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i need to start doing these alot sooner. lately i've been dead ass tired that it actually hurts to fight the sleep so i end up konking out before i post yuri
2 hours later…
@forest hey, how's things been?
3 hours later…
Q: Looking for a manga about a demon lord

HiiperI don’t remember the name of the demon lord but he reincarnates as a young boy with purple(I think) hair and he is really overpowered. I remember him having a true form that looked kind of like a galaxy alien, and had some companions that remember him from before he reincarnated. One part I remem...

@SPArcheon this is a drawing? :o
Q: Why Tobi waited Itachi to die to reveal himself as Madara?

Supremacy XWhen it comes to manipulation, deceit and lies, everyone pales in comparison to Obito Uchiha and Madara Uchiha who devised the whole Akatsuki plan (well, maybe, except Zetsu). Madara offered Obito his identity. Obito walked the earth as Madara but most knew him as Tobi. When Itachi Uchiha died, a...

The issue with Made in Abyss is not the fact that it is "horror". If that was the problem, it would be just like Uzumaki or the first Alien movies.
The problem is that it has Alien level of horror with characters that are not exactly space marine soldiers. And that makes everything worse very quickly. So, don't worry, I understand completely your point since I stopped following that in the first place.
It takes quite a bit of twisted mind to be able to design someone (Bondrewd) that manages to make Cesar from the Punk Hazard One Piece arc look like a good guy by comparison.
oh, btw...
@ahiijny It is, and if you notice the twitter account... that should be the one who draws the One Punch manga...
@ShayminGratitude also, watch this one instead when the anime will finally be released.
user image
(or just read the manga - only 11 volumes)
@SPArcheon looks good but i am curious the kind of combat. like i could suspect turn based but Team Attacks can be done in a more active setting (eg, Tales of)
@Memor-X I think it will be a real time, "Zelda"ish thing...
just like the old Wii game
@SPArcheon whcih one is that one?
the two part game Unlimited Adventure and Unlimited Cruise - and their spiritual sequel Unlimited World
oh, didn't know Unlimited world has prequals
.....now i want to find the roms for those 2
"prequels"... just spiritual ones, same style of gameplay.
Furthermore, World has a level based approach, while Adventure/Cruise are more "open world" in a way (there is still some fragmentation since you travel on multiple island but you often backtrack)
yeh that's what i would like to see. a) how the controls worked on the Wii and b) how the mechanics/design may have changed
Odyssey seem to basically be World Seeker with all the Straw Hats playable like the original Unlimited games
which may take the best from both worlds.
Massive open world with everyone playable.
For once so far it looks like they followed the feedback on World Seeker.
Oh, and before I forget, relevant to previous topic.
Thanks, there was no need to make that reference more obvious. Be assured that the Chasm already managed to give very bad vibes without any need for you to spell that out...
Between the mushrooms and that dark.... something that spreads and keeps survivor from being able to climb up...
I guess this explains the similar "Nya"
.... and someone already made Dionachi.
oh, well, after all Kokomi JP voice is also Pinkie Pie so....
@Memor-X nope.
The canon version is hidden in a story painting
so.. while in the actual game you get this...
An actually more accurate depiction would be this one.
basically, her burst is totally fake and does not represent the final product :P
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon i more take it that when she was asked to show off he tails, to everyone else she tells them to fuck off but for one person she makes up a bunch of tails just for them
2 hours later…
PSN store needs a "banned developers" list filter.
I hate that everytime there is a sale I see some anime style good looking artwork... think it is some decent indie JRPG... and it is Kemco every single time.
@SPArcheon oh i got a bunch of their games off Steam cheap as hell
@SPArcheon nope lol
@Memor-X you DID read all the text, right?
@SPArcheon not yet, in the middle of completing my Lv 50 Blue Mage quest in Final Fantasy XIV
I guess then you will get WHY I joked asking if YOU wrote that when you read the conclusion...
(to be fair, even if fanservice of any kind is not my genre... I am kinda happy in an evil way that they included that line in a Chinese game... With all the stupid witch hunt of what the local politics there has deemed as "depiction of inappropriate gender identity in media" it feels kinda good to think that their most popular game can't care less about what they say....)
6 hours later…
Q: Searching for a manga about a mc that gets transported into a video game world

Desto12In the plot, the mc gets transported into a video game he had played a lot in his childhood, and that there was a special controller the mc bought in order to play the game and activate skills. The main thing I remember about the plot was that the mc takes over the body of a villager npc girl's b...

1 hour later…
@SPArcheon Banned developers?
Q: Berserk of gluttony

Mohd Syawal SakawiI hope anime author make this manga to anime. I really love this manga. Hope someone makee it animenor games. Nice story and nice skills power

Q: Scrapped Princess anime vs LN

HormozAnyone knows if there is any difference between the two or there is extra content? Considering the LN has not been fully TLed either.

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