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• a proposal for creating a remote sensing and photogrammetry Q&A site in StackExchange Network is in commitment phase now
• All the instructions you need to know to be an effective contributor to the remote sensing and photogrammetry proposal in StackExchange
• You can also have a look at the homepage and the "definition phase is over!" page of this google site. There I've summarized all the efforts since last year and also have linked to valuable tutorials which introduce the StackExchange network and make you more familiar with what I'm trying to do
2 hours later…
Sepideh Abadpour
In fact I am a remote sensing student who is trying to build a q&a site for photogrammetry and remote sensing in stackexchange network
and I've tried a lot to promote the idea so far
**Sepideh Abadpour**
There are some obstacles and one of them is that I just know persian and english
so I cannot post in many local groups and pages that are related to remote sensing and photogrammetry and promote the idea
because they have strictly expressed to post in local language
but there might be some people in those local groups who are interested in the idea and they know english well enough to be active in the future site
would you please do me a favor?
despite the fact that I don't know Chinese, I've done some researches and by the help of people in hinative.com , lang-8.com ,
**Juiping Chen**
Hi, I am not sure how do I get into touch with you. I guess you are the one left a message to our Hydrology group. aren't you?
Sepideh Abadpour
in fact you had sent me a message which was filtered and I jut saw
I think I had requested to join your group
"hello Ms. Sepideh Abadpour,
About your request to join NCUE-GEO-HYDROLOGY,
thanks for your request, but the group is expired. Are you an exchange student to NCUE?
If yes, and if you are interested in hydrology, you may contact Dr. Ken in Department of Geography or others for earth science researches.
For any question please let me know.
Anyway today when I saw the message and noticed that you're from Taiwan, thought that you may be able to help me
Juiping Chen
I read the translation and found it is fine.
and they are typed in simplified Chinese, so i guess that was posted to China?
Juiping Chen
if so, the " native" refers to mainland China people. I have to say their language understanding is little bit different to Taiwanese. To me, your translation is clear, i could say Taiwanese will know what you want.
Sepideh Abadpour
i thought taiwanees use traditional chinese
not the simplified one
Juiping Chen
yes, we Taiwanese uses traditional type. What on your WORD File is simplified on.e
Sepideh Abadpour
so if my translation is using simplified chinese, then it shouldn't be understandle by taiwanese?
so maybe this is the problem
Juiping Chen
simplified Chinese is readable to 90% of Taiwanese, just we don't like it. ha ha.
Sepideh Abadpour
I think people in http://lang-8.com/1713023
have corrected my translations in traditional chinese
they're using simplified chinese, they don't understand or think that this is a bit unnatural
Juiping Chen
For mainland Chinese people, they use simplified type, and it is difficult for them to understand Traditional one.
And for Taiwanese,we can learn simplified type easily but yes, just unnatural
Hope you are able to solve this case now. ^__^
Sepideh Abadpour
Anyway, you say that this version can be understood by Taiwanese
It's good. that I'm now aware about this fact
that taiwanese and chinese are so different that may seem unnatural for each other
So I think I should post both in traditional and simplified ones
Do you know how can I have both?
I mean convert this type to traditional one
and then a new version that is both understandable by mainland chinese and is typed in simplified version?
do you think a person from mainland could help me?
Juiping Chen
the word type is different, and also the grammar or phase is little bit different. what i can do is to help fixing the translation into a more Taiwanese style.
As to any mainland Chinese, i am sorry it might not be easy to contact with them on Facebook, because FB is not allowed in China.
Sepideh Abadpour
is there any service on the net to convert simplified chinese type to traditional one?
because you say it's understandable by Taiwanese but typed in mainland chinese.
I think it's a better choice to convert this one into traditional type
Really? can you convert it to a more Taiwanese style?
Juiping Chen
it is fine for me to do it, since it is easy and short.
but i need to take a nap now. It is just too early.
Sepideh Abadpour
No problem, if it gets converted to a real Taiwanese, maybe I can ask people here (chinese.stackexchange.com) to help me and convert it to mainland chinese
no problem, pardon me
I wasn't noticing time in Taiwan now
Juiping Chen
maybe, i will send the document back to you later today. Good luck.
it is 3:30 am now
thanks a lot

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