@emanresuA Techniques for taking an array in Pip: 1) use g if possible; 2) write a function instead of a full program; 3) use the -x flag, which evaluates all args.
do everything that is implicitly done at the start (of a nonempty program) then do everything that is implicitly done at the end (of a nonempty program)
@thejonymyster I think it's reasonable for the empty program to be a cat program (as in a number of golflangs). If you want to do something unreasonable, that's up to you.
@thejonymyster the result of this would be usually to just cat input, but depending on the language's functionality, you might be able to get some interesting but still /reasonable/ results with fairly reasonable input :]
Do sandbox it. The meta post is not a challenge spec; writing the actual spec is likely to introduce some typos and/or make people think of clarification questions.
I'm probably not going to sign up for the event because I don't need an event reminder at 4 in the morning, but I plan to participate whenever I'm here.
We should hire someone to be here during the event, and if anyone shows up who hasn't registered, they ping them with "you're not on the list" and kick-mute them
i think the "empty program means the input is the program" can work for a few challenges but im trying to think of syntax which would be allowed as standard i/o (this message wont send?)
That's clearly incorrect grammar, and this sentence that I'm writing now is clearly correct grammar. However, it is probably possible to construct a sentence where it would require solving the halting problem to determine whether it's correct or not
@thejonymyster the problem is that, while an esolang interpreter may not be able to solve the halting problem, a jury of twelve intelligent humans probably could
@RadvylfPrograms but you'd have to know that no human can know whether it halts in order for it to be a safe legal defence, which is clearly impossible
BMG has died. Nearly immediately I proposed the event that henceforth became known as MYAL. After a short discussion to flesh out the details, and the chat event Language Development Workshop was born. Here, we will get to show off our languages and their features, chat about them, get feedback, ...
Tbh I didn't really intend on "starting" anything, I removed BMG from the schedule since we were already sure we were going to do the event, then since at least at the time I thought the name and time were pretty uncontested (and I made sure to confirm both, but I guess I didn't wait long enough), I figured we could go ahead and add it to the schedule since that's the only two things it depends on.
And I thought we'd decided after BMG not to do rotating start times, since we've already had to do big scheduling changes in the past when we switched from three to two start times for BMG
CMC: take a list of n (where n is odd) integers and reverse it but only for every other item. e.g. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]=>[1,8,3,6,5,4,7,2,9]; [11,42,33,24,55]=>[11,24,33,42,55]
@thejonymyster I save a byte there because I can use the 1-byter for reverse (R) instead of the two-byter RV, if i tried to use R in the 16-byte version the central bit would get parsed as W VR instead
69 bytes (nice) just by removing some whitespace: [`b(x:z)y=x:b y z b _ _=[] f l=b(filter odd l)(reverse (filter even l))`](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m708I7E4OzUnZ8GCpaUlaboWN12TNCqsqjQrbSuskhQqFaq4khTiFeJto2O50hRybJM00jJzSlKLFPJTUhRyNDWKUstSi4pTFWDCQG4eUFwTaphKbmJmnoKtQkFRZl4JUJFCtKGOkY6xjomOqY6ZjrmOhY5lLFQtzAEA)
@des54321 One nice thing about modern Pip is you can just output a lambda expression, which may help you get a feel for how they correspond to full function syntax.
@des54321 a few further minor improvements: redefining b as a binary infix operator %, and exploiting the fact that (x:z) fails to match only if it's [], which saves a byte:
The Magic Money Machine
This KOTH is based on a game of Tom Scott's series Money, so make sure to check out his video
There are three rounds per game. Each bot will get 100$.
They'll have to decide how much money they'll keep for themselves, and how much they're going to put in the Mag...
@att No, it compares to 0, which would then fail if there are any zeros. However, you could use monadic ⍷ instead, which is the same as {⎕ML←0 ⋄ ∊⍵} i.e. type, and while all elements are numbers, you get all zeros.