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In the question How can we visually differentiate MathOverflow from MathStackExchange within the constraints of the new design themes? Tim Campion posted two screenshots showing how the two sites look now.
Possibly i might be useful to have a comparison how the two sites look in the past. Wayback Machine can be used for this - although the view we'll get there will always be from the view of unregistered user.
I have taken basically a random snapshot of MO from November 2017. (I zoomed out to catch more of the site.)
My bad - it's October 2018. But probably the only thing that matter is to have a screenshot from before the new design.
Here is Mathematics from November 2017‌​.
We'd like to try leaving the questions list page answer boxes (and the accepted answers) as they are for a little bit (a month or so) to see if your opinions change. Both of these elements are fixed on a network-wide basis (the box shapes/colors used to be per-site) so making them unique for y'all may introduce bugs when we update the sites, which is why we're trying to unify the themes - to avoid bugs and make it easier and faster to introduce features without necessitating a lot of bug fixes on per-site bases. — Catija ♦ Dec 10 at 5:01
I take it that the above comments related not only to the distinction between accepted answer/no accepted answer, but also to changing the colors of those boxes in general.
Q: In the new site design, what should the background look like on MO?

Tim CampionSE is giving us pretty limited options for how the site is going to look going forward. Our most popular customization request, judging either from Carlo Beenakker's original suggestion or the discussion here, doesn't look likely to happen at least any time soon, because (according to Catija's co...

I guess that if we should think about some background, probably some of the colors used in the MO logo should be used.
Or some of other colors used typically in MO design: cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/mathoverflow/img/…
Would some "dust" with some light color look reasonable? I have tried a very random thing just to see how it looks like: i.sstatic.net/3d73h.png I have tried background-image: url('https://i.stack.imgur.com/3d73h.png') for the left navbar.
This is the background on Worldbuilding. Here is how the left bar would look with background-image: url('https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/worldbuilding/img/site-background-land.svg?v=‌​80a9ca5351ef');.
Can you imagine something like that but in colors more similar to some of the colors used in MathOverflow logo?
BTW here are comments on meta related to David Roberts' screenshots:
Since you listed the differences, perhaps this is worth adding to the list. (It's easy to miss, but OTOH it remains even when I scroll.) On most pages - and when I haven't recently done some search on the site - I see in the top bar "Search on MathOverflow" vs. "Search on Mathematics". — Martin Sleziak Dec 11 at 18:53
To repeat what I said in chat: when the window width is narrow enough to switch to a mobile layout, the 'Search on MathOverflow/Mathematics/Generic.SE.site' vanishes, leaving no sign when scrolled down, just the StackExchange logo. — David Roberts yesterday
1 hour later…
If a question on Mathematics and MathOverflow have the same title, it's quite often the case of . In case somebody wants to check on such questions: Posts from MathOverflow an Mathematics with the same title between two given dates.
In fact, I should have said created by François G. Dorais. (Although the last query is probably result of a modification of several older queries, it is quite likely impossible to find the author of the original version.)
1 hour later…
Again just to give an approximate idea of what I can imagine it the background. I am not good with graphics - so those are pictures I have found from internet (all of them happen to be from the stock photo site 123rf - but I suppose using them just for experiments I cause no copyright problems.)
I have tried these ones (probably they do not seem too much different from having a solid color there): us.123rf.com/450wm/svedoliver/svedoliver1506/… previews.123rf.com/images/milanares/milanares1602/…
Are they too bright to be used there?
I have posted an answer to the question: In the new site design, what should the background look like on MO? Mainly to get some feedback on how MO users would feel about having some solid color in the sidebar.
As mentioned there, I have tried a few of the colors listed in the Colors page of the Stacks project. (I'm not sure whether this is a correct name.)
Unless I mixed up something, the ones I have tried are:
#FDE3CE (@orange-050)
#FBD4B6 (@orange-100)
#FFF8DC (@yellow-100)
#FFFDF6 (@yellow-050)
I have to say that I do not have great eyesight either, so regarding whether or not some of the colors I tried look reasonable, I can only rely on feedback from other users.
But the post I've mad on meta is intended mainly in the sense: "Would having the sidebar with some light color be a good option?" (And less about choosing specific colors.)
I've made (not I've mad). Sorry for the typo.
@FedericoPoloni I see that your post (and also the original where you copied it from) has a minor typo MathOvertlow instead MathOverflow: meta.mathoverflow.net/search?q=mathovertlow
I did not want to edit and bump the post for such a minor thing, but if you plan to add something more there, you can also correct this.
(Maybe it does not even matter whether the post is bumped or not - it is very recent. But since you are the author of the post and you happened to be in chat, asking you instead of directly editing it seemed as a more polite option.)
Probably I should have noticed (and edited) the same thing in the old post when I was adding the mathoverflow-inc tag.
OK, thanks, I will correct it if/when I make an edit then!
Since I have mentioned Federico Poloni's post, clearly this is something which cannot be done without moderators.
Let's hope they'll notice the post and respond in some way. (You might have noticed that I have mentioned this in another room to Todd Trimble, but he seems to be rather busy at the moment.)
So far we have not heard much from the mods about the new design. Only three of the mods visited meta in this month.
And the only activity on meta by the mods in December that I see are one answer and four comments - none of them related to the new design.

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