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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, potentially bad keyword in body (393): [email protected]/BradleyWalshCBD/is-bradley-walsh-cbd-gummies-uk-a-natural-remedy by AndrHowar on askubuntu.com
@BeastOfCaerbannog well, to be perhaps excessively frank, I still think our EOL policy makes no sense, and that trying to make sense of it is barking up the wrong tree, but Thomas Ward, who scares me, and who seems to have taken on the EOL policy as his own concern, answered me when I asked him about this in the glow of the embers of the most recent EOL policy stir up, to the effect that we have never distinguished, and we will continue to not distinguish, between different flavors w/r/t/ EOL policy
other people have said things about the parts of various Ubuntus and their support periods. I do not pretend to understand those things. Apparently some parts of some Ubuntu flavors lose their flavor after some time. Since I regard our policy as absurd because even Canonical have no idea what they're doing, I am using a single criterion to decide whether something is off topic according to that policy, which was articulated by terdon
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, Mar 12 at 14:42, by terdon
I don't know enough about the details and the difference between end of life vs end of support to have a strong opinion, so I'll go with: "Has @ThomasWard posted an EOL notice about this release on meta? If yes, it is off topic and if not, it isn't".
a meta post about flavor support may well be in order :)
@Zanna OK, I understand (sort of). May I point guiverc to this comment of yours, that we continue to support flavors as we do for the main version?
@Zanna I may ask about it, if not some time later today, in the next few days.
Also, I don't want to intervene in any way or stir things up, but shouldn't mods first agree about a policy and then ask the community's opinion about it?
Just an honest question of mine.
@BeastOfCaerbannog not necessary
@jokerdino Yeah, but in a policy like this, if you don't like it, you could by yourself change it and then another mod change it because they didn't like yours and so on?
@BeastOfCaerbannog certainly!
@BeastOfCaerbannog that would be good
I think jokerdino understands our EOL policy better than me
@Zanna is it?
found a video of you and me arguing about our EOL policy
@Zanna Hahahahaahahahah!!!!
I wish I could star this more!!
@Zanna Thanks
most welcome and sorry not to be more helpful
I did look for the conversation I had with Thomas to see if it contained any explanation, but I didn't find anything
I'll try looking again though :/
@BeastOfCaerbannog :D
@Zanna No problem! Although reading your message again further confused me about flavors. I think I won't reply to guiverc's comment.
"and we will continue to not distinguish, between different flavors w/r/t/ EO" and "some parts of some Ubuntu flavors lose their flavor after some time" seem a bit contradictory.
yeah... you can tell I'm completely confused about it myself
here's a direct quote from the conversation
> Ask Ubuntu does not focus on the Flavor specific 3 years, we support all 14.04 as 14.04 through the life of the system through it's End of Standard Support
Thomas Ward
the flavors are only required to support the desktop components for those 3 years
and the components in their seeds

yeah I think we should ignore that whole other minefield

Thomas Ward
they're still "supported" for 5 years in terms of general updates, etc.
@Zanna OK. That's more specific. Thanks!
@Zanna I commented and pointed to the whole conversation we had.
@BeastOfCaerbannog :) thanks!
OT - "Ask your VA tool provider why its misbehaving. There's nothing we or anybody from Ubuntu can do if it doesn't work properly." – muru
@Zanna :)
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