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12:28 AM
Raging debate ongoing about Gilderoy Lockhart's books. Three questions on two sites so far.
1 hour later…
1:31 AM
Q: Norby’s time travel capability?

Abraham RayWhen did norby of the series of the same name gain his hyperspace and time-travel capability’s? My guess is he gained them when he was first made. I first put this on the literature stack, but I figured that I might get a better answer here.

2 hours later…
3:52 AM
Q: Exactly when did Captain Picard perform his trick on Moriarty in "Ship in a Bottle"?

Dr SheldonIn the episode "Ship in a Bottle", Lt. Barclay reanimates the Professor Moriarty program, who becomes incensed that Capt. Picard had forgotten his promise to bring Moriarty out of the holodeck. Barclay returns to the holodeck with Picard and Data. In an attempt to explain the issue to Moriarty,...

4:36 AM
4:54 AM
Q: How did Davos kill this character?

AdamantIn the second season of Iron Fist, Davos He does this by getting close to him and doing something while pretending to hug him (why Mr. Yang lets Davos get close to him given that the latter has demonstrated his considerable tendency toward unpredictable violence is another matter). The scene...

5:30 AM
@Alex what's the third one?
Bronze story-id tag badge, sweet :D
@Jenayah Which are the first two?
@Jenayah Congrats!
These are the three questions:
Q: How many books did Gilderoy Lockhart write?

TheAshWe know Gilderoy Lockhart wrote the multi-volume "Magical Me." But there are other books as well that he wrote, including one about pests. What is the total number of books that Gilderoy Lockhart wrote, counting each book of Magical Me as a unique title?

Q: Is "Magical Me" a distinct work, or is it just the title for Gilderoy Lockhart's multivolume autobiographical works?

TheAshIn the comments to this question, there is a discussion whether Gilderoy Lockhart's "Magical Me" is a distinct work or merely the title of the full 10-or-so book collection. Which is correct?

Q: Can "Book" be used in the singular for a multi-volume edition?

TheAshWe are currently having a discussion on Sci.SE whether "Magical Me" in Harry Potter is a multivolume set or a distinct volume. Much of the discussion hinges on whether "book" can be used for multivolume sets (when it's a collected whole, i.e, a multivolume biography) or not. Who is correct?

@Alex the two here
@Jenayah Beat you to it.
6:05 AM
Why are some stars hollow, while others are filled in?
The hollow ones are pinned
Like they don't move when new ones are starred
@Jenayah Who controls that? Room owners?
6:22 AM
I think so
6:50 AM
@Alex Room owners and mods.
@Mithrandir All moderators, or only site moderators?
all mods
7:15 AM
Q: Psychic child in fantasy story

XylvesterThis was a book from my childhood. Read sometime in the early 1990s The title was something like "the Prophet" or "the Seer". I think the cover was green or blue with a clam shell on it. I remember several "scenes" within the plot A beach with two crucified boys being forcibly exposed to a magi...

7:30 AM
@Marvin Wow! What an over-the-top story-id question.
Isn't that the 19th Dune book by the way? No, it can't be, he says read in the early 1990s.
8:02 AM
Q: Looking for YA steampunk novel, ca. 1970s

Klaus Æ. MogensenI was recently reminded of a YA novel I read as a child in the 1970s, and I'm curious as to what book it is. I read it in Danish, but I'm pretty sure it was translated, probably from English. The translated book was new at the time, but the original may have been older. The novel was a historica...

8:32 AM
@SQB Might be just the revision difference acting up but why reorder the links?
Q: Short book series about human brains transferred into robots so that the Galaxy could be explored

RC RCI read this short book series around 1950. A scientist's brain is transferred into a space exploring robots which would last for thousands of years. When the robots finally failed mechanically the human brains would be transferred to a new robot allowing the scientist to live for tens of thousand...

@TheLethalCarrot Hm? Lemme go check.
Oh, that was a bit of goofing around. The references till match up, though, so no harm done.
Aye saw they still matched
The "important" change was the formatting of "A New Hope".
Aye though some mods don't like users doing that
Or don't like users doing just that I think was the phrasing
9:15 AM
Q: What is the highest number a comic book issue ever achieved naturally?

BMWurmAction Comics #1000 was first published in the US earlier this year. I got the impression that this seemed to be an unheard of before milestone. Most likely due to the fact that such a daunting number might prevent newcomers from getting involved in a comic book series, publishers use retcons, r...

9:34 AM
Btw Zaphod never announced those bounties did it?
Zaphod is lazy
10:06 AM
Can we unprotect scifi.stackexchange.com/q/83257/4918 "Married couple pretend to like each other due to crystal sculpture" (currently featured)?
@b_jonas Good call; done. I must've missed that.
Keep an eye on it though
All answers deleted, all over a period of time
Not like they were all posted years ago, they were spread out
And one of them is straight spam advertising phrama products,
which is a bit ironic given that question.
Oh wait no. I mean, maybe it was intended for the other question SQB featured, scifi.stackexchange.com/q/192165/4918
Perhaps the "married" makes it pop-up in some searches.
Wow, accepted after over a year!
A: What is a continental breakfast and what other types of breakfasts are there?

SQBGreat Britain vs the Continent Whenever something is referred to as "continental", you can be sure it's meant as the opposite of "British". The popular myth of the newspaper headline reading "Fog Blankets the Channel; Continent Cut Off" is another example of the attitude that spawned this dichot...

10:13 AM
@b_jonas @WebHead remember my adventures trying to find my sister a birthday gift? Hehe thanks Ikea, and their wooden train thingy :)
@Jenayah how old is your sister, then?
They even have extensions for the stuff which makes it easier for the years to come: rails, caboose garage and stuff
@SQB Some people *cough cough* often forget to accept
Well she'll be 5 soon
@Jenayah Ah, makes sense then.
10:14 AM
And I got the littlest one a dog plush
Yeah, the IKEA train is pretty cool. Most other wooden train systems use the same dimensions, more or less.
@Jenayah Nice. In the meantime, I'll look among Csukás István and Kormos István books to find which if any seem appropriate for my niece. Also perhaps consider Szabó Magda: Bárány Boldizsár. Or do the more painful thing and look among books that I find uninteresting because they're written exclusively for small children, and try to figure out which ones are actually good for a small child.
Oh yeah that Szabo woman you were talking about some weeks ago?
@Jenayah Oh! You bought the IKEA clone of the Brio train? My brother said they bought more of that too, plus they also have some of the old Brio trains, and they're compatible. That still needs a few months before their child can play with. And they'll have to remove the small plastic connector pieces that connect two rail pieces that have a concave ending, and I'm not sure how well you can build a track without using those.
@b_jonas Not at all. That's when you want Brio, when the kids are still small.
10:20 AM
@Jenayah One of them. The same one who wrote Tündér Lala and the lesser known Sziget-kék; but not the same as G. Szabó Judit who wrote A macskát visszafelé simogatják and a lot of other novels, those require a bit more age to be enjoyable, like around 10 years old.
@SQB For the parents to play with, sure.
I just saw a great moment on Iron Fist.
Danny and Davos had a "disagreement." Ward wonders how this could happen, since they're "like brothers." And just for a SECOND, Misty gives a kind of knowing eye roll.
Because, of course, of the events of Luke Cage Season 1.
She's like "Been there, seen that." So subtle, and totally funny.
This one
@Adamant Brothers can have disagreements. Severe ones too.
(Also, that reminds me to Spike's incoherent lies in MLP FiM S5 E5.)
No idea what the Biro train is :)
@Jenayah Yes, those, but without the dog.
10:26 AM
Yeah the dog is for the youngest
And train's nice 'cause they can play together when the young one is older
@Jenayah - Well, here the word disagreement is a spoiler-free understatement.
I guess
@Adamant ?
I saw you were talking about a season I didn't watch yet and skipped it but thanks for the heads-up!
Anyway, the funny part is that Misty saw something kind of similar in Luke Cage S1.
And her subtle eye roll is clearly a reference.
@Jenayah brio.fr
I'm not sure if Brio was first, or Eichhorn. But it's the same size.
Also, Thomas the Tank Engine fits the same tracks, except that I think the trains are a bit taller and won't fit under the low IKEA bridges.
10:33 AM
@TheLethalCarrot small enough that a baby could choke on the trains, so you have to be careful
So, how big are these babies?
Trains are big enough, but some may have detachable parts.
That's some big babies
*Sigh* My kids are 9 and 12. They do not play with their wooden trains any more.
@SQB The brio train set isn't a wooden toy, from a wood purist's POV. The connectors and some wagons and trains have plastic parts. Most of them have plastic wheels, though a few of them have wooden wheels. Many wagons and trains have a plastic body.
10:40 AM
@b_jonas Yeah, they've become more plastic nowadays. I had mostly Eichhorn as a kid.
@SQB make another then
That's an expensive solution
Well great if the Brio one fits too
@Jenayah Nope, two is quite enough.
10:45 AM
@Jenayah My brother specifically confirmed that the Brio fits with the IKEA set. But even when I first saw it, the IKEA trains looked like a cheap clone of the Brio. And I already know IKEA is good at making modular stuff that fit together well with each other.
I only wish they hadn't discontinued their toothbrush line so quickly. They were the best toothbrush I ever had, even though they looked so simple and cheap.
@b_jonas it's... not a toothbrush... ;)
How big are your teeth?
@SQB Those are dishwashing brushes.
They make toothbrushes?
@b_jonas I know, I was joking.
10:49 AM
@Jenayah Used to. Like five years ago or so. They also made shampoo, but I never tried that.
Didn't know that
11:14 AM
Well gotta head to class with a plush dog and a wooden train now :p
11:24 AM
I can't stay long, but just wanted to pop in and congratulate @Jenayah on a swift rep rise in recent weeks. Seems every time I see a HNQ from SFF (especially weirdly obscure story-ID?!) the top answer is one of yours.
Thanks :)
sees pinned message
@SQB I'm still kinda against it in principle, but if the "self-deletion of messages after post deletion" thing is now working (it wasn't last time I saw), then I guess it doesn't do much harm since the really bad stuff Smokey posts is always gone very fast anyway.
Worst that can happen is someone enters the room at just the wrong time, sees 'someone' posting a link to offensive content and then immediately removing it. They might think that's just moderation working as it should :-P
11:40 AM
@Randal'Thor Is that something Marvin can do now?
@b_jonas SmokeDetector aka Smokey.
@b_jonas No, Marvin is a bot bot, which only posts feeds. Smokey is a user bot, so it can be programmed to do anything a user can do (e.g. self-delete messages, add stars, etc.) by whoever runs the account.
Over at Puzzling there are user bots whose main purpose is to (un)star and (un)pin stuff in the games rooms.
@Randal'Thor Ok, although I don't see why the SE devs couldn't make the bot bots delete their own messages.
And when they run out of daily stars, Mith uses his mod account as a bot ;-)
@b_jonas I'm sure they could. But chat hasn't been high on any SE dev's to-do list for a lot of years, I think.
11:45 AM
Q: Order of watching Spiderman movies

Sophie the Jedi KnightWhat is the order for watching the Spiderman movies? I tried finding it online, but it included all the "failed projects" and animated TV shows. Could someone please make a list of the (live-action) Spiderman movies and what order to watch them in? Also, is the new movie Venom related to the S...

@Marvin Dupe?
@b_jonas But if a Marvin post needs deleting, you can always ask a mod or RO.
@Randal'Thor I don't think an RO can do that.
You need a mod.
ROs can pin messages and kick-mute non-mod users. That's it, I think.
Oh, and tinker with the room settings.
You can move messages to trash though can't you?
Or is that mod only?
Mod only.
12:21 PM
@SQB You can move messages to trash.
I can?
As long as it's not a private trash room, which you can't see anyway.
Poooooossibly as long as it's not gallery.
How do I do that, then?
Ah, from the dropdown on "room".
Okay it's childish, but conveniently placing the teckel dog plush on my table so that it faces the teacher, and watching as the teacher tries to keep a poker face for the whole hour, is juts priceless. :'D
@Jenayah Better hope the teacher's not reading this.
12:49 PM
Q: Are warp drives science fiction only or may this become reality in the future?

John MI'm wondering if warp drive will ever become reality? Is it unlikely, highly unlikely or likely?

1:28 PM
@Alex meh, no problem
Did it with second period too 😁
This one was like "its eyes are following me!"
@Jenayah Judging from the picture above, it's eyes are pretty scary (that's with only seeing one eye; I can only imagine what both eyes must be like).
1:47 PM
Greetings, Earthlings.
2:02 PM
@Alex ahahah, upon Googling the model name to find a better picture, the third result is this joyful kid:
You just can feel the love ahah
Anyway meet Smaslug
@Donald.McLean greetings, Hubble guy!
@Jenayah I want to pin that as the daily floof, but I'm not sure how many pin slots we have available.
2:27 PM
@SQB ahah!
@SQB We can unpin the Dizzle review maybe - it's been a while.
@Randal'Thor Agreed.
Also, AFAIK there aren't any limitations on pin slots, apart from the practical issue of "they don't all fit on the damn starboard".
I don't know. I don't recall unpinning the message about Mike's new lungs.
They time out don't they?
2:32 PM
Every pinned message is automatically unpinned after 14 days or so.
Anyway, @Jenayah, create a link to that dog reading "daily floof, 2018-09-17" and I'll pint it.
2:52 PM
Les héros ne portent peut-être pas de cape mais certains héros ont des ailes
"not all heroes wear capes, but some heroes have wings"
3:14 PM
Q: Novel that is about robots fighting humans and dinosaurs

Spacegirl6343This book I think came out between 2006-2008 and I remember that the whole book was illustrated. Sadly I have no idea who the author is. I remember the story fairly well. The story starts out with a young man waking up inside some kind of pod but with no memory of his name or his past. He steps ...

4:03 PM
Q: What was the first depiction of Robots/Androids performing faster than humans in movies?

KevinOIn the movie Aliens, there is a scene where Bishop does his "thing with the knife", showing speed and accuracy that no human would have. In Star Trek:TNG we often see Data entering commands/queries into the computer more quickly than humans could accomplish. In contrast, one can recall Robot fro...

Q: What is the flash of light from Minas Tirith?

JohnIn LOTR The Return of the King Theoden briefly loses hope before leading the charge against the siege of Minas Tirith. However, when a "flash, as if lightning had sprung from the earth beneath the City." is seen he regains his strength and leads the charge. What is this flash and who or what made...

4:13 PM
@Jenayah I still only see one eye.
@Jenayah Yeh, kids like train toys, too. To the point that train toy makers often get to charge extra $$$ for them.
Q: 90s Sci-Fi series about a vigilante with a bullet proof suit

BogoI'm trying to find an old series that I saw on TV in the 90s. I don't remember exactly the plot just fragments but it was about a vigilante of some sort. I remember he had a cool black costume that had some sort of force field around it that made it bullet proof. I remember a motorcycle too (not...

@Alex meh, just Google Smaslug :p
@WebHead to be honest the Ikea one is pretty affordable
@Loong o/
Even the DLCs extensions
4:27 PM
@Jenayah This must be some conspiracy. All the pictures on the front page only show one eye also.
Does the thing even have two eyes?
@Alex always the same eye?
@Mithoron hi
Anyway can't take a front picture, I just sent it via mail post
@Jenayah There's one that shows the other eye, I think.
4:29 PM
First eleven pictures have one eye:
@Loong Have you read some some interesting stuff lately?
The real thing is more attractive
I promise
@Jenayah What did it do that was heroical?
These Google pictures show some kind of "I will suck your soul" toy
Dementor toys!
4:33 PM
@NapoleonWilson its wing hides the car's license plate
It's from a speed limit photo thing
@Mithoron I actually went to the cinema last week and watched The Predator.
@Loong 0.o I heard it was rather bad
@Alex cuddly dementors, ahah
4:34 PM
@Mithoron It was silly fun.
Q: Are countries in the MCU beginning to produce Iron-Man-esque armour?

UmmdustryIn Iron Man 2 Tony Stark (the world expert on Iron-Man armour) says that most countries are five to ten years away from this sort of technology. But in MCU terms that was about eight years ago now, so if Tony Stark's estimates were right one would expect organisations in countries like Russia, Ch...

I heard it was basically too Shane Black for a Predator.
@Jenayah I can't find any cuddly ones. Oh well.
@Alex the toy's cuddly
I liked the few references to the original. But I was really disappointed by the self-destruct explosion and the ending of the movie.
4:36 PM
@Jenayah Eh, I must check my reading comprehension skills.
And I still don't know where suddenly all the bikes came from. Probably just odd Harley-Davidson product placement.
Was it christmas at least?
4:39 PM
@Loong Maybe I'll watch it someday, when in the mood
4:51 PM
Q: SciFi movie - US town where aliens have infiltrated and control humans through a corporation

Vinyl BibleUS town where aliens have infiltrated and control humans through a corporation. I think this might be an early to mid eighties movie (possibly TV movie). All the humans work for the Corporation in what seems an idyllic town. One family discover their intentions and I seem to remember the end ...

5:07 PM
Q: Are there plans to make the Iron Man title less sexist?

LCIIIDoes Marvel have any plans to make the Iron Man title less gender exclusive? I know that Tony Stark is a man (or is he?) but has Marvel indicated they will go with a more progressive mantle like Iron Person, Iron Human, or Iron Individual*? * other title suggestions could be Iron They, Iron F...

@Marvin trolling?
5:23 PM
Q: Does Spider-Man's webbing have a distinctive odour?

ShreedharAs mentioned by numerous contributors on Quora (not to forget his character in the MCU, the animated series etc. etc.), Spider-Man made his own webbing using a bunch of chemicals. Although I was not able to find the exact chemical list (that would obviously be impossible!), one of the component t...

6:13 PM
It most likely was in the Adult area as Science Fiction was NOT considered suitable for children. He told tales of sneaking past the librarians to get into the Adult area. He had to read quickly as he would get thrown out as soon as he was found there. It could have well been in a magazine. As a 8 to 10 year old — Peg Sep 13 at 2:50
@b_jonas ahahahah
^ Wow. Good thing that when I was young, dedicated adult areas in libraries isn't banned for children. Of course there were childrens' libraries, and I spent a lot of time in the childrens' library in Siófok.
And technically I'd have needed my parents' permission to register into the adult library, although my parents would have given it to me.
@Jenayah That's for a story OP's parent read in the 1920s or 1930s.
@b_jonas woah
@Loong Pretty much. This thing ought to go, together with the very user that posted it.
And yes, I do realize that when a children's library has a very small section (with just a few shelves) called "selection from adult literature", that won't have anything that people wouldn't want children to read.
6:18 PM
@NapoleonWilson Woah that one gets the DV fast
And rightfully so.
Ahah nobody even cared enough to edit it into something proper
And these days, I find like a third of the books I read in the children's section. That's where they put all the good ones. I will have to pick up another book by Cornelia Funke. (Last time I was in the library, it was at the wrong time, so that children's section wasn't open. Sadly that one has a shorter opening time.
> Just another faceless internet user
with such a profile picture
Is there a proper version? (Well, okay, maybe without the obvious bullshittery, like "Iron They" and crap like that. But even then...)
6:21 PM
@NapoleonWilson "Has there even been a female depiction of Iron Man, or is one supposed to come out soon?"
@NapoleonWilson Probably asking whether something like that had been done in any comics rather than the provocative "are there any plans" would have been a bit better.
@Jenayah That's...a bit of a lame question. But, I guess it could work indeed.
And without stating the current representation is "sexist".
"If so, what was her name? Was it still Iron Man? Was it explained why they didn't adapt it?"
Maybe more like "are there plans to make the character more female/progressive?".
6:22 PM
@NapoleonWilson It may be a bad question and worthy of deletion, but I don't understand why it has a close vote of "Unclear what you're asking". It seems pretty explicitly clear what it's asking.
scifi.stackexchange.com/q/194793/4918 "Is there a depiction of Superman as an Asian?" is featured right now, that's a good example
@Alex Yeah, I gave it "primarily opinion-based" instead.
I can't not close-vote it, really.
It's when you want the good old "not constructive" or "not a real question" close-votes.
@NapoleonWilson You still have "flag for moderator attention"
Sometimes you just need a really unconstructive and in-your-face close-vote. At least as a user who can't give it the holy downvote/closevote/delete trinity in unison right away.
@NapoleonWilson You can also use a custom off-topic reason and delete the part about "this is off-topic because..."
6:25 PM
@Alex Also true. I can't close-vote, though, only flag.
With 5,000 reputation (instead of, say, 17) all you can do is hope that the user doesn't take up on the effort of extending his "joke" to meta once the thing is gone, though.
@NapoleonWilson Doesn't matter, there are lots of other users who'll notice it quickly in this time of the day after the first close vote.
@b_jonas Indeed.
@NapoleonWilson Sorry, I couldn't keep track of your different names.
@Alex I don't know why you would have to. o_O
@NapoleonWilson To know how much reputation you have on this site.
6:31 PM
@Alex What? He's not the renamed CreationEdge. He's a different diamond guy.
Da stalk iz realz
@Alex I doubt keeping track of names helps there, nor that you are in any way required to keep track of that. ;-)
And most of those users renamed themselves only once. I don't recall any diamond who renamed themselves twice.
@NapoleonWilson Not required, but had I known I wouldn't have assumed you could vote to close.
(also, I know what his username is here, but I won't say because it's fun to see people wondering :p )
6:32 PM
@b_jonas I don't think it's a rename. It's more like different names for different sites.
@Alex I'm not sure you assumed that anyway. It was just a general statement.
@Alex Ah. I do that, yes.
@NapoleonWilson I did assume it. Probably because of your blue letters.
I have my real name as my username on a few sites, deliberately.
@Jenayah It took me four steps to find it.
6:37 PM
@Alex I don't care, still funny :D
@Jenayah Indeed. For a moment I thought he didn't even have an account here.
@Alex Did you search chat for "@CreationEdge" and see who wrote the message it's a reply to?
@b_jonas No.
Same but in comments?
I didn't know there was a connection with Creation Edge.
6:40 PM
You didn't scour the old dumps, right?
@b_jonas What old dumps?
@Alex meta.stackexchange.com/q/2677/222298 "Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE / Stack Exchange releases "data dumps" of all its publicly available content roughly every three months via archive.org, "
@b_jonas Never heard of that before.
@Alex Right, that's what I thought.
1 hour later…
8:03 PM
Q: Book I was reading in the mid to late 90s about a private detective werewolf

JamesI remember the main character was a private detective as well as a werewolf. There was an island he went to where all the inhabitants were females as well as werewolves. In one part they capture a group of Nazi soldiers that believe they're going to die honorable deaths only they're brought into ...

1 hour later…
9:08 PM
Q: Why are Captain Picard's Nausicaan recollections different?

Ham SandwichConcerning Jean-Luc Picard's run-in with the surly Nausicaans, why are the recollections different? In "Samaritan Snare," while in the shuttlecraft with Wes, he says, "I stood toe-to-toe with the worst of the three (Nausicaans), and I told him what I thought of him, his pals, his planet, and I po...

that was A LOT of newbie stuff to salvage
(from my own post)
9:47 PM
Wow. I was searching the Harry Potter books for something totally different, but I found a new answer for an old question of mine.
It's funny nobody posted that in the five years since my question.
What question?
Q: Do vampires exist in the Potterverse?

b_jonasDo vampires exist in the Harry Potter universe? Characters mention them at a few places, but we never meet an actual vampire, and I'm starting to think they are only a legend even in that universe. We've had lots of opportunities for vampires to turn up, even for just an insignificant role, d...

@Mithrandir: do Vampires exist?
We already had one piece of pretty good evidence, but this one is one book earlier.
Doesn't Slughorn bring one to a party?
Already has about 6 million answers from the top people, though.
9:51 PM
@Mithrandir That's the top answer.
@Mithrandir Yes, two people have answered that.
But I didn't recall that bit when I wrote the question.
I'm always more familiar with the earlier books.
@NapoleonWilson My apologies.
@Alex What are you apologizing for now? o_O
@NapoleonWilson I just asked a Meta question about it. It was a perfect example of something I've wanted to ask about for a while.
@NapoleonWilson It had five answers, one of them is a straight dupe of an earlier answer weeks later, and one is an answer based on a Pottermore entry that was published years after my question.
9:58 PM
Oh my.
Hopefully it won't be as bad as my previous three Meta questions.
That duplicate answer that is basically repeating the top answer, just with less detail and sourcing, could probably go entirely. Or is it still alive for the sole fact that it (not particularly reliably) adresses the movies, too?
@NapoleonWilson No, it's alive because we don't usually delete duplicate answers unless they're annoying. They don't hurt much. They don't get many upvotes, and sometimes they get a comment that it's a duplicate.
Hmm, okay then.
Though, I wouldn't put it entirely beyond "unclear what you're asking" to also work as "unclear what your point is" to some degree.
I chose "opinion-based" instead, but I could get behind that reasoning.
It's also possible to just not vote for closing at all, and hope that nobody posts an answer and it gets auto-deleted after a while. Although I'm not sure how that auto-deletion thing works. Does it need a month of inactivity for the post?
10:11 PM
@b_jonas Yes.
If the question ought to go, then at least flag it for moderator attention. But not touching it at all because you don't know what to put in the close-vote box and just pray to the gods no passerby is going to throw a crap answer at it for a month is...less optimal.
But of course that assumes you think there's something wrong with it. If you think it's a perfectly fine question, of course do nothing.
@NapoleonWilson Yes, I did suggest flagging for moderator attention.
@NapoleonWilson Someone could try to save it by urging the OP to edit it to less confrontational and removing the suggestion that the series he's seen in sexist.
But people usually don't like when someone other than OP just unilaterally does such a strong edit, even if that's the only way to save the question, and the OP might not follow the commenter's advice.
At the end of the day, though, I guess that's one of those metas that conflate about 5 million different issues into one and try to save the world. As noble that goal is, a more directed or specific meta might lead to more practical results.
Q: How precise do the close reasons have to be?

AlexWhen voting to close a question there are five options you can choose from: The ones that interest me here are the third and fifth choices. While I don't think this is a pervasive issue, I have seen it enough that I think it warrants a discussion. It seems to me that specifically these two clo...

@b_jonas Even if it doesn't get deleted it will still be removed from the homepage as son as it gets a score of -4.
@Alex I guess that helps.
10:17 PM
@b_jonas Frankly, that's only going to happen if someone does it for him. The OP's not gonna bother.
Though, you won't drag it out of that downvote pit ever again anyway.
@NapoleonWilson OP still has a chance to do it after it's closed or deleted.
If you think it's a topic worth discussing, the best bet is probably to keep in in your mind and bring it out in an improved form in a few months when the meta drama calmed down.
In any case, it's now closed, and will probably get at least auto-deleted in 9 days, or get delete votes.
@b_jonas Yeah, I'm just saying he won't. That question didn't serve any other purpose than, well, DA LULZ.
Yeah, true. But I should at least see if I can phrase a comment with instructions in a reasonable way just for the principle of it.
10:22 PM
Knock yourself out. ;-)
I mean, what can I lose. Should I tell him "Flag the question to ask for undeletion after you edit."?
How does that part work? Can he just self-undelete it after an edit if it gets delete-voted or auto-deleted?
Has any of the inevitable SpaceX questions on Space Exploration manage to get into HNQ? Just curious.
Nope, none of the recent space.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/spacex seem to have a lot of views and votes.
There were about 5 million HNQs when that guy shot his car into space.
Or...are there some new SpaceX shenanigans going on now?
@NapoleonWilson Sure, but I'm asking about the recent announcements.
Did he throw an iPad out now?
Heh, "...could conceivably be genuine...". Tell that Mr. Iron They. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson What could be genuine?
10:35 PM
A question that in no way, shape or form actually is. ;-)
@NapoleonWilson What's the difference between shape and form?
@Jenayah Dunno. Maybe english.stackexchange.com/q/176786/32815 casts a light on it.
@Jenayah I don't know. The redundancy is an intentional stylistic device employed for effect. ;-P
Oh, it's an actual idiom then
ok then, idioms don't always make sense
I still don't understand what the difference is between "path", "trace" and "trail" as nouns (forget the less common verb uses), despite that I've asked that question several times and got various attempts to explain it.
10:42 PM
@Jenayah !!!
@b_jonas I would say that a trail is a specific type of path.
= February 24 = == Symbols in Latin text == I would like to find out what the symbols next to the months are in this Latin scientific text.--Melburnian (talk) 02:41, 24 February 2013 (UTC) The symbols are the es:Símbolos astronómicos. They can stand for 7 planets, 7 weekdays or 7 metals. I ignore what they mean in this text. --Pp.paul.4 (talk) 04:30, 24 February 2013 (UTC) Ah, thank you, this leads through interwiki to Astronomical symbols. In the linked text above (in the paragraph under Linkia levis) it gives "D. Ludovico Née mense Aprili " What does the Saturn symbol mean in this context...
^ Trace, track, trail. That was my original question, probably the first instance. Sorry.
And a trace is something you follow that someone left. It's nothing that was made explicitly for the purpose of leading somewhere.
Probably should ignore "path". I was only hung up by its pronunciation, but that got answered to my satisfaction.
@b_jonas Ah, you're talking about a different meaning.
Yeah, sorry. Quote from that question:
> In English, a trace, a track, or a trail can all mean marks left by a moving object, such as a series of footprints indicating where a person or animal went. If you want to express this meaning, how do you choose from these three words?
1 hour later…
11:58 PM
@Jenayah I do remember a bubble scene in W. I. T. C. H.
I think they were caught by Cedric or whatever Phobos's minion was called.

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