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12:00 AM
@Mithrandir24601 Ah
@ACuriousMind It's my primary concern.
@0ßelö7 Then good riddance.
@BalarkaSen At least, I'm assuming what most people think of Kung Fu is something along the lines of what Shaolin Monks do
omg get kicked 0celo
I prefer to get suspended for a week but not get kicked
12:01 AM
What the actual hell was that for
And Shaolin Monks go to efforts to avoid actual combat as it's against their philosophy. Not so much against competition or sparring though
@lılostafa asked me about combat prowess and I gave an answer
@Mithrandir24601 I see. I know shamefully little about the philosophy of Shaolin Monks
@ACuriousMind and you clearly don't know what "primary concern" means
dude drop it
12:04 AM
@0ßelö7 Strangely enough, while there are less females that do martial arts (in my experience), the ones I know are very good at it
@Mithrandir24601 that's like saying women in STEM are very smart
@0ßelö7 You clearly don't know what it means when the owner of a room tells you they're not believing you're participating in good faith, either. This is not up for discussion.
@0ßelö7 As in, the average female that I know that do martial arts are much, much better than the average male that does martial arts
Why are we even discussing obvious facts?
It's getting boring
12:06 AM
@Blue I can't get enough of the Moheener Ghoraguli album I linked you
I think it's a rock masterpiece in Bengal
@Mithrandir24601 I think Kong Fu is a terrible choice if you want to get good at combat. MMA is much better.
@BalarkaSen Oh, I did listen to that a few times. Really nice and calming
I like the Bangla bands actually
Some of them at least
Bengali movie songs turn me off
12:07 AM
Well, I don't like the popular bands
But I'm a hippie
@lılostafa As I've said here before, Kung Fu is a much better choice than MMA, simply because it involves weapons. i.e. this statement takes Kung Fu totally out of context. It's kind of hard to hit someone who's got a weapon when you haven't
@Blue There's not much artisery going on in the film industry, nope.
Have you seen any of Ritwik Ghatak
Quick question: today a kid asked me why wave-functions in the infinite square well have to be continuous at the boundary. His point was that with an infinite discontinuity in the potential we shouldn't rely too much on intuition as to what properties the solution(s) should have.
I pointed out that we can solve the finite square well and let the potential difference --> infty and the solutions will smoothly transition to the infinite-square-well solutions we find when assuming the solutions are continuous.
@lılostafa If you want to get good at hand-to-hand combat, then I'd be willing to believe that. However, that's still not the point of kung fu. If you want the combat version, then you do kickboxing
@ACuriousMind I don't know what to do. At risk of pissing you off further I have made a meta post asking for advice
So please don't ban me from the chat any more
12:11 AM
@BalarkaSen Umm, I think I only saw Megha Dhaka Tara...and that too long ago
(and yes, I'm perfectly willing to believe that MMA is better than kickboxing at actual combat)
@Blue Aha, good movie
His best is Jukti Tokko Goppo
I rank him higher than Satyajit Ray in the list of best film directors of Bengal
@nitsua60 They don't assume differentiability at the boundary.
@BalarkaSen I see. Will try to watch someday. :)
Do you like the Feluda series btw? (Although I know you are a hippie)
12:13 AM
Let me know what you think of it if you do
@0ßelö7 finite do, infinite don't. But infinite assume continuity, which is what the student's (wisely, IMO) questioning.
@Blue The stories or the movies?
Anyhow, it's late, so I'm off to bed - night all!
@nitsua60 Oh, finite case follows from the Schroedinger equation.
There's a way to argue that if the potential isn't too bad, the wave function must be $C^1$.
@BalarkaSen I'd like to know your views about both
12:14 AM
I read one or two of the original novels
ok who downvoted my meta post
that's just mean
But watched all the movies
I think it's a seminal work in Indian detective fiction
@BalarkaSen lol
@0ßelö7 Right. But the student's arguing (in this terminology) that V=0 in well, \infty otherwise might be "too bad." And aside from "it gives the answers we see observationally" and "it flows from finite case" I didn't have a good answer at hand.
12:15 AM
But I lost the taste in detective fiction after Sherlock Holmes
That shit is craycray
Hard to top it
@nitsua60 the idea is basically that if $E\psi =-\psi''+V\psi$, then you integrate once to get like $\psi' =-\int (E\psi-V\psi)$
@0ßelö7 y u laugh
and that's continuous
Sherlock Holmes movies...I loved the R.Downey ones...absolutely hilarious
@0ßelö7 Even when V is infinite-discontinuous?
12:16 AM
meh the RDJ movies sucked
As for books, I had read a lot of them (almost all the Sherlock Holmes novels)
@nitsua60 Infinite discontinuous?
@BalarkaSen They were funny though :P
@0ßelö7 Yes--we're talking infinite square well.
@nitsua60 No, as I was saying, for that case the correct solution is to solve it for a finite potential, then take $V\to \infty$
That's the physical interpretation for "infinite well"
Just a very very large finite well
12:18 AM
I love Doyle's original works, of course. If you want a recommendation in adaptation, I really like the series in the 80's in which Jeremy Brett acted
If your student thought some more he would conclude that "infinite square well" is nonsense to begin with
You get the boundary conditions in the finite case from my method above. Then you take $V\to \infty$ to get the infinite ones.
@0ßelö7 I don't think I'm making myself clear--sorry.
Let me re-start.
@Blue Satyajit Ray's best stuff is not detective fiction, in my opinion. Look at his horror or botched sci-fi stories.
I don't know if that genre even has a name. It's p cool
12:19 AM
@BalarkaSen Umm, like? I haven't watched much of his non-detective works
Q: Why do I keep getting kicked from chat?

0ßelö7This evening I have been kicked twice from chat, apparently for not acting in "good faith." All I said is that my primary concern is whether my messages will be flagged or not. I don't see what's wrong with that, flagged messages are not offensive so if I'm not posting offensive messages what is ...

Finite square well uses differentiability at the boundaries as conditions. If we let V-->\infty we get the solutions to the infinite square well that we (you and I) expect.
But in a sense we've imported the continuity boundary condition from the finite case to the infinite case by doing so.
The student questions whether that's wise, and that strikes me as a good bit of critical thinking.
Okay, except Pather Pachali...that one was awesome
@nitsua60 And I'm saying you should counter by asking them what "infinite square well" is actually supposed to mean
@Blue Oh they're not movies
Just short stories
12:22 AM
It's a mathematical model for a very, very large finite square well.
@BalarkaSen I see. Like?
So the question is: why, in the presence of an infinite discontinuity in V, is it sensible to require continuity in the wave function?
So you use the same boundary condition with an appropriate limit
@Blue "Khagama" is great
@0ßelö7 That's basically what I did. "Let's go with this for a sec. When we've built up enough skills to solve the finite square well we'll see that solutions to that converge to these in the limit that V-->\infty."
Alright, gotta go put the girls to bed. Night, all.
@0ßelö7 thanks for your time.
12:24 AM
@BalarkaSen Lovely. I like short stories. Found it here
@RobertHarvey I have no clue what it contains. What is this cryptic message supposed to mean?
Will read
@nitsua60 bye
Probably that's a translation
@Blue I think only his earlier movies are worth watching. As a director he's overhyped
12:26 AM
@BalarkaSen Maybe. I haven't watched most of his popular movies
Another good director is Mrinal Sen
but he's a commie
there's always some naive propaganda inherent in his works
All in all, the film culture in Bengal is p bad
Haven't watch any of his movies. I'm a pathetic bangali =P
Should watch though
its ok most people havent
I spent my childhood watching cartoons, so....
12:30 AM
I wasn't allowed to watch most cartoons
I have no idea what I did as a child
huffed paint I guess
I watched every Naruto and DBZ movie/episode
Used to be a Anime fan back then
I... can't for the life of me appreciate anime
even though the whole world is into it
are you secretly an old man?
wait, you like memes
12:32 AM
you're a mystery
@0ßelö7 I agree. He's a meme-guy who watches and reads classics. That's a rare combo
meme guys are supposed to be the ones into anime and stuff like that
ma nama aristotle
maybe once he goes to college he will become normal
12:35 AM
@0ßelö7 Balarka and normal don't go in the same sentence
Balarka is a normal subgroup
ur face is a normie subgroup
free malware subgroup
@ACuriousMind So did I cancel that account deletion correctly?
@Blue Free Malware sounds like an oxymoron
@0ßelö7 Go to pirate bay to download free malware
12:39 AM
@0ßelö7 I feel like this is internalized trolling somehow. Please don't do that.
Specifically free Chinese malware
@BalarkaSen So, I registered for the conference via mail. Just now got a reply: "We will try to consider your application. Regarding accommodation we don't
know the situation yet. You have to wait for the final decision for accommodation.
The registration fee will be collected at the registration desk on 1st day
of the conference. Keep in touch with our conference web-page !". Seems positive. I'm excited. :)
I'm mainly going there to gain some experience and to build some contacts with the physics department professors.
12:49 AM
@BalarkaSen I actually did hit account deletion
I saw the cancel button and wimped out after
It's not time
I didn't know users can delete their own account
@Blue That's a pretty good reason in itself
I should sleep now...lol
6:20 AM!!
They don't send a message when you cancel it
Poor design
@BalarkaSen What is "internalized trolling"?
12:52 AM
why would you delete your account
man it's weird that so many black metal bands like lord of the rings for some reason lol
why would black metal have anything to do with lord of the rings
@BalarkaSen disgust
this escapes me
maybe I'm a sociopath
@ACuriousMind 's roast suggests it
1:32 AM
I'm sorry, the comments in a question became a discussion. Can a moderator do whatever magic causes it to all get moved to a chat? physics.stackexchange.com/questions/361097/…
@0ßelö7 I don't really know you, so I'll just have to hope you take this in the helpful spirit in which it's intended: characterizing the response to a question you asked about your behavior and the moderator response it saw as a "roast" seems, to me, to be a comment in the same vein he's talking about. It doesn't Assume Good Faith of the post's author. It reads as an attempt to delegitimize the (constructive, one hopes) criticism leveled at you.
i love getting chatbanned
2:03 AM
@nitsua60 Why did you capitalize "Assume Good Faith"?
@lılostafa habit. It's an elucidated principle over on wikipedia, and generally referred to capitalized just like people often do with "Be Nice" around here. Signaling that it's not just a spontaneous phrase coming out, but a reference to something external.
Assuming good faith (AGF) is a fundamental principle on Wikipedia. It is the assumption that editors' edits and comments are made in good faith. Most people try to help the project, not hurt it. If this were untrue, a project like Wikipedia would be doomed from the beginning. This guideline does not require that editors continue to assume good faith in the presence of obvious evidence to the contrary (e.g. vandalism). Assuming good faith does not prohibit discussion and criticism. Rather, editors should not attribute the actions being criticized to malice unless there is specific evidence of such...
1 hour later…
3:10 AM
We cannot talk about controlling gravity without a quantum gravity
@Slereah ^
3:28 AM
I want quantum gravity fields
Some other thoughts: Are there experiments that test the effect of gravity vs electromagnetism on the surface area of the object.
That is, suppose we have two balls of the same density attached to a magnet, we then stick the balls onto a steel wall, will the larger ball be easier to fall off?
More conretely, does the strength of gravity have any dependence on the surface area of the object?
3:43 AM
@JohnRennie I made:
(I did not at all of them)
Ooh that looks good :-)
In breadcrumbs?
What meat? Veal? Pork fillet?
I had some chicken that was getting old. Thought deep frying it would kill anything
I'll do it with pork next time and try to get them more uniform
cutting a giant chicken into thin slices was tough
Chicken schnitzel is one of my favourites. My Mum makes it whenever I visit.
Although I think she shallow fries the schnitzel in butter in a skillet rather than deep frying it.
3:47 AM
I did it in vegetable oil in a skillet
and not really "deep fried" but you get the idea
hot oil
That's a cracking good meal. I had a healthy vitamin rich vegetable risotto, but I'd have much preferred chicken schnitzel :-)
@JohnRennie I had some bean salad too.
There's vitamins in there. Maybe
I was going to make potato salad but decided it was too much work
I generally eat schnitzel either with fries or bread and butter. I figure I can catch up on the vitamins another day :-)
@JohnRennie fries are too hard
I'm making jumbalaya tomorrow
I love jambalaya too. Goodness you're eating well at the moment. When I was a student I ate 100% junk food!
What spicy sausage? Chorizo?
3:54 AM
My favourite spicy sausage!
I have some Italian stuff I need to use, so I'll throw that in too. It's gonna be a surprise
It used not to be available in the UK, but these days we have a lot of Poles working in the UK and all the big supermarkets now stock kielbasa.
Ah yes
Brexit will fix that
Don't get me started.
3:56 AM
@JohnRennie suggest a spice for this thing
I think if the sausage is good it won't need anything
some chili maybe
but what else?
If you're using kielbasa that's already pretty strongly flavoured. I wouldn't put too much else in.
I agree that some chopped fresh chilli would be good. Apart from that just salt to taste.
Fresh? I don't have fresh
Hmm, I'm now thinking I might make kielbasa with pasta for lunch. Maybe with a cream sauce ...
Don't forget to brown the noodles in some butter
I'll give it a try. I always add butter to pasta when it's in the pan, but I must admit I don't usually brown it.
4:00 AM
Because I'm american I make like 5 pounds of pasta at a time
I made stir fry with pasta and it was very good
Pasta in everything!
I'd go along with that. I love pasta.
No dead servers this morning. A good start to the weekend :-)
@JohnRennie since you have all this free time do you wanna read my notes for a presentation?
It's related to GR if you squint and look it upside down
I doubt I would be able to understand them ...
@JohnRennie Read Wald!
4:20 AM
Morning :-)
you too
do you know what theorem he is talking about?
from what i can gather from my ear, it seems like "Little Edward Theorem" but i cant find anything about it on Google
Little n-word theorem I think
Hi there. I am just reading about the Bohr model now. I don't know much about physics as of yet.

So the Bohr model is obsolete it seems. This is a classical model, and doesn't capture the quantum phenomenon?
@JohnRennie thank you, that makes a lot of sense haha
4:24 AM
@Fredrieck yes, the Bohr model was an early attempt to understand why energy levels in an atom should be quantised, but it bears no relation to what actually happens.
Though actually it is sort of related to the quantisation of a particle on a ring.
I wouldn't recommend spending too much time on the Bohr model as it won't help you understand quantum mechanics.
how do i go about learning how gravity works and why it is exists?
main reason i remember the bohr atom these days is that it's how I get to the fine structure constant
I think the particle on a ring is more or less what I was looking at.

So the Bohr model is based upon (at least) one assumption, that an electron has a circular path around the nucleus [looking at hydrogen atom right now, so maybe this is wrong outside of this case]
i.e. the mnemonic that $\beta=v/c=\alpha$
So the circular path implies that the position and velocity are orthogonal, which lets us see immediately what the radius of the orbit is via the magnitude of the angular momentum. Then he 'quantizes' $|\underline{L}|$
So we have a finite set of radii for the orbit
Is this conclusion obsolete?
4:33 AM
given that quantum mechanics (at least the orthodox interpretation) doesn't take particle trajectories to be meaningful in the first place
yes, it's obsolete
@Semiclassical look at this ridiculous "proof"
Sure, but from this, doesn't one correctly deduce the energy levels of the orbits in different energy levels, with respect to non-relativistic quantum mechanics?
I bet the first part of that requires some heavy duty work
a reference would be nice!
4:35 AM
What's that a corollary of?
@Fredrieck It correctly reproduces the principal energy levels.
'reproduces'? This was already known?
It wasn't. But quantum mechanics tells you how to derive the energy levels in a systematic way; moreover, it tells you about further corrections to the energy levels of the hydrogen atom: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_atom#Energy_levels
I know how to derive the Corollary another way
So meh
I still think that proof is so lazy
@Fredrieck: quantum particles don't have a position and therefore they don't have a trajectory. The Bohr model reproduces the basic properties of a single electron atom, but fails completely for atoms with more than one electron.
And even in hydrogen it fails to explain the fine structure and the lamb shift.
@JesterTran at what sort of level do you want to understand gravity? Are you interested in the Newtonian description or Einstein's general relativity?
4:53 AM
@Semiclassical I guess that's a limit in the resistor topology
this paper Not Good
3 hours later…
7:39 AM
@JohnRennie You should go to "who wants to be a Millionaire"
@Sid Why do you say that?
(You might win a lot of money.)
You are knowledgeable, experienced.
And if you are lucky, you might become a millionaire..
The trouble is they tend to ask questions about sport and media, neither of which I have much interest in. I don't even have a TV.
If they restricted themselves to asking questions about physics I'd probably be OK :-)
@JohnRennie Oops.
8:17 AM
Pretty sure the physics/maths version of "Who wants to be a millionaire" is the millennium prize problemos
@CooperCape :-)
That should be easy then
I mean Navier-Stokes equations are only a few non-linear PDEs right?
(he said only being able to solve linear ODEs)
Just like Einstein's equations. I don't know what all the fuss is about.
yeah I mean Einstein's equations basically boil down to a simple equivalence... $G=T$
9:19 AM
So many terrible questions on the main page today: physics.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=newest
9:54 AM
1 hour later…
11:05 AM
@JohnRennie Einstein
@JohnRennie General relativity interpretation of gravity
@JesterTran what level of education have you reached? Are you still at school, and if so what year?
@JohnRennie 4th year in statistics. Relevant courses include: Real Analysis, Algebra
@JesterTran at university?
but I'll need to brush up since I swapped concentrations to statistics later on
You should have all the maths background you need then. To get a basic understanding of GR doesn't need much more than a good understanding of calculus.
Do you understand special relativity?
11:10 AM
@JohnRennie Ok, but I believe my fundamentals are lacking. When I first studied it, I took on a computational route so my understanding lacks much intuition
I don't have any understanding that
The only physics I know is resolving forces stuff
I don't have a big picture of physics yet
@JesterTran For what purpose do you want to study GR? Personal interest ?
@Blue curiosity
I want to understand gravity
@JesterTran Nice, and have you taken basic physics courses before? I mean on Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, etc? Or are you just interested in gravity ?
GR can be learnt from a mathematician's perspective too I think
Q: The formal way to simultaneously diagonalise two Hermitian operators that Commute?

PhaseGiven two Hermitian operators $A$ and $B$, such that $[A,B] = 0$, if one [or both] of these operators are degenerate, how does one define a formal way of going about simultaneously diagonalising both of them? Preferably, if possible, with some example of the method. [I asked this question on the...

If you think this question should stay on Phys.SE rather than migrated to Math.SE, speak up now for mod interaction, because the voting system is uni-directional, and it will eventually have assembled 5 migration votes, whether the majority wants it or not.
11:18 AM
I have taken an introductory course but that was all about errors, resolving forces, momentum, mechanics, thermal physics, thermodynamics the basic boring stuff which I do not have a good understanding of since I took the computational route to study it
Yeah, just interested in gravity for now but all the other fundamental physics would be interesting for the future
@Blue Yeah, it definitely can be
@JesterTran I see. In that case perhaps you need a physicsy book which explains it from a physicist's perpective. I don't know much about this, perhaps the other can suggest you some books
@JesterTran I don't actually know if any of these will be any use to you (I learnt GR while doing a physics degree, so come from this from a completely different perspective) but the three books I remember hearing about from intro GR are Carroll's Lecture Notes on General Relativity; M. P. Hobson, George Efstathiou, Anthony Lasenby's General Relativity: An Introduction for Physicists and Dirac's General Theory of Relativity
As a room owner, how can I edit an scheduled event for a room?
@JesterTran There's also Carroll's Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
11:27 AM
@JesterTran If you have no problem with hand-waving, Zee's GR in a nutshell is supposed to be pretty good
(which is an expansion of the lecture notes)
Wow, thanks guys. Will note all resources down
@ACuriousMind No problem with those since it captures big picture intuition understanding
Hi y'all
@Loong Can you help me?
11:41 AM
@Loong As a room owner, how can I edit a scheduled event for a room?
@CooperCape Rytsas!
Not dothraki again...
@Mithrandir24601 You probs won't care but I got an offer for MPhys from Bristol the other day and iirc you're doing a PhD there right?
@CooperCape Nice! :D Yes I am :) I'm also going to be tutoring first year maths next term, but you'd be a little late for that... If you don't mind me asking, where else are you applying to and are you thinking of accepting that offer?
@CooperCape and it's not Dothraki :P
@MathematicsAminPhysics You cannot edit scheduled events. If you want to change them, you have to cancel the one you created and make a new event.
Also applying to Oxford (Veeery unlikely - also not sure I'd fit in/enjoy it? not sure), Manchester, Exeter and Birmingham
Bristol was joint second with Manch after Oxford... but, as I said, not sure how much I'd enjoy Oxford...
See how it all goes
11:50 AM
@CooperCape What's the problem with Oxford?
And oops... my languages aren't quite up to scratch
@ACuriousMind Thanks.
@CooperCape OK - I don't know anything about Exeter or Birmingham, but I have vague memories of being told Manchester's also good :) Oxford though... ::sigh:: :P
@Blue Not really sure... Then again doesn't reaaaly matter... Pretty sure no one from my school's got into Oxford for physics for years oops.
Oxford would be amazing and ridiculously stressful
11:51 AM
Doesn't stop me trying though hah!
Yea, no harm in trying :)
@CooperCape It's always possible to be the first :)
Yeah true... Just gotta nail the physics aptitude test
(Easier said than done, naturally...)
Moreover, since you live in the UK you'd get financial aid easily (if required i.e.)
Oh yeah... student loans for ever! (Who doesn't want to be at least ~~£30,000 in debt these days? sheesh!)
11:57 AM
Well, perhaps, the only advantage in my country is that you can complete your 4 years of undergraduate studies for around £ 100
huh! well isn't that just dandy...
12:37 PM
@ACuriousMind did you see what I made? i.gyazo.com/d1e03be42108d8c25b511b2555ecaf8c.jpg
@0ßelö7 Looks pretty tasty
@ACuriousMind Step 1 was to make Schnitzel without burning the place down or getting 3rd degree burns. Now I have to figure out a sauce
@ACuriousMind It was. Jager or Rahm?
@0ßelö7 That ketchup looks like Heinz from the top
@0ßelö7 It's chicken right? I like Rahm better with chicken
@ACuriousMind Did you see my conversation with John?
@Blue Heinz is the best ketchup
12:41 PM
@0ßelö7 Yeah, I like it too
@0ßelö7 Nah, haven't read the transcript yet and am about to head out again
How did you know it was chicken o.O
It looks too white where I cut in?
@0ßelö7 Yeah, that didn't look dark enough for pig to me
Chicken is the most common white meat anyway
@ACuriousMind Ah, well, I had to use the chicken up.
I'll get scallopini pork for next time
Getting the right mushrooms for a Jager sauce will be hard in America
12:45 PM
@0ßelö7 You don't have Champignons readily available in America?
Is it not something like Steinpilze?
Champis are just generic white mushrooms here, I think
I think the type of mushroom may not be fully fixed, but I definitely know champs are a possible choice

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