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@g3rv4 Hello hello, how are you?
(Hope you are not stressed out because of COVID19 🦠... My family has been staying at home almost 2 weeks now 🙂👍)
I have Traducir question today. The following 2 strings seem to be disappeared from Traducir and Transifex, and I was wondering if you know any reasons. @g3rv4
1) The community is here to help you with specific coding, algorithm, or language problems.
2) Avoid asking opinion-based questions.
Those strings were marked as "urgent" and updated on March 1, 5, and 9, but as of yesterday which was March 10 they both were disappeared.. Did something happen?
I was curious if that only happened to SOja Traducir or not, so I went to peek SOes Traducir, and could not find strings either
13 hours later…
@aki hi 👋! sorry for the delay, today I worked half a day and tomorrow I'm OOO, can I get back to you on Friday? COVID hasn't made it to Uruguay yet (that we know of) so we're not super stressed but cautiously watching how it unfolds. We had a trip on May, and that got cancelled. That's... not a bad thing tbh
they were probably removed from the code... but I'll check it out to be sure

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