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@Eugene Obsessed? Maybe, maybe not.
@Eugene Ok. Thanks for the info. Hope to get sometime off during summer to work on both Apostol and Ireland/Rosen
@Marvis I just found out I have two months of vacations before the next cuatrimester! Yaaaaaaaaay!
@Marvis you a grad student?
@PeterTamaroff Nice! Good time to work on NT!
@Marvis Yeah! =D
@Eugene Yes. doctoral candidate in computational/ math
@Marvis nice. what's up with the foray into NT?
Not exactly a foray. Even sicne I became a grad student I have been only doing undergrad math =)
more for fun and hobby
i see. that's nice.
@Eugene So how are you doing with the assignment?
@Jordan I don't think you are going to get the help you need here. If you are in school, it's best to get help there, seriously, in your case at least.
@PeterTamaroff not doing anything. been grading
@Eugene Graaadiiiiiiing.
How's it going?
@PeterTamaroff if i ever see a peter tamaroff i'll fail him! ;{
@PeterTamaroff Ah I did not really read that one but it looks really good.
@Eugene Maybe one day he will fail you!
@Eugene Are you an undergrad as well?
@JasperLoy i'll be done with grad school by then!
@Marvis nope. master's student who just finished masters
@Eugene No, he'll reject your paper when he becomes editor of a journal.
@Eugene That's when the real terror starts.
@JasperLoy seeing that he likes anal i doubt it
@Jordan Maybe forget about math if you can't do it, like I said before. I don't mean to discourage you, but sometimes we can't do the things we would like to.
@JasperLoy It is fun how the chatpage censors your JB image to a blue square.
It knows.
@Eugene Hahaha you'll put him off. I don't really look forward to being an editor.
@PeterTamaroff you have to man. it's an obligation.
@PeterTamaroff I just changed into a blue square.
@Eugene Obligation?
@Eugene For a moment I interpreted your sentence literally.
@JasperLoy Hahahaha he means **Anal**ysis.
@PeterTamaroff yes. i mean no one likes doing it but if everyone refused to do it then papers wouldn't get published
so it's academic obligation
people who submit papers should also agree to referee
@Eugene Oh, refereeing. Sure. I thoght editing and refereeing weren't synonims.
@PeterTamaroff they aren't but both need to be done.
@Eugene But isn't editing actualyly changing what is written in a paper?
@PeterTamaroff thought, synonyms
@PeterTamaroff actually
@JasperLoy Oh, you're from ELU. lol
I have some typing problems since I have a hand condition. Thanks anyways.
@PeterTamaroff it's also putting the journal together.
@Eugene Oh. OK.
@PeterTamaroff publishing is nice but there's all the nitty gritty
my paper was only published 2 years after it was submitted.
@Eugene WOW. I think you had linked to it, didn't you?
@PeterTamaroff i think so.
@Eugene Ah, I only have the newspaper.
@PeterTamaroff also as a professor you'll have to write recommendation letters, serve on doctoral boards, etc.
@JasperLoy What do you do?
oh and also committees
all those fun stuff.
and you'll have to teach, grade, proctor
@PeterTamaroff Nothing. I am taking a long break from life.
@JasperLoy Cool. How are you chillaxing?
@PeterTamaroff Not good. I am not well actually, and I am hoping for a miracle to change my life.
@JasperLoy Ow. Well, I wish the best to you. But, remember that waiting doesn't get you anything. One has to take action.
Kinda like Newton's law of innertia.
@Eugene Hahahhahhahaha lol
@PeterTamaroff I am doing whatever I can, hence I used the word "miracle".
@JasperLoy I don't get it.
@HenningMakholm brilliant!
@PeterTamaroff Never mind. I just meant that there are some things we cannot help. We can only do our best and then hope for the best.
@Eugene thanks.
@HenningMakholm I love the starting line. "The proof of the pudding is on the eating."
@HenningMakholm What is it that you do?
@HenningMakholm i thought it was a marvelous reply.
@JasperLoy Right.
@PeterTamaroff You once asked me to correct your essay remember? Was that you?
@JasperLoy Oh! Essay? I don't think so. Short story most probably.
@PeterTamaroff Ah yes, I gave you my comments on your short story.
@PeterTamaroff I don't think I can take credit for the proverb... (but I'll accept a modest amount of respect for not writing "the proof is in the pudding").
@JasperLoy Yes. That is a story I really liked.
@JasperLoy I assume you're interested in Language Use right?
@PeterTamaroff Sort of kind of. But I am really more interested in mathematics, though I am not involved in that now.
@HenningMakholm Maybe something like "The proof is in the cake, unless it's a lie." 'd have gotten you more upvotes.
@PeterTamaroff Perhaps -- but then again I hope that a tired pop culture reference would not be enough to offset the utter loss of meaning...
@PeterTamaroff Not sure I understand your question.
@HenningMakholm Which one?
@PeterTamaroff The one I linked my response to: "What is it that you do?"
@HenningMakholm Oh, I mean, what do you work in/like to do/want to do?
I'm a software developer, and like it. Network/framework/infrastructure things.
Except right now, where the system linker on Mac OS X behaves in mysterious ways that I can't figure out...
@HenningMakholm Cool. What have you developed?
Overall, we make a suite of video streaming software. I got to make a Java compiler for in-house use, and the core architecture behind our on-demand streaming system.
@HenningMakholm And what is the role mathematics plays in soft dev?
Everything or nothing, depending on perspective. Every once in a while I need to code up something like a linear regression, but usually there's not many references to theorems in my daily work. On the other hand the abstraction and generalization skill that is needed to design and debug good software is much the same as that which one needs in mathematics.
@robjohn This conference is really cool!
And I have spoken to a few people that I don't know but they know me... For some reason!
@JonasTeuwen Do you work with PDE's Jonas?
@PeterTamaroff Well, yea, but not much.
Well, come here, the world experts on these things are here... Well, now sleeping probably.
@JonasTeuwen Oh. I need to tranform a PDE.
@JonasTeuwen See this
It is bloody 3AM!
@JonasTeuwen I've been told an Argentinean is an international expert on PDE's.
He won a prize some time ago.
Yea, sure.
@JonasTeuwen There? LOL! It's 10pm here-
There are many in Argentina.
He is here.
@JonasTeuwen Argentina! Dude!
@JonasTeuwen Here? As in math.SE?
@PeterTamaroff No, this building.
He was sitting in the lobby when I walked in at 2AM...
I'm talking about Luis Caffarelli.
You know him!?
Oh, here there is Bongioanni and Cabral.
@JonasTeuwen Yes, you know Caffarelli?
Well "know"...
@JonasTeuwen After reading just a little about Truesdell's Essay I got really interested in PDEs, Lie Alegbras and that stuff. Though I really don't know what the last is, it seemed interesting. I know there is a big fuzz about some algebraic structure and the grand unified theory.
@JonasTeuwen He, rights.
I'll be AFK for a while.
I'm back.
Hmm, they are here more into harmonic analysis.
And some functional analytic approaches.
There was some guy giving a talk about PDEs on domains with cusps... What the!
@JonasTeuwen Too much?
No, just crazy stuff.
@JonasTeuwen Hahaha well, that's what I meant.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Estas?
@PeterTamaroff What site? If I can ask
@leo I can't remember now. I can see the history though.
I see
@leo Why do you ask?
@PeterTamaroff Are there some books?
@leo There? Nah, I guess I just happened to find this one. You could try quedelibros.com though.
@PeterTamaroff I used to visit bookfi.com
but there is some books I can't find
@leo Which ones?
@Eugene your reputation grow fast
@leo ?
@PeterTamaroff don't remember one right now
I just recall that happen
@Eugene 2120 in 32 days. That's good :-)
@leo Not without some help [coughs]
I see
@Eugene now I understand Radon Nikodym
@leo tamaroff is worse
8800 in 4 months
Yes, already noted.
@PeterTamaroff como digo: "el detalle que no entendía era trivial"?
I'm bad with times: past, future, present...
que bueno. mucho bueno
@Eugene :-)
@leo The detail I couldn't get was trivial.
The detail I was missing was trivial.
@PeterTamaroff Thanks
@leo No hay problemo
I think Eugene already got it what I want to say.
@Eugene It is "muy bien" instead of "mucho bueno" :-)
@JonasTeuwen Well, I don't know anything about PDEs but I really like Michael Taylor's books. The three volumes contain so much stuff in them from all fields of mathematics!
Q: Vitali set of outer-measure exactly $1$.

Thomas E.I know that for any $\varepsilon\in (0,1]$ we can find a non-measurable subset (w.r.t Lebesgue measure) of $[0,1]$ so that its outer-measure equals exactly $\varepsilon$. It is done basicly with the traditional Vitali construction inside the interval $[0,\varepsilon]$ and noticing that such a set...

@leo Measure theory is interesting right?
@PeterTamaroff I think so!
sorry for the delay
at the beginning, there is a lot of technical details that always are left to reader in the books. And they are not trivial some times. At least for me.
@leo I don't like when authors do that!
@PeterTamaroff me neither. I hate when the theory exposed depends on some exercise
@leo I think I will buy Landau's book, but the one that is edited with excercises. His exposition is really, really clear!
@PeterTamaroff cool
@leo You should really look at the section on his book of Integral and Differential Calc, where he dedicates a full chapter to the Gamma functions.
His proofs are really worth reading!
@PeterTamaroff What's the name of the book?
@leo Oh. Just take it from this link:
@PeterTamaroff Thanks!
I must go
see you later
@leo Ok, cheers. See you.
@JasperLoy If I am not suppose to do math then tell me what I can do that doesn't have any math in it?
@leo oh shut up you.
well, well, if it isn't Jordan.
Last time i saw you lurking about, you were wrestling with partial fraction decompositions.
i'll be honest with you, i HATED those.
@DavidWheeler a lot of questions on algebra.
@Eugene ?
@leo muay beuno.. so what!
@Peter That integral question was more drama than it should have been.
drama? who? what? where? when?....WHY??????
@DavidWheeler here
i cannot see that Nana made a mistake....
@DavidWheeler he didn't. that was the drama. mike hardy did.
especially when mike hardy said "The answer posted by Nana is wrong. It commits one of the facile mistakes that students in freshman calculus make when they're inattentive to details."
mr. hardy's comments seem a bit unjustifiably...erm, acerbic.
@DavidWheeler and not even accurate in this case.
it's over now though.
apparently Mr. Hardy conceded, after some reflection. i do see where Nana's exposition isn't transparent, he doesn't explain the details of the impact upon "dx", but that is a stylistic matter.
@anon and we've spotted a crank.
he has a genuine question in there...but he lacks the vocabulary to pose it properly
@DavidWheeler yes indeed. i sometimes make rash mistakes too so i understand though. the comment is rather uncalled for.
sometimes, i see untoward displays of unsympathy for those who struggle with mathematical ideas. it's elitest, and i find it distasteful.
@anon i was typing an answer to the galois question when suddenly 3 answers were made...
when suddenly...a wild galois answer appeared.
I've had that a few times. I've never had 4 answers appear at once though; 3 is the record in my experience.
arturo moves like light...
Also I'm going to have to disagree with the "crank" label again. Cranks are stubborn against resistance, this guy just doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.
i'm gonna go surfing for unanswered questions in elliptic curves. i don't expect arturo or brian to beat me there.
you'll have to look out for the likes of Matt E then
@anon it seems to conform within these standards. however this is an MSE question after all.
@anon Matt E doesn't seem to swoop in in the middle of my typing so i think i'm fine.
@anon the guy really helped me through my thesis so i'm really grateful to him.
not once is the word crank in that blog post
@DavidWheeler several wild galois.
@anon well i think it's sort of implies but that's my opinion however.
the word crank connotes an attitude problem IMO.
not merely crazy/incoherent ideas.
@Eugene Same.
@DylanMoreland hahaha.
@anon i see. i respect that.
It was too similar to Arturo's answer and a few seconds late.
And seconds are all you really get with that guy :)
@DylanMoreland mine too. i had just started writing out the splitting field. i wonder how he did it so fast....
it's my understanding that "galois" has come to mean a pair of adjoint functors. such thoughts make me dizzy.
I wish I were clobbering elliptic curve questions here.
@DylanMoreland they're tough. see this
It's something I've spent a lot of time on but I still feel uneasy about it.
they are very hard after all.
I think it's so easy to ask something about them that's outrageously hard.
@anon do you think i should answer this in detail?
@DylanMoreland the thing is i swear i've seen something similar to this in milne
@Eugene Why are you asking me? If you have the know-how then go for it.
@anon it's kind of answered in the comments...
i looked at the galois question...my first thought was: order 4, two involutions.
(actually three, but 2 were obvious)
Eugene: doesn't matter really, as it's generally accepted good form to answer unanswered questions. (and it's not like Qiaochu needs the rep so there's no need to nudge him to write an answer ...)
Keeps stuff out of the unanswered pile.
It's interesting and not completely trivial. The OP is overthinking it still, it seems. It's honest work.
hm. i'll work on it tomorrow then maybe.
i still have about 50 papers to grade...
i can't understand why calc students love to convert their answers to fractions!
As opposed to?
Er, give an example. Maybe that's a better thing to say.
$\dfrac{7}{2}\left(e + \dfrac{\pi}{2}\right) \approx 15.01$
i don't like to speak in the imperative.
i've told them a thousand times they can leave it like that on the left
To decimals, then?
i said fractions.
yes i meant decimals.
I was surprised!
I've had the same experience. They like punching things into calculators.
well, for "theoretical math" any two equivalent expressions are "the same"
these ones are still not too bad. the ones where they change to decimals three steps before really suck
@DylanMoreland that and wolfram alpha
but in physical sciences, the magnitude of the answer may be important
Right, and then you get little rounding errors which propagate.
@DavidWheeler maybe... it kind of gives me heck though when the answers are off from the marking scheme.
@DylanMoreland indeed. sometimes off by 3
the beautiful thing is
they also do it for exams...
where we explicitly disallow calculators
oh well i'm past the third stage of grading now. time to get back to it.
bye @anon. bye @DavidWheeler
ok...in my head pi/2 is about 1.57 and e is around 2.72, that's 4.29 times 3 is 12.87, and another half is 2.15, for 15.02 in all, so i'm good with 15.0-ish
of course, if i really want my error to less than 0.005, i have to figure out more "ugly stuff" which makes my head hurt
off-hand i think i need 4 decimal place estimates for e and pi, to keep the 2nd decimal place "pure"
Hmm. If $\sigma\in\mathrm{Aut}(G\times H)$ and $i_{G,H}:G,H\to G\times H,~\pi_{G,H}:G\times H\to G,H$ the embeddings/projections, then why is $[\mathrm{Im}\,(\pi_G\circ\sigma\circ i_G),\mathrm{Im}\,(\pi_G\circ\sigma\circ i_H)]=1$? This is in reference to this and the recent group theory answer by Arturo on automorphism groups of direct products.
Unfortunately Part I of the paper seems to be the authors thesis and is not available online.
@anon It seems quite quiet here
I guess.
Why create a (calc) tag when there's already a (calculus) tag? Yeash.
i gave up!
@anon you should talk to martin on tagging.
I'll probably have to go AFK in a while.
@robjohn greetings!
@anon I see the questions are already retagged. I don't see any questions at .
@MartinSleziak i retagged it
ok, thanks for doing that!
no problem
i'm working on the numbers tag too
i'm down to 29 now i think?
@Eugene Hey there! Sorry for the delay, I was answering a question with a lot of exponent chasing :-)
@robjohn oh it's no problem. i was in turn replying to your greeting!
i really write in english like a foreigner.
@Eugene you do, eh?
@robjohn you don't think so?
@robjohn also you must have some canadian blood in you!
@Eugene well, whether you are a foreigner depends on what country the listener is in :-)
@robjohn haha. fair enough!
@Eugene I was making a joke with the "eh?"
@robjohn haha. it makes sense now. you only ever use it with me...
i was beaten by arturo again today...
that guy writes like a bullet train.
@Eugene beaten in reputation? I wouldn't worry. He is one of the highest scorers here.
@robjohn no i mean i was about to write an answer to a galois theory question when suddenly a new answer appears.
and none other than arturo greeted me.
@Eugene Ah, that happens. That is why he has such a high reputation.
the beauty is that he even had the time to edit the question
he has inhuman typing speed that man!
@robjohn Hi! I sat at the same breakfast table as Steve Hoffman and Pascal Ausscher, how cool is that?
@JonasTeuwen That's pretty neat! Conferences are great for meeting others in your field :-)
@JonasTeuwen I am jealous!
Yea, but these are for my particular thing like the very best. Well you have many of the very best here... Hm!
There are a few that seem to do the very hard things so effortless...
Stuff like: Oh, but it is not so hard to see that Carleson theorem still holds if your functions take values in an intermediate space between an UMD space and a Hilbert space!
I don't even have a clue what that is by the way.
@JonasTeuwen They have thought a lot about these things.
Well, the guy is only like ... 28 or something.
But I know his (former) PhD student. He has some cool cone covering results which I can use in my Gaussian setting.
And there is this Bourgain-stuff lecture about "transversal multilinear harmonic analysis"
@JonasTeuwen Bourgain sent me one of his papers when I was a grad student :-)
@JonasTeuwen you can do a lot of thinking in 28 years :-D
@Eugene: I hear that we've taken some sort of cup from Canada recently
@AméricoTavares lemme look
@AméricoTavares I will work on an answer. In the meantime, you might like reading this question dealing with the usually divergent Euler-Maclaurin Sum Series (and my answer).
@robjohn Many thanks!
This is a naive question, but I was wondering if there are any simple criteria for checking if all roots of a real-coefficient polynomial are real.
@Szabolcs: hey there! Nice to see you here again :-)
@Szabolcs Yes!
Hi @robjohn :-)
@robjohn Thanks! In this age of computers I got so lazy that in a practical situation I'd just solve numerically... it's always good to know if there are better ways!
Which is in about... 7 minutes. So see you guys!
Uh, I said that some time ago... Internet broken here! :D.
@robjohn Bourgain papers? They mention his name all the time in like every harmonic analysis context... "But Bourgain obtained a sharper estimate...".
@robjohn: are you around?
^oops ignore that.
Do you know where can I read about properties of integrals of set-valued functions? I want to show that if $P(t)$ is continuous convex compact, then $\int\limits_{0}^{1} P(t) dt$ is also a convex compact
1 hour later…
hello, $M_t=W_t+W_{t^2}$, where $W_t$ is Wiener process, how could i show that $M_t$ is Gaussian process instead of just saying that it is the sum of two Gaussian processes?
@Ilya I was not, and now I am :-)
if we have a geometric series with a common ratio as a complex number, e.g. $\e^{i \theta}$, will it converge?
$e^{i \theta}$
That was a short ban
help anyone? D:
@JaydonZhao It converges if the absolute value of the ratio is less than 1.
@Henning: thanks :)
Either my hard disk is failing, or the kernel has a bug that corrupts random files... hmmm...
I'm going to need exactly three downvotes soon. Anyone game?
Numerology again? Hmmm....
Do I still lost reputation if I downvote something?
Downvoting questions doesn't cost reputation.
Well it used to.
@HenningMakholm I would suggest that you edit 1 tag wiki and 1 tag excerpt, to get +4.
Downvoting answers does.
@robjohn oh? the stanley cup?
Ah, I didn't know there was a difference between downvoting questions and answers....
@Eugene Yes. Someone I spoke to at UCLA yesterday actually saw it in Santa Monica night before last.
Although I am not sure where the threshold is - but I still get rep for editing tag wiki. Maybe it's only under 20k.
@ZhenLin downvoting answers costs you a rep point
@robjohn well the canadians haven't had that one in years.
@MartinSleziak Yes, I stopped getting rep for that at 20K
So this won't help Henning to get nice round number....
@MartinSleziak over 20K the only way to change your rep mod 5 is by being downvoted or to downvote some answers.
What bout getting 25 bounty.
I don't know if bounties can be for weird amounts.
@MartinSleziak You mean 21 bounty?
*If you do not award your bounty within 7 days (plus the grace period), the highest voted answer created after the bounty started with at least 2 upvotes will be awarded half the bounty amount. *
This would only help mod 10.
@MartinSleziak or the accepted answer
@MartinSleziak yes getting acceptances and upvotes leaves things the same mod 5
Faq says: Slice off anywhere from +50 to +500 of your own hard-earned reputation and attach it to any question as a bounty.
So it seems you can give 51 rep points for bounty.
@MartinSleziak I have never tried setting up a bounty, so I don't know what the actually implementation allows.
I received 100 points bounty once; and I put the same amount as a bounty to the same question.
@MartinSleziak And here I spent minutes and minutes looking for a tag wiki that needed improvement.
@HenningMakholm It's easy to find tag wiki needing improvement. Most of tag wikis are empty - so there's plenty of room for improvement.
So I remembered it wrong - it was only 50 points bounty.
@MartinSleziak Well, it would also have to be a field I know enough about to be able to write something useful. (And I confess I was mostly looking at excerpts).
Maybe you can post meta: How to earn exactly 4 rep points.
Another way would be to downvote one answer and post one somewhat good question.
Alternatively just forget it and hope for more luck when 32768 comes around.
I am willing to upvote your question How did “one-to-one” come to mean “injective”?
I find it interesting and I haven't voted there yet.
But you would have to find some answer you could downvote.
Oh, finding things to downvote is not a problem. I'm the certified Mr. Grumpy here. There, done.
quick question, if $QA = QA^T$ where $Q, A$ are matrices, does that imply $A = A^T$?
@HenningMakholm Congrats.
@JaydonZhao Is $Q$ regular?
It's definitely false for $Q=0$.
sorry, what do you mean by regular? (also, assuming $Q \neq 0$)

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