So, let me be completely clear here: Do not post politically charged material here. No matter whether it is funny, enraging, cute, or whatever. For justification, just consider that the first reaction to BM's satire post was a message that called a political faction "politcally insane".
@ACuriousMind, okay, and one more question, was BM banned for the, uh, unfortunate comment about you, or the political comment? (Just trying to clarify.)
I have a proposal here. Let's separate actual on-topic discussions in this chat room from meta-discussions about what is or isn't on topic, the same way we separate physics questions from meta questions on the main site. There's already another perfectly good chat room which we can adapt for this purpose.
Bernardo: "The current moderation policy here is to prohibit anything that could possibly give the mods a bit of work, with no regards to how much it impairs average conversations"
Kibitzer is a Yiddish term for a person who offers (often unwanted) advice or commentary. This term is used for a non-participant spectator in contract bridge, chess, go, and many other games.
The verb kibitz can also refer to idle chatting or side conversations.
In computer science the term is the title of a programming language released by NIST, as a sub-project of the Expect programming language, that allows two users to share one shell session, taking turns typing one after another.
There is a 1930 film called The Kibitzer which is based on the 1929 three-act comedy play by the same name.
@heather after counting the elements in the power set of {0,1,2,3}, you might think about this: what operation takes you from each number to the next one in 1, 2, 4, 8, P({0,1,2,3})?
We're not looking for asymptotics, but some exact number. It gives you a systematic way to write down the number of elements if you know combination/permutation
@BalarkaSen She's counting how many elements the powerset has. "x-elements -> f(n) elements" means the powerset of {1,...,n} has f(n) elements with size x
@heather $3^n-1$ isn't the formula you need there. If you haven't studied combinatorics (permutations and combinations), you're probably not going to figure it out that way.
@heather at least for the way I had in mind, a hint would be not to group the subsets by their length. Group them by whether or not they contain a specific element.
Also, you really should be counting (1) how many contain n1 (2) out of the rest, how many contain n2 (3) out of the rest how many contain n3 etc etc etc
@heather True, well, think about this: starting from the subsets which don't contain $n_2$, what can you do to them to obtain the subsets which do contain $n_2$?
@heather OK, so consider this: you start with the subsets of $\{n_1\}$. Then from there, you can get the subsets of $\{n_1,n_2\}$ which don't contain $n_2$ by doing X, and you can get the subsets of $\{n_1, n_2\}$ which do contain $n_2$ by doing Y. Self-check: do you remember what X and Y are?
But for X, remember that you start with the subsets of $\{n_1\}$, which are $\{\}$ and $\{n_1\}$. What do you have to do to that collection of subsets to get the subsets of $\{n_1,n_2\}$ which don't contain $n_2$?
So, to recap: you start with the subsets of $\{n_1\}$. Then from there, you can get the subsets of $\{n_1,n_2\}$ which don't contain $n_2$ by doing nothing, and you can get the subsets of $\{n_1, n_2\}$ which do contain $n_2$ by adding $n_2$.