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6 hours later…
3 hours later…
Wordle 754 4/6*

2 hours later…
@ErikDarling parandroid
2 hours later…
Morning you legends
Wordle 754 5/6

@PaulWhite-OnStrike just for science™, or did you have a need?
Wordle 754 6/6*

is it morning
i hardly noticed the night had passed
but then for some it is... always night~
1 hour later…
2 messages moved to ­Trash
@PeterVandivier Someone else had a need, mentioned it, and I was exploring options
@PaulWhite-OnStrike 😱
why does paul hate sean
My insanely good looks
must be
at least my star is still there
for now
hates Zalgo text
@ErikDarling blame caching
Literally didn't know that was the name for it, I just called it Unicode puke.
Q: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

JeffI need to match all of these opening tags: <p> <a href="foo"> But not these: <br /> <hr class="foo" /> I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I am only capturing the a-z. <([a-z]+) *[^/]*?> I believe it says: Find a less-than, then Find (and capture) a-z one or ...

Imagine being a programmer
sounds hideous
Almost feel sorry for them
Well, that's a horse of a different color
how to detect different color with regex
@PaulWhite-OnStrike okay, what do I do next?
This would make a good Tshirt.
@ErikDarling You must get a lot of emails every day. Maybe as many as @Zikato gets pings. Btw feel free to charge us some time for that. That conversation definitely dipped into requirements gathering.
@J.D. nah, that's not how i roll
@ErikDarling You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
2 days ago, by Forrest
Excellent use of whitespace
Temperatures in Phoenix, AZ have exceeded 110F in each of the past 12 days
arizona was a mistake
@PaulWhite-OnStrike my dad lives just outside of there
At least it's dry heat but yea lol
Used to, before he was cooked
Sounds like an ok way to go
1 hour later…
It’s hard to imagine someone less qualified to talk about performance
Or even fewer qualified
But Erik, look at the person's title.
v. important
Erik is going to get sent to the principal's office again
Principal shithead
if anyone would like to mess around with my beta version of a stored procedure to parse useful system health extended event data, it's available here: gist.github.com/erikdarlingdata/…
I take it there are quite a few people here who have screamed at the audience at the PASS summit. Any advice for a neophyte?
I was very nice when I presented, you'd never know it was me. Just have a good time :)
@mustaccio are you speaking this year?
Looks like I do
If they let me in the country, that is
They let anyone in the country
That's through the other border. Not so here.
Especially now that we have some herbal remedies in common use.
cool, i'll also be there
"Data Passionist". why not "passionista"
i'll buy you a drink if you're into that sort of thing
ofc working with databases it's hard not to be into that sort of thing
I'd accept a drink even if I weren't working with databases.
Wish I was there to say hi!
they won't let sean out of florida
though the latter actually might be the case. what I do one can hardly call "working", and it's mostly around databases, not necessarily with them
horse shoes, hand grendates, databases
"A dynamic, urban city". is there any other kind
rural city?
do they speak English in Seattle?
They mostly speak heroin mumbles
Wordle 754 4/6

Μπράβο, αγοράκι μου!
1 hour later…

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