
6:57 PM
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