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@Asaf Karagila Pliz delete this [question] (mathoverflow.net/questions/397329/…)
@jasmine I will just mention that Asaf Karagila is not pingable in this room using the @username syntax: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/pingable/10243
In any case, if you need help from moderators, a flag seems to be the right way to go.
2 hours later…
Thank You for Your Suggestion @MartinSleziak
2 hours later…
@theHigherGeometer It's possible that you have checked that yourself - I just want to confirm that the tag is blacklisted. (I.e., if it is added in an edit, the edit cannot be submitted. The same should happend when it is used in a new question.) Here is a screenshot:
3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak I didn't check, thanks for the update!

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