@Wrigglenite not this level. As I said, here we talk of at least 4 incidents in rapid sequence.
Yoimiya limited banner being bad, people ranted for post release fix/buff got nothing. During a livestream they censored the name Yoimiya in chat and words like fix/buff too. People were mad (notice: part of the yoimiya problems aren't even specific to the char but issues with bow auto-attacks targeting).
Then... Raiden and the post release skill description change that was done a few hours after the banner went live, so close that players feel it was deliberate bait and switch. People even got as far as announcing to bring the thing to tribunal for change in sold product.
Kokomi banner. People were saying the character is horrible (as in skills, appearance is fine) since beta and kept asking for rework. Ignored completely, now the banner is the lowest selling ever, managing to be topped by sales of a NOT LIMITED character.
Anniversary - the rage for "no rewards" has been going for weeks now with no feedback from the company.
In the meantime, more rage was caused by exploitative events that ask you to do cosplay/story writing/fan art for chance to win pathetic rewards like 100 game currency (probably less than 2$ worth)
Another anniversary event ask players to bring friends to play the game and if they reach a certain level before the event ends you HAVE A CHANCE to get a reward.
@Wrigglenite so, basically a crescendo of errors/bad pr moves that made people really feed up.
I am probably missing something but I am an external watcher.
Btw, the most pathetic part of this is that players rant about "free 5* char, 9001 free pulls, give me everything" but... jokes aside probably some would have been perfectly fine with just some in game memento.
And it would cost them... close to 0 to do so.
They have an housing feature and plenty of items already in game that people ask to be added as furniture... just give those.
for example, players have been asking for the Klee themed furniture... since the Klee themed event this summer.
Models already in the game, just use those everyone happy to get something....