There are two custom close reasons on Mathematics Meta (available under "Needs improvement → A community-specific reason") that could use some small updates.
> This should not be a meta discussion, as it is a call for moderator action. Instead, the problematic post or comment should be flagged for moderator attention.
Here, the link over the text "flagged" is
. Preferably, it should use HTTPS.
> You posted this mathematics question on the meta site attached to the site Mathematics. The meta site is intended for support questions and discussions about the main site (cf. the help center). Please post your question on the main site instead:
Here, the link to the Ask Question page on the main site is not linkified. I don't know whether this is because it is a bare link, or because it uses HTTP, or because of some other reason. It would be good to update this text so that it appears as a clickable link and uses HTTPS.
Secondly, the last link over the text "How to ask a good question?" points to
. This is the FAQ with the same title (though in the present revision it ends with a full stop instead of a question mark). Here, the link to the meta post uses the old format meta.math.stackexchange.com
instead of math.meta.stackexchange.com
. Luckily, the redirect happens without trouble, but it would be better to update it to use the new format. Also, HTTPS.
There are other instances of links using HTTP instead of HTTPS, but I think those need to be fixed networkwide, so I made a post on Meta SE regarding that: Link to stackexchange.com is not HTTPS under the default "community-specific" close reason on per-site metas
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