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Why is this not oneboxed?
Q: Tag management 2018

ClarinetistNew year, new tag management thread. Rules of the game are basically the same: Post your suggestion as an answer here if you see A particularly bad tag (a rule of thumb: «if I can't imagine a person classifying a tag as either interesting or ignored, I'm getting rid of it»), A tag that shoul...

A: Tag management 2018

Alexander GruberWe need a tag for topological data analysis. It is a rapidly growing field, so there will be more and more posts about it. Currently, questions about TDA come up under the tags algebraic-topology, homology-cohomology, data-analysis, category-theory, and a few more. These are insufficient for sea...

A: Tag management 2018

Alexander GruberWe need a tag for topological data analysis. It is a rapidly growing field, so there will be more and more posts about it. Currently, questions about TDA come up under the tags algebraic-topology, homology-cohomology, data-analysis, category-theory, and a few more. These are insufficient for sea...

A: On which Stack Exchange do you get the quickest answers?

GlorfindelThis query compares the average 'time to first answer' across the network (for an adjustable time period; default is the first half of 2018). Answers which are later deleted aren't counted, and I should probably exclude self-answered questions but I doubt that will make much of a difference. Here...

Q: On which Stack Exchange do you get the quickest answers?

GlorfindelI was writing an answer on this now-deleted question which basically asked 'Why do I get an answer quicker when I post on Stack Overflow than on ServerFault?'. This triggered me; was this just an N=1 case or is there really a pattern. Stack Overflow gets a lot more visitors, sure, but it also get...

A: What is the difference between a Hamel basis and a Schauder basis?

rschwiebPeople keep mentioning the restriction on the size of a Schauder basis, but I think it's more important to emphasize that these bases are bases with respect to different spans. For an ordinary vector space, only finite linear combinations are defined, and you can't hope for anything more. (Let's...

Q: What is the difference between a Hamel basis and a Schauder basis?

LorLet $V$ be a vector space with infinite dimensions. A Hamel basis for $V$ is an ordered set of linearly independent vectors $\{ v_i \ | \ i \in I\}$ such that any $v \in V$ can be expressed as a finite linear combination of the $v_i$'s; so $\{ v_i \ | \ i \in I\}$ spans $V$ algebraically: this is...

3 hours later…
Q: Links to answers no longer oneboxed (in some formats)

MartinI have noticed that a link to an answer is not oneboxed when used in used in the format https://site/questions/question-id#answer-id. They are still oneboxed in the format https://site/a/answer-id. You can see some experiments with this in the chat sandbox. For example, https://meta.stackexchange...

9 hours later…
Testing out a difference between links pointed out in Sonic the Inclusive Hedgehog's answer.
A: Links to answers no longer oneboxed (in some formats)

Sonic the Inclusive HedgehogA little while ago, the style for a full-form link to an answer changed from: https://site/questions/question-id/question-title/answer-id#answer-id to: https://site/questions/question-id/question-title#answer-id I'm not sure why this change was made, but I'm guessing it's to make it clear t...

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