@AlanMunn They do not really hibernate, they just sleep long until they get woken up by some crazy people on February 2. Marmots hibernate till May 5, 5:05 pm.
I found an old question about LaTeX on Stack Overflow and added an answer, but I think that question should stay here, is it possible to migrate it? (it's very old)
@CarLaTeX No idea. I lookked at the unanswered questions, most is coupled with markdown or R. The pure latex questions are almost all unanswerable because unclear. So there wouldn't be a point migrating them. As for the question you answered, as it is very old, possibly (if ever) a moderator could migrate. I am unsure.
@ChristianHupfer If I click on off-topic there is too old to migrate. Can I flag in need of moderator intervention and explain it should be migrated here? Or is it too strong?
What's the problem with pineapple pizza exactly? The original setup was selected for the colors, so it's not as if it has a lot (apart from patriotism) going for it anyway.
@StephanLehmke Well, it's very easy to argue about food, isn't it? It's opinion based, but I don't like the taste of pineapple in basically any menu that isn't a dessert
@CarLaTeX I usually try whatever is local at a certain place. But honestly, Pizza has tomatoes on it. That's not even native in Europe at all. So it's a purely artificial dish, hardly traditional. (and pasta is originally from China)
@ChristianHupfer Well that's certainly personal opinion. I find pineapple delicious and put it in a lot of dishes. Germany has a strong tradition of fruit in main courses (mostly apples, pears and raisins, of course, for traditional stuff). But if you go for overseas imports like potatoes and tomatoes, why not pineapples?
@CarLaTeX: I just checked: There are about 100000 Britons and of some amount US - citizens in Germany, according to the German Federal Board of Statistics ...
@ChristianHupfer If we kill the poor things to get T-bone steak, we should eaty all of it. Not just the best bits. Wait, the heart is one of the best bits.
@CarLaTeX I have seen videos of restaurants on youtube. And the produce they use. And all the convenience stuff they use. I'd rather cook my own meals.
@MartinScharrer There's already xampl.bib in the BibTeX core
% Copyright (C) 1988, 2010 Oren Patashnik.
% Unlimited copying and redistribution of this file are permitted if it
% is unmodified. Modifications (and their redistribution) are also
% permitted, as long as the resulting file is renamed.
@MartinScharrer It could be a good idea to use some fake entries. You never know, perhaps a lot of citations will be registered at different sites if you use real, and that might not be so nice for the people cited. OH I see the problem is solved now...
@ChristianHupfer on the proper placement of commas
@JosephWright how long does it take you to run check in 2e base (travis seems reasonably quicker than my machine, which in theory isn't that bad a spec, ssd i7) but it takes about 40 minutes here and 10 on travis..
@JosephWright I've just added UseRawEncoding (and reset the catcodes of the C0 controls to 15 for lua/xetex) so I'm possibly done, running check again now
I have to say, seeing an answer that states: Too long for a comment. What you show works fine for me. Please provide a minimal working example should not be an answer.
@JosephWright no as I say expected, I had moved the catcode settings for chars <32 to rearrange for the latexrelease docstrip guards and ended up with them being left catcode 12 in luatex, decided the old setting was better so put them back to 15, that only affects those tests that are explicitly trying the control codes.
@JosephWright also since this is a dual core machine with 4 virtual processors, I could probably run 4 tests almost as quickly as one, but running etex, xetex and luatex in parallel is a bit tricky as they trash each others build area (I could raise an issue I suppose:-)
@Joseph it may be annoying but if you licence it as LPPL you basically allow someone to do that (well you allow them to sell it, not to claim they wrote it)
@DavidCarlisle@PauloCereda, it was a CC BY-NC-SA licence. I wouldn't care in the least if anyone used or modified it as they see fit. What boggled me was that a "librarian" of a huge journal portal wrote to an editor asking for "additional implementations", saying the said editor "wrote the class", most probably sold it (who does this for free?), and now cannot change an iota in the code.
Start up the pdflatex process once. Send it something to process and get the output PDF. Keep it running. Send more things to process, get the output again. Repeat many times. Now shut the process down.
The goal would be to get rid of the startup overhead.
The catch is that I need the output from the first input before sending the second input.
I would be used with the standalone class, which can output multiple results, but it needs to have all the inputs at once. With normal use, it will only produce output once it has read all inputs.
I assume that what I am asking for is not possible, but I would appreciate some confirmation from knowledgeable TeXnicians :-)
@Szabolcs I'm pretty sure that can't be done. If the startup overhead is too much, perhaps you could create a new format with all the packages and fonts you are using preloaded.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen It's for a Mathematica package that provides a function to convert math-mode LaTeX code to Mathematica graphics. Too often, people use it in a way that the function is called many many times to process tiny bits of LaTeX code (e.g. generating the label of each tick mark in a plot).
It can process more than one but in a single run, but preparing all the inputs at once requires a bit more work, so people often don't do it.
I am trying to improve the user experience.
Another idea is that it could output placeholder objects, which are stored away somewhere else. Then there would be a separate command to process these placeholders all at once.
Another idea I had for this purpose: pre-produce a lot of pdflatex processes during idle time and let them wait just before reading the main input file. Then when a specific input needs to be processed, feed it to one of the waiting processes.
next week there will be in Passau the german TeX User Group Meeting. Beside other a serious complex scientific lecture has been announced https://www.dante.de/events/dante2018-1/Programm/vortraege.html#raab. The translation of the abstract: "Visualizing scientific content with tikz-based support"
Tikz is a very flexible code which allows to create high quality charts and illustrations. It also contains a variety of libraries and pre-defined elements which facilitate the illustration of complex problems. This lecture will introduce a package which
@marmot duc -- could be a down - up - charm quark particle, but the hypothetical 'k' - quark is difficult to find ;-) Duck - particles are not yet in the Standard Modell? ;-)
@marmot Looks rather like a Yellow mutant of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to me ;-)
@marmot: Do you know that James Joyce learnt the word Quark on a vacation trip in Freiburg, Germany, when walking on the marketplace near the cathedral? Freiburg is my birth place ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I didn't know that it's Freiburg, but the rest I knew. Yes, Freiburg is a nice town. I've been often visiting the Kaiserstuhl region...
@ChristianHupfer Van der Bij not too well, no. (Do you get along with him very well ;-) But I chatted with Hatmut Römer a few times. And I cycled once from Kaiserstuhl all the way to Munich, and I really liked the Schwarzwald, especially the stretch along Brigach... (or was it Breg, I forgot)
@marmot: I hardly know the Dutch fellow -- and I was once tutoring assistant to Hartmann Römer ... and I attended QFT lectures from Pohlmeyer (Oh my...)
@samcarter @ChristianHupfer The TikZ diagram for the particle physics chart has also its origin in Freiburg (but somehow it seems no longer to be in TeXample.net)
@samcarter @ChristianHupfer One may generate a diagram in which the particles are represented by ducks.... this might be real fun ... ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Sorry to bother You with longtable questions.. Say a longtable fits 74 rows on a page usually, but has a p column whose content is sometimes greater than the length of the pcolumn, which in a way makes the lines of text >74. Usually, if the row's pcolumn cell contains 2 lines, one row gets booted to the next page, resulting in a total of 73 rows of the page. However, if there are several multi-lined (3-5) such rows, sometimes one gets a total of 75 rows. Would you happen to know how or why?
% Standard model of physics % Author: Carsten Burgard \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} %%%< \usepackage{verbatim} %%%> \begin{comment} :Title: Standard model of physics :Tags: Styles;Decorations;Physics :Author: Carsten Burgard :Slug: model-physics
A standard diagram of the current standard model of physics.
In some ways, this was the ultimate, single-diagram user experience challenge: all of our current understanding of the universe condensed into a single infographic.
This improved diagram of the standard model of physics was made at
Somehow I could not find this diagram any more on Teample.net. (I also removed some minor bugs from the original version other than that the quarks were not represented by ducks;-)
@JosephWright seems like they have added a length limit to the description field, it didn't even show it for an update in the end I just deleted it and left a note saying to use the existing description, we'll see....
@vlg longtable has no record of how many rows are on a page, it just stacks all the rows in a long list and then tex's normal page break algorithm splits off a page depending on various page breaking parameters that might be set
For those of you who use version control for paper writing: do you make a repository for each paper or a repository for a project (set of related papers) or for all papers?
@AlanMunn One for each paper. But these days I am also putting together a conference proceedings volume, and I use a single repo for that. It currently has 350 commits.
@JosephWright Ok. The question is kind of off topic, but it might be useful to some here, so I'll ask the OP to post a self-answer based on the answer on the MacOS site. tex.stackexchange.com/q/423957/2693
Well, that's just because I tried one year to understand LaTeX3 based on docs (as a LaTeX2e user, IT guy, programmer) and did not get beyond annotations that I just collected over time. Can share, will see.
@JosephWright remember @StefanKottwitz is German he would prefer \@ifundefineddefinethethingtorelax than \bool_if_undefined_define_to_relax:NTF as the latter almost looks like it has spaces between the words
@StefanKottwitz @PauloCereda http://texdoc.net/ “Last update: August 14, 2016” It would be great if you could update at least when TeX live 2018 is released.
@HenriMenke You are right! I tried updating and there was an issue that wasn't very easy but manageable and the effort is better spent in a few weeks when TL 2018 is released.
any one here by any chance uses texlive under cygwin? I was surprised when I just installed cygwin under windows 7, it comes with texlive. But when I try to compile one of the files, I get error
@HenriMenke Check it out. Naked girls swimming in an aquarium at the wall. Like in a movie. Except this, a normal strip bar and in general sushi is good and cheap in that area :-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I'll stick to the dead-end 2e for a while :-)
I think I should un-install texlive what comes with cygwin, and install texlive myself from tug web site like I did on Linux. Something not right with texlive that comes with cygwin. I can't even do
>tlmgr update --self
tlmgr: action not allowed in system mode on Cygwin: update
@DavidCarlisle there is no root in cygwin?
>tlmgr update --all
tlmgr: action not allowed in system mode on Cygwin: update
~>sudo tlmgr update --all
-bash: sudo: command not found
@Nasser you can update via the cygwin update tool,m just as on linux if you are using the linux tex you update usiing the the system package manager not tlmgr
@DavidCarlisle but I just installed cygwin now? So I assume it installed latest texlive. what do you mean by using cygwin update tool to update texlive?
@Nasser well I am sure it will be in one of the optional packages in the cygwin setup utility, but I just checked I haven't got luatexbase in the tex system from cygwin (but I always use the tug version, texlibe 2018 pretest at the moment)
This is what cygwin install.exe shows what I installed:
@DavidCarlisle ok, but I will just remove texlive that comes with cygwin and install the official texlive the same as I did on Linux. Hopefully that will work
@DavidCarlisle thanks ! that was it. cygwin did not install texlive-collection-luatex. Once I installed it, now it works. THis really makes no sense. why would cygwin install texlive but not this important part of it?
But there is still other problems, I need to sort out. Now I get error Style option: `fancyvrb' v2.7a, with DG/SPQR fixes, and firstline=lastline fix <2008/02/07> (tvz)))
! LaTeX Error: File `newtxmath.sty' not found.
getting texlive to work on cygwin is going to be fun :)
Fixing the above was easy, I just removed \usepackage[libertine]{newtxmath} from my Latex for now to make it work on cygwin.
I am finding cygwin much faster compiling latex that using linux in Vbox! I will switch to cygwin. IO is so slow on Vbox writing to windows shared disk.
But there is still few issues to sort out with using texlive on cygwin. such as (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo(load luc: /var/lib/texmf/luate x-cache/generic/fonts/otl/lmroman10-regular.luc)))
@Nasser it's only important if you use luatex (which is far from the majority) there is a clue in the collection name) but same is true of programs or c libraries or anything else just stick "cygwin collection foo" into google and it will tell you which cygwin package to install
@Nasser just click all the boxes under texive. The only reason i don't have that kind of missing package issue is that I install the full texlive not because I install the one from tug
But I see there is more under "not installed" !! wow. It is so much easier using texlive from TUG. There I do not have to pick and choose. It does it all.
I just found out texlive is version 2015 on cygwin !! Why so old? I noticed this when I went to /use/local and found it saying 2015 there.
This is so confusing. There is /usr/local/texlive/2015, but latex -v says Texlive 2017 so I am not sure really now what version of texlive I am using
texlive>latex -v
pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Cygwin)
kpathsea version 6.2.3
Copyright 2017 Han The Thanh (pdfTeX) et al.
There is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software is
covered by the terms of both the pdfTeX copyright and
@Nasser: I am not using cygwin for about 15 years by now, but try file which latex, it should report a symbolic link to the real TeXLive directory, (which latex must be quoted with the backticks)
so I do not know what the 2015 is. so may be the /usr/loca/texlive/2015 is link as you say. very confusing. I am assuming I am using 2017 texlive for now :)
@ChristianHupfer the problem is which latex points to /usr/bin/latex on cygwin
~>which latex
This is different from Linux, where
~>which latex
points to the exact latex, so one knows the version more easily
@EriktheOutgolfer It's not used so frequently, only 105 total questions, quite a few of which are closed (and some may be mistagged anyway). It probably arose in the very early days of the site, and it still has some uses.
I think I gave up on using texlive that comes with cygwin. Too many errors. I will try to uninstall everything related to texlive and install texlive from tug directly. Now I get this new error
! I can't find file `nameref.4ht'.
<argument> ...meref}\let \label \sv:label \input nameref.4ht
l.29 }
(Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit)
even though I installed everypackage under texlive. Much easier to texlive from tug.
@EriktheOutgolfer It hardly seems opinion based to me. Either the papers exist or they don't. There may not be a unique answer, but nobody's expressing an opinion in the ones that are there.
@ChristianHupfer yes, but I keep getting errors which I do not see in texlive under Linux VBox. I'd rather just install it from tug, ./install-tl one command and it installed everything.
@Nasser Using TL directly from the TUG link is the best option in 99.99 of all cases, as far as I know. However, I use it on a real Linux OS and not in a virtualization box .
@ChristianHupfer linux on VBox is a real Linux OS. There is not difference. I do not think I installed texlive from TUG before on cygwin, I am assuming install-tl will work on cygwin just like on Linux. I'll found out soon :)
@Nasser A VBox is a virtualization box, i.e. the guest operation system (linux here) runs on top of another os, the host, which seems to be a Windows system in your case. It's system calls are emulated (to some extent). It might be a real Linux system, but it is not running on its own. Most likely, the system requirements for a TeXLive installation aren't that important, so it can run in box as well.
@ChristianHupfer running texlive inside Linux in VBox works just like on Linux on its own PC. The problem its IO is slow, since I use shared disk with windows. So a large build of 100's of latex files takes days instead of may be less than hr or so. But other than performance, there is no other issues.
I've been running latex on one source tree for one week and it is still compiling. I have few thousand latex files there.
@ChristianHupfer I need to run linux side-by-side with windows, along side windows. Since I use windows app to edit latex and other things, and use Linux to compile. So I need both at same time.