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@AncientSwordRage Every player can award other characters Dreams for doing things that they like (specifically to reward being cute or helpful, but it's left open-ended). Dreams are spent to improve Connections, which are your character's relationships with other characters.
At the start of every scene you get Wonder points equal to the total value of all your Connections to other characters, and you also get Feelings points equal to the total value of all their Connections with you. Wonder is spent to activate powers, and Feelings are spent to improve attribute checks.
So, you're encouraged to be cute and helpful to get Dreams so you can improve your own Connections and get more Wonder... but you're also encouraged to give Dreams because then the other characters can improve their Connections with you and you get more Feelings.
@BESW that's a very cool circular design
Yeah, spending for yourself helps others and helping others helps yourself, it's an elegant way to enforce the game's themes of being a mutually supportive community.
I love that
Probably not what I'm after right now, but I'm glad I know about it
(And yeah, it's technically not an explicit token economy, but functionally it's indistinguishable from a multi-token economy.)
And as regards APfMT, you can see how its pacing works by playing Puppy Day which I wrote as a simplified form of that game's decision-making system.
It works easiest with physical tokens, especially for Dreams. The best thing about physical tokens is that once they get somewhere they stay there even if nobody pays attention to them, so for dreams = aiki = applause, a non-involved player can applaud you without greatly breaking the scene flow.
Yes, absolutely. Tracking it online was a bit of a pain.
1 hour later…
@Someone_Evil 100k Views/Helpful (and isn't that kind of what a community wiki kind of thing was built for?)
@AncientSwordRage Just got done running the game tonight, and now trying to figure out where my pirates and dragons booklet is. Hope to find it soon.
Will post tomorrow.
@KorvinStarmast no rush 🙂
3 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage @Ben thanks. Turns out sleep helps, who’d have thought that would be the case?
And the prom thing isn’t so bad now that I look at it. I was supposed to go with a couple of friends, one of whom decided she wasn’t going to buy a ticket and one of whom is ditching me for a date (to be fair she’s had a crush on that kid since forever so I’m not surprised)
It's really unfair how important sleep is to mental health.
@BESW Facts
3 hours later…
I'm getting err_timed_out from anydice.com
But downforeveryoneorjustme.com/anydice.com was taking me out was up a moment ago
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@G.Moylan happy birthday?
lol I did turn 30 a couple months ago
@G.Moylan not 85?
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@AncientSwordRage no, though some might argue they're practically identical
@G.Moylan then I'm afraid you still have the advantage over me j term skf understanding what you meant previously
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