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Q: Has MO traffic decreased a bit since the invasion of Ukraine?

Alex M.I check the review queues several times a day, each day. I have noticed a significant drop of posts in the queues that I am watching (First questions, First answers, LQP, Late answers). Even the statistics associated to each queue seem to confirm this. Anyway, this impression is entirely subjecti...

You asked for users with "access to numbers and SEDE queries". I will just point out that every user can run SEDE queries. (The only question is what kind of query you'd linke to see. Number of post per day, per week? Something else?) 20k+ users (and moderators) have access to site analytics. — Martin Sleziak 4 hours ago
Some queries I have at hand: Number of questions/answers/posts per month
Similar query per day has too many datapoints to give a reasonable graph: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1416687/…
But maybe if you restrict it only on the recent days, you might be able to gather a bit more from that: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1562980/…
> Could anyone with a bird's view over the whole MO community (i.e. access to numbers and SEDE queries) confirm whether this is indeed real (i.e. fewer questions, fewer answers, fewer edits, fewer new users etc.)?
This looks completely differently from what I expected: Number of new users per month
13 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
Some queries I have at hand: Number of questions/answers/posts per month
I should have included also a query that includes the deleted posts: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1224831/…
@AlexM. I have posted a few queried above in case you want to play around with them. (I have also sent you an invite to this room - so you should get some kind of notification.)
It is worth reminding that SEDE is only updated once a week - so you see there data before February 27 (and for a part of February 27).
And of course, it is possible to run the same queries for other sites, such as Mathematics, Stack Overflow, etc.
I wonder whether it would be better to look at the data per week rather than per day - to avoid the effect of workday/weekend fluctuations.
Here is a rather simplistic query - it will only work if the range is in the same year: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1562987/…
Something like this is a bit better (although at the end of the year, part of the week will be cut off|: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1562988/… data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1562989/…
2 hours later…
Preferably (for search purposes), the title of this post should be edited to say something more precise than “this below thing”. :) — The Amplitwist yesterday
@TheAmplitwist I have edited the title a bit. Of course, any further improvements are more than welcome.
Q: Why sometimes when I post a problem I need to wait for 40 minutes?

ParacetamolI recently was trying to post a maths problem but when I click on submit it tells me that you can post once in every 40minutes as such I didn't post anything at all before this in few months so why this is showing up? Is this a bug or something please help? (Same happened when I was asking this ...

@MartinSleziak: How does one learn this SEDE language? Is is a programming language? Is it SQL? I do have some experience with various programming languages, but not with this one. Are there official StackExchange learning materials for it?
@AlexM. Yes, the queries are written in SQL. And of course, it helps if you know a bit what is available in database. (For example, that that there is a table called Posts which contains data about score, poster, tags, etc.)
You can see a link to a tutorial there.
And to the FAQ posts about the database schema.
There is also a chatroom where some people might help:
Personally, I do not know much about SQL - what I have learned was basically by seeing queries posted by others, trying to modify them.
And occasionally I tried to ask about some things in the chatroom I linked. And also experimented a bit when I tried to write some queries of my own.
Maybe looking a bit at the tutorial might be useful: data.stackexchange.com/tutorial (I have to admit that I have never really go through the tutorial in detail. But at the time when I learned that there is a SEDE tutorial, I already knew enough to write some basic queries.)

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