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5:44 PM
I now uploaded the beta version of the document "List of internal LaTeX2e Macros useful to Package Authors": PDF: scharrer-online.de/raw-attachment/wiki/LaTeX/files/macros2e.pdf, LaTeX: scharrer-online.de/raw-attachment/wiki/LaTeX/files/macros2e.tex . I'm happy to receive comments about it. The final version will be uploaded to CTAN maybe next week.
5:57 PM
It's a pity TeX.SE doesn't have some sort of bulleting board for announcements like this..
6:42 PM
Yes, that's true.
2 hours later…
8:55 PM
@Martin Scharrer: Thank you for sharing! Keep up the good work!
@StefanKottwitz: Thanks!
I'll be glad to announce it on my blog.
Just an idea: I know that you've got a web site, perhaps publish it also there, encouraging users to suggest possible improvements or extensions, either via email or comment feature.
9:21 PM
Good idea. They are hosted on my website already, but there is page for it yet, just the files.
Perhaps I should wait a bit with my blog post until I can refer to a page on your site?
Because some TeX sites would publish a copy of my blog post,
so it would be better if it's already a somehow final version
9:41 PM
Ok, I will put it up tonight and post the link to it here.
Does anyone know of good advice for version control with LaTeX. I've asked about this on the site before, but it's difficult to know where to draw the line about what counts as on topic...
@Seamus: What kind of advice do you need exactly?
@MartinScharrer: no hurry :-)
but I'm pretty sure I'll be online some hours
I did not get my diner yet ;-)
@StefanKottwitz: Just finished my pizza myself :-)
Well, I was just looking for general advice. I have a specific version about better ways to use git, though. I currenlt have a git repo for each project I'm writing, I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it, but I don't just want one giant repo, unless I know how to keep separate projects separate: that is, commits to one project don't really affect the others...
I have not had pizza today...
9:44 PM
@Seamus: I try to remember a document about version control
The PracTeX journal had a view in 2007-3 tug.org/pracjourn/2007-3
But it is about subversion, especially my svn-multi package
@MartinScharrer thanks! I shall have a look.
Herbert Voss has made a talk about that subject
Can't tell you much about Git, I only use Subversion.
I'm just unwrapping two books from Herbert Voss. I got them by mail today. Ordered them over Dante.
I think the talk I vaguely remember is "Herbert Voß: Collaborative Writing", but I don't know if it's online somewhere
I've got books of Herbert too
though now I'm writing my own one ;-)
9:52 PM
I found the summary of this talk: archiv.dante.de/dante/events/dante2007/programm/vortraege.shtml (in German) -- He only covers SVN and CVS, no Git
@StefanKottwitz: Which book are your writting?
A practical LaTeX Beginner's Guide
To be published next month
I'm doing the final corrections
Cool, which publisher?
Packt Publishing
I'll look for the link...
the first LaTeX book of this IT publisher ;-)
so I bring LaTeX to him, even if the publisher doesn't use LaTeX yet, not even for my book editing
I'm open for suggestions and improvements, so if you would like to have a look at it or at some chapters I'm glad to hear or read critical remarks
9:58 PM
I hope you get a return on the time you spend. My father published some books and my brother one -- you normally don't get rich with it.
I know. It's the fun to create a book.
I agree
I would be happy to have a look on it.
Do you prefer pdf or docx? the latter is the format the publisher requires (sadly) before his editors use Indesign and the like
You can hunt me with docx
great :-) I'll send you some pdfs. I would be happy to get remarks, especially critical comments.
10:24 PM
Stefan, they never did send anything for comments: did someone else do it?
@Joseph: I've got comments by the development editor, somehow anonymized, not very much
@Joseph: at first I though they are only of the editor, then I guessed there came something by frabjous
@Stefan, I see. Hope all has gone well
I wasn't sure and I was too shy to ask who provided comments and who has withdrawn
they did not send anything to you?
No, not after the first introduction e-mail. I'd assumed it was done without being anonymous: proof-reading is not the same as reviewing a paper, where you might reject it.
10:40 PM
I've got no idea ... at least I'm glad to manage something, because I've got a new job with a lot of work even until today
At some stage I will try to review it for my blog, of course
Good stuff: anything exciting?
yes I like it
Does that mean you'll have less time for LaTeX? (Here, The LaTeX Community, ...)?
specialized in Cisco networking, firewalls, sat communication and WAN
at the beginning you invest more time
I assume I will have more time later
I will stay with LaTeX. Sometimes the daily job just requires time :-)
@Joseph: I assume you are also very busy. Just in the case you would like to take a quick checkup before it get's printed I would appreciate it much
@Stefan I always find time for these things :-)
10:52 PM
Beta version of the document "List of internal LaTeX2e Macros useful to Package Authors": scharrer-online.de/wiki/LaTeX/Docs/macros2e, Comments are very welcome!
@Martin: What's the best way to send comments? (Assuming there are any -:)
There is an email contact and a comment form on the website. I would prefer email.
I sitll have to improve the format of the document and add more explanations to some macros, especially the loops.
A quick comment: in various places you've got '⟨\name⟩' when I think you mean '\⟨name⟩'
@Joseph That's great. email is on the way :-)
@JosephWright: The '⟨\name⟩' was be intention, but now when you say it '\⟨name⟩' seems to be better.
11:03 PM
@Martin. The usual convention is that inside '⟨...⟩' you are referring to a variable part. In '\⟨name⟩' the '\' does not vary, hence I'd have it outside of the angle brackets.
@Stefan. Okay, I'll look forward to it.
@Joseph: I get that. My way to look on it was, that a certain macro awaits an argument, which is marked using '⟨...⟩', and in this case the argument itself a macro.
@Stefan: BTW, did you saw this:
A: easy way to copy code block?

Martin ScharrerI now programmed this Greasemonkey script for Firefox to add a 'select code' text below every pre tag. If clicked the tag content will be selected and the user can copy it using CTRL+C or similar. This is not a full solution yet (only work with Firefox) but could be expanded to all browsers and ...

It works quite well and save quite a time
We should add something like it to tex.sx
@Martin I will try that!
@Martin blog post is finished :-)
I might update it on the weekend when I find time. Still have to work on my PhD Thesis as well ...
Nice blog text BTW. I like the way you wrote it
a german post is now online as well, also because that goes to golatex.de
@Martin thanks
11:31 PM
@Stefan: I got your email, I will have a look on it tomorrow.
11:51 PM
@Martin: thanks

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