I think tsh's one... well, the recursive function g tries to place a queen diagonally - a.every(u=>(u-=v)**3-u*m*m--,m=n) checks if a queen is placable in a certain location.
two's complement requires fixed-width integers and Python's are arbitrary-precision so that doesn't really make sense, so Python doesn't show you that with bin
the idea behind WET is that when you have two instances of some code, you usually don't know yet how to generalize it so that it can actually be reused.
Here is a simple challenge for you: You must produce this ASCII representation of a chess board. White is represented by uppercase characters, and black is represented by lowercase. Empty tiles are represented by a .. Here is the full board:
Develop a program that takes as input a series of positive integers and outputs whether each is a prime. The program should terminate if a negative integer is given as the input.
A prime number is a number that is divisible by only 1 and itself. However 1 is not considered a prime number.
Today, Stack Exchange changed the way answers are sorted on Stack Overflow, meaning that accepting an answer no longer pins it to the top (regardless of sorting method). It still has the green checkmark next to it, and accepting an answer is still exactly the same for the purposes of reputation, ...
I am writing a SEDE query, and I have two separate SELECT statements, which are each simply returning a COUNT. I want to put them together into a single table so I don't have to switch between the results pages, but I can't figure out how. Could someone who knows things bestow wisdom upon me?
@pxeger However, we do still get users (often newer users) who accept answers to code-golf
I think the best argument against accepting answers is that we require every challenge to have a winner that can be objectively determined. So, if that's the case, why not automate accepting?
Obviously it gets slightly more complex with non-standard criteria, but the basis is that, if there's an objective winner, why let a subjective human choose that winner by accepting it?
These are the onlyVyxalanswers I could find that use Q outside of a string or a diagraph or something like that. I guess it's mainly used for polyglotting.
@BrowncatPrograms Problem is, I'm currently aiming for a language window name begins with every letter of the alphabet, and I already have C (commentator) :P
I'm pretty sure mods can refund bounties or something, or you could probably just award it to a different answer if there's another one that qualifies for whatever the bounty is for.
also usually if I can't award a bounty that's the right size i'll just pick another answer from that user although all times i've had to do that it was for LoTM and i just awarded it to their second answer in that language lol
yeah ik but it's not wasif's only answer. it is weird to award it to an unrelated answer tho lol. i just avoid using the higher bounty number to avoid unfairness but i doubt anyone necessarily cares
@emanresuA well you still have 12 hours left (+24 grace) so if you want i can cancel it now or you can wait longer to give wasif time to fix it, and then cancel if they don't
i think this is acceptable use for removing bounties
Currently, the way that chat moderation is set up, it relies heavily on site moderators moderating chat in addition to their main Q&A site. Moderators have some pretty powerful tools (freezing rooms, suspensions), and rooms also have a first line of defense in the form of room owners, who have sm...
Anyone who has spent any time in chat should recognise that moderating chat isn't necessarily the same thing as moderating main, and often requires a lighter touch that main mods might not be used to. Chat-only mods seem like a natural thing to have
For a long time, I genuinely thought @Mith was a chat mod (before realising that didn't exist) because of how well they moderated chat vs how I'd see other mods try and do it
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's true, and there's probably not too many situations where main-mod powers are needed for effective chat moderation, or vice versa