I find it problematic that three "sponsors" have together posted more reopen/undelete requests in the meta thread devoted to reopen/undeletes, than the others combined; and (2), Do so almost only when they've answered the question they want reopened and/or deleted. Each of the three have greater than 160K, and I think such behavior is getting close to "abuse of power/stature".
@amWhy I suspect that these users would say something similar about you and me and the other folk who are most active in closing low-quality posts.
I think that, ultimately, there are a small number of users who are active in moderation, and so it is inevitable that you will see the same names over and over again.
@XanderHenderson But in my examples I refer to, the requests are complicated with their personal interests. The three I'm referring to ONLY request posts they've answered be opened/undeleted. Their not looking after anyone but themselves.
Whereas you and I etc., don't benefit in any way; indeed, we suffer rudeness as a result of our work, (not to mention downvotes, stalking, etc.)
@amWhy I choose to believe (whether correctly or not) that these users are posting answers to questions that they believe are good questions, and know about the deletion of these questions only because of their involvement. One needn't make the assumption that they are seeking gain. It is possible that they are, but, all things being equal, I think it is beneficial not to attempt to intuit their motivation.
@XanderHenderson I mentioned that point of difference to suggest that some actions aren't equivalent to other actions. I did not suggest that is their sole reason for answering. And you ought to know me well enough that I do my damn best to counteract. I do not engage them directly.
@amWhy I am not trying make an equivalence. I am simply pointing out that these users possibly see their actions as a way of "counteracting" the over-zealous deletionists on the other side of the aisle. I disagree with them, and I think that their actions are not very productive, but, so far as I can tell, they are not violating any rules of the site.
Thus the most that I can say is "I disagree with them, and I wish they would stop."
@XanderHenderson I understand. I am just surprised that the "community in general" has noticed the threads being dominated by a handful of users. I commented initially, not asking for action being taken; mainly, I guess, understanding. Thanks for your thoughts on this! (I hadn't been following the threads much, until recently, so was a bit surprised.)
@amWhy I agree that the reopen thread is dominated by a small number of voices.
But I think that the entire conversation on meta is dominated by a small number of voices. There just aren't that many people who are actively engaged in the conversation.
@XanderHenderson This is true. And, to be honest, meta threads seem to largely be personal grievances. There are some, who seem not to participate actively, but only through their votes to support the whiners.
I would like to post more question there, but it's been some time since I've felt that my support of X on meta, is met with ridicule, dismissal; this worries me also when I support answers from you and others, including a comment. I sense my support may actually harm those I support. The dynamics within the community, on this site are hardly mathematical, save for chaos theory! ;-)