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Do we have a policy regarding juvenile names? I realize that as a Sesame Street puppet I have little room to talk, but a simple Google search for the first four letters of this poster's name will reveal a definite lack of decorum: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2132801/…
7 hours later…
@TheCount There are very few rules regarding display names. They can't be overtly offensive, and shouldn't be part of an impersonation effort. It may be unwise to choose a juvenile/stupid display name (as it may affect the way others interact with you), but there's no rule against it.
Relevant answer on meta.math:
A: Username restrictions

Mad ScientistThere are very few rules on user names, duplicates are explicitly allowed. But there are some restrictions: Impersonation of other users is not allowed (having the same name is not necessarily impersonation) The diamond symbol indicating a moderator can't be used in user names Offensive user na...

@amWhy Every day there are hundreds of new questions posted, and dozens of new accounts created. Trying to check possible connections between new users and question-blocked users would be basically a full time job. But IPs can be "hobbled" (loosely meaning that new accounts have great difficulty posting from them) if enough "bad content" originates from the same place. This is automatic, but by no means a perfect solution.
Though if you see something fishy, please flag it. Finding a needle in a haystack is difficult. Determining whether or not a specific object is a needle is generally easier.
6 hours later…
@arjafi I already did the sleuthing for the needle, and gave reasons as to why I know the user created two accounts, the second after he had reached a question limit on his former account. I flagged the user's "confession" comment, and already in my comment here in chat, provided links to the post in question, as well as the former account. So I was hardly expecting any moderator to search for "a needle" in any form or shape of a haystack. I'm not a newbie...
I know well enough about the number of newly created accounts, the need to provide substantive links and/or information, so please don't be patronizing me.
chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35239771#35239771. The link there shows the comments in question, the first post under the new account (and where I confront the user,) and a link to the former account (and they confess), as well. So please don't act like I didn't pull something out of thin air.
@arjafi I'm done trying to be a "moderating community member"... maybe a few up/down votes here and there. But the next time I see something fishy going on, do you think I'm going to flag it or otherwise bother to let official diamond bearers about it; Hardly, when the only response is a patronizing tap on the head.
And, ultimately...I've getting tired of spending most of my time commenting, encouraging, holding folks accountable, reviewing... Clearly, building a foundation for a QA site where the modi operandi "do my homework!" or else "gain rep, even if can only gain more rep by answering mainly lhf - who gives a damn if it contributes to a continued onslaught of cheaters..." is going to generate a problematic site. To hell with idealists! Heck, if I can't beat it, I may as well join in!
@DanielFischer I wanted to address you, as well, in my last two blocks above. Don't worry, I don't expect you'll answer. But, just for the record...
2 hours later…
Does anyone know how to get notifications for upvotes and such after you hit max daily rep?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Why not just check your user page periodically?
I do, but that takes 4 clicks
And I'm lazy
@SimplyBeautifulArt Oh, poor baby! :-P
Hello, sorry if I'm the wrong place : I asked a question 3 days ago and didn't get an answer : http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2128689/cohomology-of-a-local-system
So I was hesistating to put it on mathoverflow but maybe this is too basic for MO. Can someone say to me if the question is too basic or not and if not how to transfer the question to mathoverflow ? Thanks in advance !
@amWhy I hadn't seen that previous message, but thanks for pointing it out. The flag was also helpful, even though it was declined. (Comment flags are weird: mods can either delete the comment, marking the flag as helpful, or decline the flag. Like classical logic, there's no middle.) I've done what I can (which admittedly isn't much).
Flagging is usually a better option than hoping a random mod will pass by this room. Especially on Super Bowl Sunday. Or really any other Sunday.
We have lives outside this site, and there's no "issue tracker" here like there is in the mod queue, so stuff can easily be lost.
@arjafi Unfortunately I had already flagged the post as "low quality", but forgot, and tried to flag as "in need of moderator attention", but couldn't, because of my first flag. That's precisely when I came to this chat to comment here to provide a link to the question, and accounts., and brief summary.
@arjafi I do appreciate that, @arjafi, as you should. Remember "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson? "...All work and no play makes arjafi a dull boy....All work and no play makes.... etc."

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