The easiest way to do that, of course, is that when somebody wants to cast their sixth fireball of the day, you say "for some reason, you don't want to do that".
@Glazius Sudden flashbacks to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, where any action you attempted which didn't have a scripted outcome, instead had Indy say "I don't think that will work."
In the Artificer section that talks about Artificer infusions it says "you gain the ability to imbue mundane items with certain magical infusions". So if I was to use an Artificer infusion on a normal weapon (Greatsword in my case) and then can I use the pact blade ability on that weapon, would i...
@BESW not the same, but it made me remember a 90s or older point and click Discworld game, where clicking the main character (Rincewind) too much ended up annoying him an making the cursor vanish
In DnD 5e a 1st level a War Domain cleric gets "bolts of inspiration" that allow an extra attack as a bonus action. This ability can only be used a limited number of times per long rest.
At 5th level a Blade Pact warlock can get the Thirsting Blade Eldritch invocation which allows the warlock to...
About a quarter of the way into Fate of Atlantis, there's a puzzle with a randomized solution. One of the solutions is to pick up a wax cat and melt it to reveal an object inside. If that solution is not the correct one for a given run-through, you can still pick up the cat and melt it, but nothing will be inside.
However... if you pick up the cat and don't melt it, it'll stay in your inventory.
Even when you hit major milestones that usually clear your inventory, the wax cat will stay until just before the very last part of the game. But it's completely useless. You'll never get an opportunity to melt it again and the game has no "drop" function so it'll sit there in your inventory for at least half the game.
And this is a game where everything winds up being needed for a specific puzzle solution, so this wax cat is an obvious anomaly. You can use it on anything and everything in the game but Indy will just say "I don't think that'll work" and it goes back into your inventory. Taunting you.
If you get the wax cat stuck in your inventory before you do a run where you know what it's supposed to be for, it feels like a cruel joke. Thankfully the inventory doesn't have a capacity limit so there's no mechanical downside to the wax cat. It's really just a bug that it doesn't clear from your inventory at the end of that particular puzzle.
But the effect on the gameplay is rather large, because the game has set up expectations which the wax cat entirely defies.
There are other items that get used up in the same puzzle (one solution is to throw a lump of coal to knock the goal object off a ledge), and all of them leave your inventory if they're unused when you move to the next scene.
It's otherwise a very tightly designed game. Aside from the clunkiness of the FISTS path (which feels like the devs didn't care about it, but it works just fine) the wax cat is the only obvious problem in an otherwise nigh-perfect game.
[amused] I dipped into my arqade questions (all two of them!) and one has a useless "how to search do basic computer things" answer-in-a-comment and a SAQ, while the other has two answers: one is "I looked up the documentation but didn't verify" and the other is "the documentation is inconsistent and wrong so I did in-game tests and here are my results."
One thing about Wiz8, it highly rewards learning the math details behind the character choices. There are forums dedicated to figuring them out because it gets weird sometimes.
It's also one of those games where, while playing it through for the story is fun and rewarding, there's a whole "second" game of character/team/item/route optimization. If you liked fiddling in the weeds of 3.5 character creation, Wiz8 may be a very good fit for you.
I just kept trying to make my party faster and faster. Characters that don't need hand-holding on choosing and aiming attacks every round; all women so I can give them the stamina trinkets that let me run all the time; ranged characters so combat can start faster and we don't have to waste time running enemies down at the end....
Every character needs to learn air magic so I can have MAXIMUM PORTALS.
Bishop is like "I heard you like hybrids so I put a hybrid in your hybrid in your hybrid in your hybrid so you can earn XP slower than molasses in January."
Just about the worst business relationship type for sure
But yeah if I can unilaterally praise myself on one point it's that I have learned not to weigh in when I just don't know what the hell I'm talking about
At least most of the time XD
I find it's better to ask questions usually in those cases
I am looking at building a character with monstrous hit die and at least one level adjustment. This character focuses heavily on natural weapon attacks and I would like to include the Warshaper class (from Complete Warrior, page 89) in the build. However, in the description for the class it state...
Our party is planning to fight a powerful demon with dual-wielded vorpal weapons (I only have limited knowledge of its stat block, so no spoilers please). Those weapons terrify me. We're planning ways to get through this fight with a minimal risk of decapitation. This enemy, as a powerful demon, ...
@HotRPGQuestions I ran a game in 3.5 where the opponent used command to force the fighter to hand over his weapon, so she could disintegrate it without letting him make a save.
@HotRPGQuestions I can't remember all the different PrCs and feats I stacked to make it work, but I wrecked shapechanging by using a doppelganger and a poorly-worded PrC that let me treat its at-will shapechange ability as if it were the druid wild shape ability for all purposes.
"The Sad Trad Parade", mini-reviews by Sophie Lagacé of "systems that have a direct lineage to the early days of role-playing and still foster the same kind of experience."
Nevyn Holmes wrote a twitter thread about "the tone and personality of a text in relation to the more mechanical bits."
Worldbuilding Bundle hosted by kumada1 with content from 25 creators. This bundle contains almost thirty games and tools to help you bash together a new setting, or to play a universe to life.
Beta: RIPE by David Schirduan. During your 70th year a Harvester will descend from the skies to hunt you down and take you away. Even if you manage to vanquish it, your Harvester will return sometime during your 71st year. It will continue to hunt you, year after year, until it either succeeds in its grim task or you perish in some other fashion. You can’t do this alone! this question brought me much joy because on the site of the wiki that does the copyright infringement leading to the term that the querent uses, the "Warlock" section is a copied wikipedia style entry about Nuclear fusion.
@Akixkisu I'm mostly just annoyed at Dale M's comment more than anything else. It added nothing and was completely irrelevant and stated something that, if even true, never actually matters, at all
Like, when a feature says "you must use your action to Dash" this does not mean you can use Cunning Action to Dash and free up your action. Similarly, if something says "For your action, you can only Dash" this does not limit your options when using Cunning Action
The Telekinetic Feat (TCoE, p81) says that:
As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + the ability modifier of the score increased by t...
I think Google calls masters "layouts"? They're the templates for how a slide looks. I'm wondering if you can apply multiple templates to a single slide, or apply a template to another template. Alternately, if there's a feature for making an object that you can place on multiple slides, and if you edit the object the changes synchronize across all the slides.
I have this thing that I want to do with my presentations, where there's a sidebar that's the same on every slide regardless of the layout of that slide. But I need to be able to edit the sidebar when I update the presentation, and it'll be very tedious if I have to change it on every slide --or even every slide template-- manually.
Currently I'm using Affinity Publisher, which does this one thing well but is a bit over-engineered in most other respects.
See how the sidebar shows the full program, and I can just shift the little horizontal bars over the top of it on each slide to show where we're at in the program.
But when I make a new one for the next week, I don't want to have to change the sidebar text on every slide.