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A: 2022 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

François G. DoraisDo you think there are issues with the current tagging system? If so, what are they and what do you think might be a good way to deal with those?

PS: I recently retired as a MathOverflow moderator after about 12 years of service. Fixing and keeping the tagging system was one of the issues I took on early on. I did my best but I admittedly couldn't keep up in the last few years. I hope that someone with fresh inspiration could take on this job. — François G. Dorais 2 hours ago
Of course, it depends on the viewpoint - maybe some people would consider tagging unimportant. And some people might see the tags on MO as something that is already too far gone and beyong fixing.
21.499% of questions without top-level tags, 16.905% of questions if we take the less strict interpretation.
Here are the links which can be used to find the the posts with top-level tags: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2018/10/27 (Unlike the above SEDE queries, this will include questions with deprecated tags - since they are now synonyms.)
I have occasionally posted the stats about top-level tags here in this room - I think that the last time was in May 2020.

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