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Is D&D on next/this coming wednesday?
I crave reading RPG sessions 😳
I have calculated how big a lump of charcoal Fin needs to summon a familiar
14cm cube, or a 8.4cm radius spehere
That's how much charcoal you can buy with 10gp (assuming 1gp = $1)
Although using historical data, Fin needs 116.7 litres or roughly her weight in charcoal 👀
harp-tdm.info/harp-tdm-univers/content/200-annexes-economie/… implies the incense might be the bulk of the cost 🤔
so $10 is 8.32d (medieval pence), and that pdf says 0.5d/lb of charcoal and 12d/lb of incense, making the ratio 1:24. So (1*8.32)/25 spend on charcoal, and (24*8.32)/25 spent on incense. 0.3328d gets you 0.332*2 lbs of charcoal or about ~300g ~10oz of charcoal.
~8d spent on incense gets you the same weight of incense...
I feel like I've gone wrong somewhere
2 hours later…
in TRPG General Chat, 10 mins ago, by AncientSwordRage
that's a 2 inch cube of Rosin, and 4.5 in cube of charcoal

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