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I like approach0.xyz engine and would be happy if it support search on MathOverflow, whom should I ask about it?
@FedorPetrov I am sure that @WeiZhong (who is author of this search engine) will respond in some way.
However, this was previously discussed on MO, it seemed that the MO community were not that keen about this: Is there any third party search engine for MathOverflow?
You can find some previous discussions also in this chatroom.
Maybe this is a stupid idea, but I'll ask anyway. Mathoverflow Inc. collected some donations some time ago, so there might have some funds. Maybe if MO was included into Approach Zero, there would be willing to contribute to the development in some way?
Jun 1 '20 at 5:39, by Wei Zhong
My Github sponsor account is just approved, here is my sponsor page: https://github.com/sponsors/t-k- Note that you may need to register a Gihub account to pay any amount. Also, Github sponsorship accepts paypal and credit cards, however, be aware that it is monthly subscription.
Looking at that link, I see that there were no contributions on GitHub so far.
@FedorPetrov Hi, thanks for your interests. Technically our crawler script is able to fetch any SE site: github.com/approach0/a0-crawlers/blob/… and the search engine can be scaled out to index and host more data.
However, as Martin indicated here, the project is currently financially maintained by myself alone,, but search engine has developed more efficiently compared to what it was around that time. The current cost for hosting is 35~60$/month depending if it is statistic or in indexing, and cost goes up linearly for 25~50$ per 2million documents/questions.
i am relying on my phd funding to personally support this project, without further funding or efficiency improvement, it is unrealistic for now to consider adding new data source.
however, one alternative we could do is that if anyone has technical background and is willing to host the code somewhere, i can help to set up new instance(s) of approach zero search service, but he/she will be responsible to the infrastructure cost or maintenance.
@WeiZhong So MO - which currently has 125k questions - would not actually mean that much increase. (It is a small site compared to Mathematics with 1.4M questions.)
Of course, I understand that there is some overhead cause by the fact that it is a different site.
@MartinSleziak, yup, i should correct a little that by "linear" i mean approximation on discrete number of servers, so adding MO would be one more node which means 5~10$/month.
This reminds me, that I should probably finally get around to creating a GitHub account. :-)
BTW I saw that you've mentioned above some new changes - the possibility to restrict search to one domain is a great thing to have.
I'll have to check the other changes - I saw that you've mentioned several of them, but I did not have time to look at them more closely.
Sorry, I'll have to leave - we can talk about this a bit more some other time.
@MartinSleziak oh, it is not a big deal, you don't have to. I am thinking maybe we can wait MO user or anyone else's response. Frankly for now I do not want to make too much commitment on including too much data or too many sites because the current website is mainly for demonstration purpose. If i can find stable funding or other sorts of income, i would love to try including as much as data as possible. Without that, it adds only overhead for me personally.
@MartinSleziak thanks, it's a thing i and many people here are looking for, so i am also glad it is finally coming into reality.
take ur time Martin. See you in a while.

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