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@quid Feel free to ignore this if you're busy.
Moreover, since you left MO, this is probably not that interesting to you. (OTOH you are one of the very few users who actively maintained tags on MO - so you might remember some of this.)
YCor was wondering how the percentage of questions without top-level tag evolved. I have noticed some parts of the graph with lower numbers: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2021/1/14
in MO editors' lounge, 3 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
You can see lower numbers in the second half of 2013 - my guess is that the users who were active in retagging were more active at the time. For example, this room was created in August 2013.
Do you think that lower percentage at the time is simply because you and Ricardo Andrade were more active during this period? (The first months after the MO editor's lounge was created.)
11 hours later…
@MartinSleziak it's plausible. Ricardo certainly edited a lot during a certain period of time. And a ten percent difference is just about five questions per day. That's plausible. There were times when I quite systematically paid attention to this. I don't know when exactly though but yes seems likely. There was a good dynamic during some time.
Of course it was not only us two, but he certainly was important to my own activity.
I wonder what happened to him. He was a postdoc then. Maybe he left mathematics.

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