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not an answer, at best a comment
Q: Do mathematicians know why the number of iterations required to reach 1 for the Collatz sequence forms this visually pleasing pattern?

07100826vI have almost no background in this particular topic, I just saw a Numberphile video on it and decided to quickly code up a plot of how many iterations of going through the formula $f(n)=3n+1$ if $n$ is odd, or $f(n)=\frac{n}{2}$ if $n$ is even, and noticed this pattern, with lots of nice horizon...

1 hour later…
2 more votes needed here: C
2 hours later…
@ParamanandSingh That seems like a good way to proceed, since it maximizes the global wisdom of the community, e.g. the wider exposure may help recognize it is a dupe, and if there is anything worth preserving some may help migrate the good answer(s), etc.
6 hours later…
Please help to remove this bogus answer (its error had been explained by Bram28 but the poster fails to understand or admit).
1 hour later…
@amWhy I'm very disappointed that you reopened a question when I already linked to two prior answers giving exactly the same (common) proof.
To delete (question was quadrouple-posted!)
2 hours later…
@Peter Up for deletion now.
@user21820 , @Peter One more delete voted needed.
C/D dupe of faq on CRT
@BillDubuque Apologies. All I can say is "oops". I had not payed attention in the reopen review queue, to the original close reason being "duplicate". My bad. Glad to see it is now again closed. I'm not sure on the "D" part of your request.
There are two questions. My disappointment concerned this question which has not been reclosed as a dupe. The 2nd (prior) request is now closed, and it should be deleted too since we have many, many questions on applying the CRT solvability criterion, and this one is far from the cream of the crop.
@BillDubuque Too late. I've been terribly disappointed by users too, Bill. And you have taken actions that are disappointing to me. Should I publicly rebuke you every time you disappoint me? Just to be clear; I will not address this matter again with you. :-)
This has been edited since closure. It should probably either be reopened, or deleted. If $f(x)=g(x)f(h(x))$ with $g$ and $h$ known, can I obtain $f$?‭ - Javi‭ 2021-11-17 15:31:24Z
Why are answers like this that should be a comment, over and over again upvoted to heaven ?
2 hours later…
@Peter Closed. It will take some time to delete, though.
@Peter Because mods can't keep up with sock puppets is the most likely explanation. And are less concerned about serial upvoters, than they are of serial downvoters.
8 messages deleted
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer (271): Lottery problem - dependent vs. independent events?‭ by Alice Lao‭ on math.SE

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