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5:26 PM
Is this and this worth keeping on HNQ?
5:44 PM
@カカロット In my opinion, neither is an exemplar of the kinds of what makes Mathematics great, and neither should be on the HNQ.
Note that your edit removed the question from the HNQ.
Oh I thought bringing MathJax only prevents a question from entering HNQ and it doesn't remove it.
No, it removes it from the HNQ.
That's good.
Another one on HNQ.
Neither question is very good. The one about the IVT is not bad enough that I would advocate for its closure. The other is a PSQ, the solution to which is a straight-forward computation, and (in my opinion) should be closed for lacking context. Barring that, it could very reasonably be closed as a duplicate of any one of a number of questions about Euler's formula.
6:02 PM
Not sure about closures for those two, but clearly not worth on HNQ (in my opinion).
@カカロット That's actually a reasonable question. It still doesn't belong on the HNQ. :\
There quite many questions from MSE right now on HNQ.
Sure, I'm not saying they're bad or anything, but having something "exemplar" on HNQ would be nicer.
Just to have them here: 1,2,3
A question rather quickly removed from HNQ: math.stackexchange.com/posts/3374091/revisions
This question seems relatively reasonable to be on the HNQ list: What is a practical use for this metric?
It seems that 3 and 5 are no longer on HNQ.
BTW if this rooms is going to stay, we might as well put some feed with HNQs into the room (either as a ticker or as messages).
However, as I mentioned before HNQs are posted in another room already and they can be checked there: chat.stackexchange.com/users/-803/math?tab=recent chat.stackexchange.com/…
At ticker feed with the HNQs is also in Math Meta chat. (That's where I noticed those two questions.)
6:23 PM
@カカロット And the accepted answer to the first question is wrong... :(
@カカロット I actually rather like (1). That particular metric does come up quite a lot as an example, then shows up again later in various contexts. It is pretty borderline as an HNQ, but I don't think that it is unreasonable to leave it up as a hot question.
(2) is not great. I've seen it two or three times in the last couple of days (at least once on the "close" queue). I have not voted to close it, but I have been very tempted to do so. It definitely should not be on the HNQ (IMNSHO).
6:42 PM
Sure I've only linked them to have them here (since there were quite many from MSE at that time on HNQ), not to remove all of them. I think it's not the end of the world having 2 there, rather than 4.
After all, if there are other questions which satisfy the criteria, then the removed ones are quickly replaced. (I do not remember how often the script checks the question. Is it 15 minutes? 30 minutes?)
@Randal'Thor It's the second. The formula picks a set of questions, which we then narrow down - throw away questions picked > 3 days ago, remove questions with MathJax in titles and questions that aren't in English, then trim per-site options down to 5 hottest, and grab top 100 for HNQ out of that. Note that the list is cached (and, under normal circumstances) recalculated every 15 minutes. Any given question isn't guaranteed to spend 72 hours in the list. — Adam Lear ♦ Mar 12 at 16:03

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