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@JonasStein I'm not sure what you mean by 'lobby work': lobby who exactly? One thing I know does seem to be popular is running courses for beginners: that's valuable work but it also needs a bit of organising (I need to get round to running another one in the UK)
@StefanKottwitz this site is better at doing that than some manufactured newsletter, if you want to see how tex is used "in the wild" just watch a few questions go by.
Don't you just love it when you rush to the station, delayed by a broken down car, only to find that the train you wanted to catch is cancelled!
Gives me chance to do some TeX work whilst sitting on the platform: not going to get much else done listening to the announcements
Speaking of lobbying: UK-TUG have decided to distribute a number of TeX Live DVDs in honour of Sebastian Rahtz
Morning @DavidCarlisle
@JosephWright morning
@JosephWright who to?
@DavidCarlisle I'm not doing this part ;)
@DavidCarlisle 'Distribution via the London Math Society and the British Math Colloquium ...'
@DavidCarlisle The cost is not high
@DavidCarlisle In other news, working on L3 graphics stuff I've realised that the current \file_... stuff isn't quite right, so am reworking that: @cfr will be pleased as I'll try to address github.com/latex3/latex3/issues/345 as part of that
@JosephWright Oh I may get one then:-)
@DavidCarlisle I solved my problem with TeX Live 2017 installation. Choosing another repository was enough. They replied to me at once and are investigating about the bug in restarting installation. TeX people are very smart :):):)
@CarLaTeX yes I saw your msg to the list. I had to smile at the comment that you're not used to lists, I still assume they are the main form of internet communication with interactive websites like this being a new-fangled innovation:-) I am on dozens of email lists
@DavidCarlisle LOL! I prefer TeX.SE, I find it clearer. In the mailing lists I can't almost never find the answer I'm looking for... maybe I'm a bit clumsy :)
1 hour later…
@CarLaTeX I searched for "pineapple pizza" in the texlive list archive and didn't find anything, I think I must have done the search incorrectly, hard to imagine it's never been discussed.
@DavidCarlisle I don't remember when my last mailing list subscription expired, but I think it's been more than 10 years...
@Moriambar just for tex I'm on latex-l, xetex,luatex,texlive,pdftex and internal latex3 project list, and probably some more, then I'm probably on six or seven xml related lists, and a couple for work
@DavidCarlisle That's why I told you I never find what I'm looķing for, in mailing lists LOL
@DavidCarlisle I find them impractical with respect to forums and even newsgroups, though newsgroups are ooold
@egreg I think a mathematician's comment is needed here: tex.stackexchange.com/a/375603/101651
@CarLaTeX Done
@egreg Thank you! See also the OP's image in the question, is it correct?
@CarLaTeX No. In general I'm against this type of diagrams, which risk to convey wrong ideas.
@egreg You should post a comment also there :)
Thesis powered by Lua!
@PauloCereda So are you finishing it?
@CarLaTeX no :)
There's a long way still!
@PauloCereda Ops
@CarLaTeX I blame internet distractions... ooh a duck video
If Ke$ha moved to New England, does that make her Ke£ha? (saw it on 9gag)
@PauloCereda LOL Long live to procrastination!
@CarLaTeX woo
@PauloCereda LOL
@DavidCarlisle: out of curiosity, what happened here? tex.meta.stackexchange.com/revisions/7317/4 :)
@PauloCereda I edited it, of course!
@DavidCarlisle oh
@PauloCereda It seemed a suitable edit
@DavidCarlisle :)
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle \chapter{\input{foo.txt}}: I wonder what the OP is doing.
@egreg ooh
@egreg a mess?
@egreg not what they think they are doing, I would guess.
You probably do not use math as much as I do. said to Loop Space. :)
@JosephWright ;););) The code in that feature request is probably not quite right either, as I recently found a bug in my version. (But that version has to work around various other things, so I'm not sure if it affects the cleaner version I hopefully posted there.)
@cfr Cwac!
@PauloCereda the negative attitude at the very beginning sets a negative attitude of the responses :-/
@yo' Exactly. It's a very sad chain.
Frank's thesis is online!
@PauloCereda You clearly have a ¥en for bad jokes.
@PauloCereda you seem surprised that some people finish their thesis
@DavidCarlisle oy
@AlanMunn LOL
@PauloCereda I miss the "you are mean" part
@Moriambar oh hold on
@DavidCarlisle you are mean
@PauloCereda now I feel better, thanks
@Moriambar :D
The man on the Pringles logo has a name. It's Julius Pringles.
Oh my.
@Moriambar don't feed the ducks
@DavidCarlisle lol. I like being called mean, I thought that was the same for you :D
@DavidCarlisle I like biscuits
@PauloCereda You should have a diet if you're going to wear a thong at the next TUG Meeting
@CarLaTeX I won't. :)
@PauloCereda :)
@PauloCereda -- won't which: have a diet, or wear a thong? you really must be more precise.
@barbarabeeton I won't wear a thong. :)
@barbarabeeton I think @PauloCereda should wear an amount of clothing proportional to the amount of his thesis.
@AlanMunn hey!!!!!
@PauloCereda Incentivizing.
@AlanMunn oh
@UlrikeFischer radical and very disturbing suggestion
@DavidCarlisle ;-). Documentations -- the forgotten papers ...
@UlrikeFischer: documentation made me think of arara 4.0... You know what's amusing? The majority of arara users is from Germany! <3
@PauloCereda How do you know?
@UlrikeFischer Statistics from the Bintray website and some personal emails I get once in a while (the most notable being from Heiko himself).
Hey guys!
I know this isn't the most appropriate chat to ask this, but I need urgently help.
Does anyone know how to add citations to a pages document? I tried to install EndNote (three times), but apparently it isn't installed, because I when I search it on my Mac, I don't find it.
I would like to add a citation at the end of a paragraph in a text box (in pages).
@nbro This is an unlikely place to ask, as I suspect none of us has ever used Pages (even the Mac users.) You might want to try in the apple.se chat instead.
I tried it there already, but I may receive an answer only tomorrow...
@nbro The Endnote plugin for Pages assumes you also have Endnote itself, which is a proprietary bibliography database/citation manager. So the plugin isn't sufficient.
If someone knows about an (unacceptable) free alternative...
@nbro None that I'm aware. I'm not sure very many people use Pages at all.
@nbro Unless you have a lot of them it would probably be faster just to do them by hand.
@AlanMunn ooh
@nbro There are two separate problems here: formatting the citations automatically and formatting the bibliography items themselves. There are kind of ways in which you can get a bibliography formatted into a format that is insertable to Pages, but not a way to do the citations automatically.
@nbro There used to be some Applescripts that integrated BibDesk with Pages. The site they were hosted on seems perpetually down, but here's a snapshot. Maybe this could be of some use. (I've never used Pages, so I can't help you more than this.) web.archive.org/web/20160416080556/jhh.med.virginia.edu/main/…
@AlanMunn: mind if I poke you really quick?
@PauloCereda Sure.
@AlanMunn Poking.
does anybody here participate in the graphicdesign.sx site? chuck bigelow's article Oh, oh, zero! would seem to be a useful source of information on this question: Font where O is very distinct from zero, but since i'm not signed up there, i can't post the suggestion.
@ChristianHupfer @DavidCarlisle. Not quite 6,666 but a nice palindrome
@Moriambar :-)
@DavidCarlisle it's kind of annoying being 4 short from 7k but I take pleasure in the satisfying palindrome
@Moriambar -- now you need to figure out how to get 11 points to get to the next palindrome, 7007.
@barbarabeeton are you offering to supply the needed downvotes?
@barbarabeeton I'm actually out of @DavidCarlisle's post to downvote
@DavidCarlisle -- you know i really don't like to downvote. isn't there any other way?
@barbarabeeton I think I'll have to skip the 7s and concentrate in making 111,111 in a couple of decades or so :D
@Moriambar -- you may make it there before i do. i've been stalled in the 60,000 range for months. (as i've pointed out before, being 5-6 hours behind the european time zones has its down side.)
@barbarabeeton I doubt it because of the range of questions I can actually answer, and also because you have to be quick sometimes… Anyway, making around 100 per day (which is kind of overestimating imo) it would take around three years of dedication… so it's out of the picture. I just like to answer old posts and learn something with the new ones. I hope there will be another task that nobody would like to take on like the backslashes, I figure that's my way to help the community the best
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@barbarabeeton well the only way I know to change the 5-10 sequence is to arrange a downvote. I have seen some people claim there is something called a question that you can ask to get points that are not a multiple of 5, but I can not confirm that.
@Moriambar -- i can think of something potentially useful, that doesn't depend on prior destruction. if you spot something that looks like it should have already been answered, check the Often referenced questions list, and if there's not a good candidate there, and you find one, add it to the list. it's also a good way to learn "new" things.
@Moriambar me?
@DavidCarlisle your comment is fantastic :D
@Moriambar it's even true
@DavidCarlisle -- adding or editing tags gains non-5-multiple points, but i think it only works if you're below a certain total.
@barbarabeeton ok, I think I will do that. It sounds hard but not harder than all those awful backspaces
@barbarabeeton I know what one of you can do to easily get me to 7007 but I won't tell. also I'm in a call now
@DavidCarlisle indeed it is
@Moriambar -- i think i just spoiled your chance. (nice answer; my reaction would have been to use xypic, but then i'm a dinosaur in that respect.)
@DavidCarlisle @Moriambar This is what I think @DavidCarlisle and @egreg really do:
@Erin Carmody : I personally answer questions under my own name, but mostly ask them under fake ones. I have thick skin, but I prefer not to have to deal with the occasional snarky comments I get when I ask questions about topics that are outside my comfort zone. — Andy Putman Mar 24 at 22:22
@AlanMunn actually I'm surprised about the need to do it that way round, personally I'm much more snarky about answers than questions, There really are no bad questions, but a bad answer is a bad answer.
@DavidCarlisle Yeah, but you need some anonymity for your tabu questions, just like @egreg does for his fancychap ones.
@AlanMunn They see me texin, they hatin
@AlanMunn I just bury me head.
@AlanMunn Yes, all questions are mine.
@egreg I knew it! See you even know how to spell it.
@barbarabeeton I added a comment pointing to your chat message
@AlanMunn One has to know his own enemies
@samcarter -- thanks. the article probably covers more history than they're looking for, but the problem is one of long standing and that's a good overview.
Ooh, Travis-CI moving to Trusty on Wednesday
@JosephWright hm?
@JosephWright ooh you mean the Ubuntu thingy?!
@PauloCereda Yes
@JosephWright Name schemes. :)
@PauloCereda They've been on Precise for ages
@JosephWright Ouch
@PauloCereda Better update my VM
@JosephWright :)
@PauloCereda Seriously: I use it when we get test failures that don't make sense, usually due to the fact the Travis-CI set up has a minimal TeX system
@JosephWright Understood
@barbarabeeton I just barely know about tikz-cd neverhteless the answer was at page 2 of the docs (with minor adjustments done by general doc-experience)
@Moriambar -- see! regardless of what @DavidCarlisle says, it is useful to read documentation.
@barbarabeeton without documentation I wouldn't have been able to perform the \\ task because I wouldn't have had the required rep to freely edit
100% of my answers come from the docs
For a change, removing every % at end of lines fixed a problem. ;-)
@egreg I thought you'd like that one:-)
@DavidCarlisle I don't have a case-sensitive OS around to check, do you?
@AlanMunn yes but it never got as far as the graphics inclusion: the OP's code shows it dying in graphics.sty as it loads pdftex.def handling the default driver option, so nothing in the body of the document will affect that.
@DavidCarlisle So I jumped to conclusions. I'll delete then. Maybe a really old distribution on CentOS?
Hi, I tested a recent beta version of Jabref on Linux to manage my .bib files. There seems to be an error with the focus of new windows sometimes. If someone is interested in testing if this bug is also on other Linux systems, or even on other OSX/Windows systems, I would invite him/her to leave a note in the bugticket: https://github.com/JabRef/jabref/issues/2928
In short: doi requests work again in Jabref 4, the GUI is rewritten and still has plenty small glitches.
@AlanMunn it would have to be older than 1994 or so not to have pdftex.def, it's just got its input paths messed up somewhere
@JonasStein Will probably take a look
@JosephWright fine.
@DavidCarlisle I can't agree. When I need something basic, it's quite often the question that provides the MWE I look for, and it's our community goal of having Qs in a good shape with reasonable MWEs that allows this.
But again, I do use LaTeX, unlike you @DavidCarlisle :)
@yo' presumably that was in reply to an earlier comment rather than the pdftex.def one?
@JosephWright should I take up this offer?
@DavidCarlisle I sense you are ready now to join Sphinx and leave LaTeX3, hence even though quite off-topic for the site I provide this link sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/math.htmljfbu 8 mins ago
@DavidCarlisle sure, sorry for that (I blame the mobile chat), it was a reply to the multiple accounts message
@DavidCarlisle Thank you for forwarding relevant questions. On the side: Do you have an idea why Problem caching files, aux data not importing was protected? It doesn't look like a clickbait, buzzy, or over-popular question, does it?
@ebo it has a lot of deleted spam answers
I had a short look at the sphinx -> tex engine, but it is no real solution for scientific texts.
May help, if you have a single formula in a manual but nothing more
I like sphinx - just not for TeX...
@yo' thanks, that explains why!
@PauloCereda Cwac ;).
@yo' yes so I guessed, but what I mean is that while a well structured question is a good thing, a beginner asking a bad question is basically OK and shouldn't be discouraged, but a beginner making a bad answer is confusing for following readers and posting untested non-working answers should be actively discouraged

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