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@Randal'Thor Yeah, I had to leave to go somewhere, so I couldn't make it too detailed
6 hours later…
@Randal'Thor I was waiting for the election to end since, due to all the meta announcements from SE, there was only space for one featured Lit meta post in our sidebar
2 hours later…
Is anyone going to answer this bountied question? Preferably someone who speaks German - I found a few results but I can't tell how relevant/specific the German-language ones are.
@Randal'Thor I might try tomorrow; I don't think I'll find the time today.
Just finished "Second Opinion", by far the longest story in the 1982 Malgudi Days collection, nearly 20 pages where most of them are 3-5 pages. I'd thought it would be difficult to get through such a long story, but it flowed naturally and I was finished before I knew it.
2 hours later…
I didn't manage to read any other Narayan novels besides The Painter of Signs. That novel was fun to read and I can recommend it.
And I was re-readinng Hal Clement's "Mission of gravity" yesterday.
Does that count?
Count for what?
It doesn't count for the currently running reading challenges, but if you post a question about it, it counts for the site :-)
> I purr, therefore I am. (René DesCats)
> I purr, therefore I am a cat. (Natsumeow Sōseki)
> I calculate, ergo I sum. (René DesMaths)
Wouldn't René DesMaths be ... well, the original one? :-)
@Gallifreyan That was before Stack Exchange company decided that "1984" was an instruction manual instead of dystopia
Also, congratulations @Randal'Thor!!!!
Strugatsky brothers would have been rather put off if I helped SE at this point
Although, I STILL owe a 30K long overly epic answer to Rand on SFF for "Night Watch" series timeline
for like 4 years running now iirc
i should probably polish that up and actually post
it is 90% done
or more
@DVK-on-Ahch-To Dang it, that's the one!
1 hour later…
I'm looking forward to reading it
@DVK-on-Ahch-To I hope the answer will be shorter than the novel :-P
1 hour later…
A book-seller in Narayan's novel The Painter of Signs says that bookworms have sense of design:
> Book-worms posses a sense of design. Some books are tunnelled end to end, some they give up with the preface, in some they create a perfect wizardry of design, but confined to the endpapers, never an inch beyond.
> A real masterpiece must be read only in an ancient edition and you could easily recognize it by the fact that the book-worm has already gone through it end to end and left its testimonials in its own code.
Take that, e-books!
That reminds me that Andrew George wrote somewhere that one of the clay tablets found in Ancient Mesopotamia had also been tunnelled through by a worm. I bet archaeologist are still debating whether the worm was on a paleo diet or a low-carb diet.
Q: Where can I find R. K. Narayan's maiden speech to the Indian parliament?

TsundokuIn 1980 R. K. Narayan was appointed to the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of India. In his maiden speech to the Rajya Sabha, the author spoke of children having so much homework that they had no time to play. He focused on the school bag. “The school bag has beco...

@Bookworm The fifteenth question in the Narayan reading challenge. For what it's worth, this is the highest number of questions ever generated by a single reading challenge. Admittedly, reading challenges lasted for only one month before 2020.
@Tsundoku Wow!
All the questions in this reading challenge have been asked within half a month, despite the two-month period of possibility.
@Tsundoku I have a story-id answer about it on Sci Fi. I don't have a question.
I don't think I can really ask any question about it unless I somehow get access to the sequels.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To I owe several long answers to the internet that I'm too lazy to write.
For years.
@b_jonas Oh, i also have answers on my to-do list. But I don't think I promised them to anybody :-)
@Randal'Thor And three out of those fifteen questions reached HNQ.
I've found the answer to your latest question, btw. Just need to transcribe it by hand ...
Is it one of those I didn't find because I don't use Google?
Probably. I found it in a book which is on Google Books.
But per-page availability of things on Google Books seems to differ from person to person anyway.
@Tsundoku I'll definitely be posting fewer questions now that lockdown restrictions are lifting and I'm spending less time at home.
@Mithical Oh, they're lifting in your country now? Lucky you.
Here in Germany, lockdown restrictions are being lifted very gradually - except for the compulsory wearing of masks in public transport and supermarkets.
@Randal'Thor Yep. And the restrictions are even looser for athletes, which I count as.
Nobody really checks whether people on buses etc wear masks, but Germans are so law-abiding.
If bookworms were recognised as athletes, I would make it to the Olympics :-P
@Mithical Well, at least you got your Socratic during the lockdown ;-)
@Mithical What;s your sport?
I'm a competitive cyclist.
@Tsundoku Bookworm Ironman Challenge?
@Mithical Nice!
I would say I'm in sports, but Marching Band counting as sports is rather a ... controversial topic
How do you do like the text link in chat?
You know, a URL that's within a text
OH, it that simple
@Mithical That doesn't work.
Apparently it doesn't work with /u/.
Needs the full users not just u.
Oh, got it within the 2-minute limit, nice.
--- on the other side of the parentheses
@NorthLæraðr Need to put the --- around both parts of the link.
Click here to (insert random spam message)
I'm so mature :)
I recognize that URL. ;)
Nah, you've gotta hide it better than that.
@Mithical wow, you've been rickrolled that many times to the point you recognize the URL?
@Mithical You might have a typo?
@NorthLæraðr Indeed
@NorthLæraðr There is no typo, just an annoying security certificate that ruins the joke
@Mithical Welp school laptop just blocked whatever site you were trying to send me to soooo
that's sick
In any case, you should see the old TSL transcripts from when I was constantly trying to rickroll Rubio while destroying spammers.
The Sphinx's Lair
The chatroom for Puzzling SE
Which honestly should be retitled "The C4 chatroom + Avi's consciousness" at this point
@Mithical I see. You never gave him up, never let him down ;-)
I remember the days when Rubio tried so hard to hammer out those spammers
Yep, we'd tag-team: I'd search them out and he'd destroy them
I've talked so much here, I've gotten the Outspoken badge
@Mithical I was the little sidekick that occasionally helped
I remember the days when "Never Gonna Give You Up" was played on the radio.
@Tsundoku You're old
@NorthLæraðr No, I have a good memory :-P
@Tsundoku Well I was never alive when that song would play on the radio
I'm pretty sure
@NorthLæraðr That's what I guessed ;-)
Released... 1987. My parents were teenagers.
I like to think of myself as a tree, but I suspect I might be a little sapling.
Even a redwood starts as a sapling.
Explains why haven't been cut down yet
@Tsundoku Yeah, and even a Rand al'Thor starts at 1 rep
> The Stack Exchange turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving newbies who become users. Users rise to regulars, but even regulars should never have forgotten the Age that gave them birth.
Unless he started at 101 because he had sufficient reps elsewhere when he joined Lit SE.
On the whole network, though.
@Randal'Thor At this point, I think it's the wheel that's forgotten what gave it birth....
@Mithical The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.
(Try saying that five times fast.)
As long as nobody breaks the wheel while conquering the world.
@NorthLæraðr Rand's not even in the top 100 on the network yet. ;P
@Tsundoku Little cheater
@Mithical I noticed recently that egreg has passed 1 million total network rep.
That makes three that I know of: Skeet, Gilles, and egreg.
@Mithical That's where I check, but it doesn't work if the user's chat profile hasn't updated in a while.
E.g. VonC (last post 3192d ago) now has more than the listed 959k.
Ditto Hans Passant.
@Randal'Thor I spent like ten minutes trying to find this message
in The Sphinx's Lair, Feb 12 '18 at 1:03, by Rand al'Thor
^ even I was new once ;-)
Kind of hard to imagine that
@NorthLæraðr Did you find this one too?
@NorthLæraðr I constantly remember it: it helps me to be understanding with new users.
@Randal'Thor Oh that's ironic, that's definitely NOT my birthday :P
Same thing in real life with teaching: remembering when I was a student helps me to understand the situations and points of view of students, and what/how they might have difficulty learning.
@Randal'Thor Mm.
On a different note, it would be so weird if I found out one of teachers is on SE
Talking to my teacher without even realizing...?
That's awkward
I've occasionally seen people on SE that I'd also met in real life.
@Randal'Thor I have yet to
ACtully I got my friend to join once but he never really got into it
And on one memorable occasion, saw another SE mod in a pub just around the corner from my home.
oh, that's hilariious
I was supposed to meet up with Yaakov Ellis, but the Israeli military messed that up. ;)
Oh, is he down there too? Somehow I thought he was in the US.
SE has a lot of remote employees. Probably makes the Covid lockdown relatively easy for them.
I'm so sad I can't play codenames on discord uyosbusdb
Uyo's bus database?
That is, indeed, a discordant code name.
Har har
@NorthLæraðr Why can't you?
We reached more than 5,000 visitors on our site today, the highest number I have ever seen here.
Anyway, I'm out of here - need to do some shopping.
For books? ;-)
1 hour later…
@Mithical Personal laptop is broken
School laptop blocks discord
Timelimit on phone
I see.
And bc of the whole coronavirus, getting it repaired is not exactly a practical option
I might just buy a monitor, since the only thing that's not working is the screen
It might be cheaper that way instead of repairing it
*used monitor
Yeah nvm it's prob just cheaper to get it fixed
Q: Were there really such camps in India as attempts to prevent overpopulation?

Rand al'ThorContent warning: the story, and this question, concern implied mutilation. In R. K. Narayan's short story "The Edge", which I read as part of his 1982 collection Malgudi Days, the knife sharpener Ranga is picked up by a friendly man in a car painted with "TWO WILL DO, a propaganda for birth cont...

Do we really need both and tags? It seems like the latter is a subset of the former, and it's often hard to know which one to use.
If there is a question about historical-accuracy, it would seem that historical-context would be tagged as well
@Randal'Thor I think we should merge the two, and update the historical context tag to include "historical-accuracy" but I don't know how others feel.
That was my thinking too.
should it be tag synonyms are just outright deleted?
Tag synonyms might make it confusing?
But it would direct question with historial-accuracy to historical-context
Well, there's a few ways.
(1) Synonymising without merging: questions tagged [historical-accuracy] stay that way but any future questions with that tag will be mapped to [historical-context].
(2) Merge-synonymisation: all those questions are tagged just [historical-context] and anyone typing "historical accuracy" in the tag box in future will get [historical-context].
(3) Merging without synonymising: all existing questions are tagged just [historical-context] but people may not find that tag in future by typing "historical accuracy".
Option 1 is a bit confusing, but it's the only one that can be done without a mod.
@Tsundoku Uh...my preferred radio channel still plays that regularly, and they're dead serious about it.
2 hours later…
Q: What does the last line of the poem "Managed Diversity" mean?

Giselle I wonder if anybody could you help me to understand the last line of the poem “Managed diversity”, written by Daniel Borzutzky: “The global economy brightens my room with the surveillance of my rotten asset” The focus here is on the motive or the circumstance? Motive = The surveillance is the...

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