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@SPArcheon honestly, i like the idea of amiibo figurines but tying them into limited content in games is, yeah, pretty ugh
1 hour later…
Does anyone know what happened to Mark Giraffe?
Looks like he was banned, but I can't find a good reason anywhere on why he was banned.
@ScythePhantom Reasons for suspensions, for any user, is confidential.
I see, thanks!
4 hours later…
Hello, fellow regular users
2 hours later…
@Wrigglenite o7
1 hour later…
I've just been sent the Outer Wilds DLC, but I've still got 7 1/2 hours of work to do.
3 hours later…
Genshin players are quite sadden from the lame, stingy anniversary rewards. I am sad for the lack of drama on the reddit. I made lot of popcorn and mods keep deleting all the rants.
Oh, I still have powers in here
Such abuse!
I approve
It's not mod abuse if you're not a moderator!
It is if you're abusing a mod though!
Oh, that is true
Q: How long does it take to break obsidian with Mining Fatigue 255?

StickyChannel 92I'm trying to figure out how long it takes to break one piece of obsidian with my fist with Mining Fatigue 255. How long does it take? How about underwater? With a pickaxe?

Apparently, in a quite sus coincidence, an old bug that prevented players from changing their in game signature/profile decided to return just on the day of Genshin controversial anniversary...
(Disclaimer: seen this mentioned multiple times, can't say if it is true. Will update if I get confirmation from some players I know)
yep, done a little check... seem they are in full censorship mode.
Hasn't this happened before?
@SPArcheon oh man rip
I hope this doesn't kill the fandom at least
I love genshin art. I hate the game itself tho.
@Wrigglenite not this level. As I said, here we talk of at least 4 incidents in rapid sequence.
Yoimiya limited banner being bad, people ranted for post release fix/buff got nothing. During a livestream they censored the name Yoimiya in chat and words like fix/buff too. People were mad (notice: part of the yoimiya problems aren't even specific to the char but issues with bow auto-attacks targeting).
Then... Raiden and the post release skill description change that was done a few hours after the banner went live, so close that players feel it was deliberate bait and switch. People even got as far as announcing to bring the thing to tribunal for change in sold product.
Kokomi banner. People were saying the character is horrible (as in skills, appearance is fine) since beta and kept asking for rework. Ignored completely, now the banner is the lowest selling ever, managing to be topped by sales of a NOT LIMITED character.
Anniversary - the rage for "no rewards" has been going for weeks now with no feedback from the company.
In the meantime, more rage was caused by exploitative events that ask you to do cosplay/story writing/fan art for chance to win pathetic rewards like 100 game currency (probably less than 2$ worth)
Another anniversary event ask players to bring friends to play the game and if they reach a certain level before the event ends you HAVE A CHANCE to get a reward.
@Wrigglenite so, basically a crescendo of errors/bad pr moves that made people really feed up.
I am probably missing something but I am an external watcher.
Btw, the most pathetic part of this is that players rant about "free 5* char, 9001 free pulls, give me everything" but... jokes aside probably some would have been perfectly fine with just some in game memento.
And it would cost them... close to 0 to do so.
They have an housing feature and plenty of items already in game that people ask to be added as furniture... just give those.
for example, players have been asking for the Klee themed furniture... since the Klee themed event this summer.
Models already in the game, just use those everyone happy to get something....
Blizzard settled yet ANOTHER lawsuit with an 18M compensation fund. Employees aren't happy. vice.com/en/article/n7bxpg/…
review for new world: "it feels a bit weird that there are taxes in an MMO created by Amazon"
Did that release?
Well, I suppose it didn't crash AWS since the internet seems to still be working
@Unionhawk Just did A Kingdom Divided
Holy crap that Xamphur fight was hard
people are complaining about the queue times though
Used two 4-dose p pots, a super set, and a full inventory of Karambwan. And it was my third attempt
I still need to reobtain my quest cape on my main lol
on the one hand, it's release week for an MMO. on the other hand, it's an MMO created by Amazon
I think I'm just missing Kingdom Divided and Night at the Theater
@Unionhawk I had to finish A Kingdom Divided for a hard clue scroll lol
@Yuuki AFAIK they had a bunch of servers, but a lot of communities decided to group on the same servers. For example, many streamers went to the same server, certain country populations,...
So some realms are more populated than others because they have thousands of people from the same community on them
Similar to how in WoW Classic, you didn't want to be on Faerlina because pretty much every major NA streamer went there
@SaintWacko What are your rules on supplies because that's not too bad if you can buy potions
as an ironman, I cannot use the grand exchange
@Unionhawk I can only buy things that I can acquire in a reproducible manner
(except I will soon to buy bonds but that's another issue)
So I got prayer pots from Fremennik Isles, and I could use them
But I couldn't buy more until I could make them myself
I see
Same with the super set. From picking up things people dropped I had a single dose of super set
And I was allowed to use it
That reminds me I should be planting ranarr seeds while I'm here cooking karambwans
But if I had failed on that attempt I wouldn't have been able to get another super set
So thank goodness I succeeded
That's not technically how Bronzeman works, but I'm playing it a little stricter
Essentially I can spend money on the GE to skip the time sink of gathering materials and making things, or to get things cheaper that I'd otherwise have to buy from a shop
But other than that I'm playing like an ironman
Yeah I got another 10 levels until I can make super defense
but I can make super attack and super strength which is pretty good
I just got 50 herblore for this quest
I'm actually almost able to complete Fairytale 2 which will be nice since that's I think a hard clue step that I had to drop one day
Man, that feels so good. Level 239 monster with mechanics and prayer drain and constant damage
Speaking of MMOs
@Wrigglenite Here is mine
Ah, different DC
Genshin Android rating dropped to 2.2 and still falling......
I should play FFXIV again
RDM was so much fun
@Wrigglenite woo more light people
@Wrigglenite that's an oddly dressed paladin
actually, i think that has to be a bug, because i'm seeing a one-for-one match with my white mage glamour
I think it updates slowly
It's got my Paladin gear but my White Mage look
level 55 already though, very nice
I mean, I've been playing for... a month? lol
@SaintWacko verholy and verflare are going to become AoE in Endwalker
Still in the post ARR patches
yeah, post-release patch MSQ content will always feel a little slow since you're not going to be getting exp for it
I'm in the middle of a bunch of walking and talking
The drama is getting better and better. Score as reached 2.1 and now player have noticed that Mohoyo has activated special anniversary Hashflags on twitter for every single character....
and obviously they got even angrier since millions were spent for twitter icons while they get nothing.....
I fear I'll need more popcorn
Why do people feel entitled to anniversary rewards?
conversely, why shouldn't they?
Did they have some reason to expect them?
i mean, gacha games bleed players like stuck pigs, i'm not surprised that people might grow a sense of entitlement after spending a lot of time and/or money
Or did they just assume they were getting them and then get angry when they didn't?
@SaintWacko anniversary events/giveaways are a staple of the gacha genre, as far as i know
@Yuuki Ah, okay
Genshin is the first gacha game I ever played
Oh also @Unionhawk, I died for the first time :(
@SaintWacko not a fair comparison but for reference I did some research.
OPTC "anniversary" just gave out a free 10+1 pull for about 10 days, one 10 pull with all rare characters, gems worth for at least 5 other 10 pulls and that isn't even everything.
Again, not fair since that is probably their 8 anni
but... they probably never ever came close to the money Genshin did in a year.
Basically, as some tuber said
i played puzzle and dragons for awhile and their anniversary events are really generous
> a gacha anniversary is the day the casino gives you some free money so that you feel good to be milked for the next year.
furthermore, some players are indeed not-so-realistic with the rewards....
like "free 5*" on a game that has still not that many characters
but they gave basically "nothing" outside the ten wish that are copied from Lanter Rite login bonus.
are you guaranteed a 5-star at any point in the game though?
i vaguely remember one gacha that guaranteed a 5-star from the tutorial pull
They never replied to the community rants - not even acknowledged it AFTER already making the players mad with three consecutive "bad" characters banner where they too didn't say nothing. They forgot the promised free KFC promotional glider - was due for june and never mentioned again even after explicit questions...
then refuse communication
the anni is just the last drop that made people crazy out
and I still suspect that if they gave some decent memorabilia... people would have forgot the 5*
Just give a placeable Guoba for the serenitea pot... people are already going in love for him in the event quest....
but... nope.
Not even a weapon billet, nor a 4* weapon of choice.
@Yuuki Not genshin, the only "free" 5* is the player character that is just different from other characters.
you get some free 4*
3 "main" char from the intro quest, one from abyss mode and some from events. Timed events no longer available.
For example last month gave free Beidou
They should have skipped that and gave her free for anniversary.
less dramma....
I started playing Genshin last weekend and there was a 10-wish thing for only 8 currency, which I already could afford for whatever reason. I think I got three 4* heroes from it, but I'm not sure if that's something anyone can do or even how many heroes are guaranteed.
So far, it's more fun than I expected it to be, but that might change when I get further into it
Also, if anyone wants into the Halo Infinite tech preview, I have this friend code: CAPA-4SUJ-8ITU-SWKX-KMPQ
@SaintWacko At least you don't have an absolutely awful dead hcim hiscore entry like I do lol
aha fixed
mod abuse to the rescue
but yeah
That moss giant from Waterfall Quest?
he can hit a 13
he's not a normal moss giant who can only hit like a 7
2472 total xp, 2 attack, 11 hitpoints, 4 cooking, 5 thieving, 1 beginner clue scroll as a hardcore ironman
I think the one in the waterfall quest is a Moss Guardian
Yes I learned that after he hit me for an 11
I was working with some faulty assumptions
It was very funny though and this account was always going to die and continue as a normal iron
@Unionhawk Alright, got myself a bit better ranged setup
1 hour later…
Okay, now the game is just taunting me
This latest clue gave me both a magic longbow AND a magic comp bow
Still now magic shortbow
1 hour later…
@SaintWacko did you do brutal blue dragons or is that crafted
My plan is to power through all the way to 70 with void
@Unionhawk Crafted
I see
Hard clues drop black dhide commonly so that's my plan
And void robes on its own is decent mage defense anyway, at least vs green dhide
@Unionhawk Yeah, I have some black dhide legs from a clue scroll
That was what I used for the mage bosses in rfd
And dt
I have an incredibly dumb looking setup that I need to dps calc
Void robes with barrows gloves and slayer helm(i)
is that better than void, I think yes it has to be
Barrows gloves are pretty much bis for everything
Can't wait to unlock them
Well, you need void gloves and helm to get the void set bonus
I have three teak trees on Fossil Island that finished growing, so I'll be able to work on wc there
But I think slayer helm is just straight up better
Which will increase my chance of getting magic logs from WT
Right now I'm working on a Black Demon task, though
As long as you're not using a salve which stacks with void but not slayer
God damn it that means I need to imbue my slayer helm sooner than later
Since I'm 90% sure that would be my best range setup at the moment
I need to switch back to mage for black demons
Ranged is slow with bone bolts

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