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5:53 AM
It's a bit funny that the only two users with Strunk & White badge on meta are users who actually cannot edit on meta.
By which I mean that there are no suggested edits on meta - so users below 2k cannot edit posts there. The exception is when a post is CW. And there are suggested edits on tag-wiki. Which explains how also a <2k user can gain some edits on meta.
In fact the most prolific editor on meta is François G. Dorais. He does not have the tag probably because some kinds of edits do not count towards this badge (edits to your own posts, retags). Details can be found here: What kind of edits contribute to the editor badges? and Do retags count towards the number of edits for the “Strunk & White” badge?.
It's nice to see that some people care about correct tagging posts on meta. This might be useful to find older discussions if the same topic appears again.
The former user 'quid' made tremendous contributions to MO meta in particular, where he/she has been an unrivaled gold mine of information on the ins and outs of SE sites. This individual also seems to be blessed (if that's the right word) with an extraordinary memory for past events at MO meta, and often showed great sensitivity. Wish him or her well. — Todd Trimble ♦ Apr 9 '16 at 20:44
I can only speculate, but to be able to bring up relevant past posts on meta it helps if one remembers that there was such a post. But it is also important to be able to find it.
6 hours later…
11:41 AM
Q: Should MathOverflow require registration to ask a question?

Martin SleziakProbably anybody visiting this site regularly noticed that quite often there are posts which are not at MO-level and quite frequently also of very low quality. (Many of them are simply copy-paste of an exercise or an assignment. Users with sufficient reputation can find some such posts in moderat...

In the absence of better data, we can look at the questions posted yesterday - which is a very small data sample. OTOH it is likely that they were not influenced by deletions yet.
Only questions posted yesterday: mathoverflow.net/…
Totally posted 27 questions. Out of them 6 were posted by unregistered users, 3 are open, 3 were closed as off topic.
These ones are open:
And the following ones are closed:
There are two more questions posted yesterday which were closed - they were posted by registered users. mathoverflow.net/…

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