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A: Tag management 2020

Isa bellatrixProposal: Unmerge complex-analysis and holomorphic-functions tags The holomorphic-function tag synonym was proposed in May 2016. It was approved in March 2019. (Information thanks to Martin Sleziak) Currently there are 30,018 questions about complex-analysis and 9,192 questions about holomor...

I will also add links to a related conversations in Math Mods' Office and the exchange in the tagging chatroom. Among other things, people can find there this SEDE query which shows the dates 2016-05-28 (CreationDate) and 2019-03-23 (ApprovalDate) for this synonym. — Martin Sleziak 2 mins ago
2 hours later…
@EricWofsey According to list of the tags synonyms, you're the user who proposed the tag synonym $\to$ . Since there is a suggestion on meta to remove the synonym, I thought it might be polite to notify you about this - in case you have some comments about this synonym.
I have sent you the chat invitation - so I'd hope that you get some kind of notification.
@Isabellatrix In your post you say that there are " 9,192 questions about holomorphic-functions". Actually you linked to the search for all posts (questions and answers).
If you restrict the same search to questions, you get 4689 results.
I don't see any reason for holomorphic-functions to exist as a tag separate from complex-analysis.
So, if they aren't going to be synonyms, then holomorphic-functions should just be destroyed.
Thanks for the response!
If you wish, you could perhaps mention something also in the comments on meta. (I suppose, more users might notice your response there than here in the chat.)
For what it's worth there also exist tags analytic-functions and analyticity which seem of dubious value and should probably be synonyms of each other.
And in most of their usage seems to be synonymous with holomorphic-functions.
But they could also include real-analytic functions
Probably there should be a new separate tag real-analytic-functions (or some similar name) and analyticity and analytic-functions should be destroyed to avoid ambiguity.
Generally I am very skeptical of tags for specific types of functions/morphisms unless those functions really are a notable topic of study separate from their general field.
I can imagine tags for some types of functions being useful.
So for instance, real-analytic-functions would be a good tag because it is really a field of its own.
When I search for something, tags such as or restrict the search much more than simply searching under . For instance, if I search for closed-map+product-space or for closed-map+compactness I might quickly get to some frequent questions on that topic.
There is no point in a tag holomorphic-functions because the study of holomorphic functions is called complex analysis.
Sure, those are good examples too.
They are very specialized concepts that are not the main focus of the field.
Thanks for stopping by - it's quite late in my timezone, so I should probably go.
Have a nice day!
8 hours later…
in Math Mods' Office, yesterday, by quid
@user64742 I agree, and that is actually also the standard SE guideline. Ultimately synonyms should be either merged or canceled. But it can make sense to have an evaluation-period.
Let me just say that I disagree with: "Ultimately synonyms should be either merged or canceled."
A perfect example to explain what I mean is the synonym between and .
Both names are commonly used, so we want that if somebody starts typing in the tag field "sorgen..." or "lower..." then the autocomplete offers them this tag. (And similar thing is the true for other notions which have different names.)
@quid There was quite a lot discussion about merging and synonyms in the math mods office: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/20352/conversation/… (Although it was tied to one specific synonym, some general issues were discussed too.)
I have responded here - this room seems more appropriate for such topics. (I.e., discussing tag synonyms and merging in general - not about something which specifically requires some action by a moderator.)
Another thing why keeping the tag might be sometimes useful is that it prevents tag being created again and again. (In situations where it has already been agreed that the tag should be a synonym.)
2 hours later…
5 hours later…
A: Tag management 2020

NathanielProposal: add a tag for exponential families Rationale: I've asked at least a couple of questions now that I originally tagged with exponential-family, but each of these were edited to remove the tag. However, I think such a tag deserves to exist, because the concept of an exponential family is ...

"Natural parameter" links here. For the usage of this term in differential geometry, see differential geometry of curves. In probability and statistics, an exponential family is a parametric set of probability distributions of a certain form, specified below. This special form is chosen for mathematical convenience, based on some useful algebraic properties, as well as for generality, as exponential families are in a sense very natural sets of distributions to consider. The term exponential class is sometimes used in place of "exponential family", or the older term Koopman-Darmois family. The...
Perhaps we can also count this occurrence - although the tag was created there with a typo (exponential-familly): math.stackexchange.com/posts/3249848/revisions
When searching for "exponential family" the majority of results are actually asking about exponential families, but they are tagged with a random grab-bag of [tag:statistics], [tag:probability], [tag:probability-distributions], [tag:statistical-inference], etc. (I think this points in favour of having a specific tag for exponential functions.)

@MartinSleziak Oops. Sorry I just searched for "complex-analysis" and then for "holomorphic-functions" and got such results. I am going to edit inmediately on the meta post
@Nathaniel I'll mention that if you want to include a search for questions, you can add is:q like this: exponential family is:q
I have edited the search link in your post, Isa bellatrix. (So that the search and the number actually correspond to each other.)
I hope that's ok.
@MartinSleziak thank you.
1 hour later…
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