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8:54 AM
@ibuprofen Debian has generally good quality control. As exemplified by Debian Policy.
Though of course bugs do slip through.
4 hours later…
1:18 PM
The beauty of modern web pages
@ibuprofen What does this show?
Memory usage for one tab.
about:memory in FF
Usually some badly crafted JS that keep accumulating huge chunks of memory.
I blacklisted Tutorialspoint earlier. Another site with very bad memory management. Perhaps they have fixed it now though. Have not been there for a long time.
2 hours later…
3:24 PM
necro'ing old questions, unix.stackexchange.com/a/660343/3285
4:06 PM
@ibuprofen If I'm reading that correctly, that's an awfully large amount of memory for one tab.
2 hours later…
5:54 PM
@EvanCarroll nagging users to accept your late answer is frowned upon in polite circles. And the asker hasn't been on the site since 2016.
also, why did you remove information that was added by Gilles from a comment? unix.stackexchange.com/posts/263985/revisions
6:10 PM
Because it makes the question needlessly temporal and adds no value.
@AndrasDeak Not in any circles I've encountered on the network. We're all pretty much about making the site easier to use for people searching.
perhaps our circles differ
wait you all have circles?
Quick join my circle. It's cooler.
it's still a circle even if it's drawn around yourself in the sand
6:23 PM
...hand icecream?
3 hours later…
9:16 PM
@FaheemMitha Yes. It's insanity on stereoids. I run some browser-games that use a lot, like 1G+, but can be defended to a higher degree. For a site delivering text articles however … it's just /o\ Funny enough most of the sites I have come across with bad memory leaks are for the most part "tech sites".
Isn't tutorialspoint one of those sites which always come up in search hits and always contain low-quality crap?
yeah, pretty much sums it up :P
same ilk as w3schools and geeksforgeeks
They are good at marketing though :D

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